Who is the Real Joker?

Saw this review of the new Joker movie just out. I haven’t seen it myself as I seldom ever go to the movies. However I did find John Nolte’s review of it interesting-


Who are Joker’s mindless followers? Who are these maladjusted malcontents, these adult losers who live with their mothers; these uselessl idiots who exist in literal garbage and keep voting for the same politicians to run their Gotham City…? Who are these crybabies who worship a murderer, these nihilists who hold RESIST signs, who scream KILL THE RICH!, who hate cops, who “don’t believe in anything,” who think something’s wrong with society because they’re not “happy all the time”? Who covers their faces with masks so they can riot and go wilding under the pretense this criminal and cowardly behavior is an act of virtue…?

“If that is not enough of a red pill moment, there’s the gun, or… The Gun.

Joker doesn’t get his hands on The Gun due to lax gun control laws. The Gun comes to him illegally. The Gun empowers a dangerously mentally ill individual who is not getting the mental health help he requires because he lives in an urban nightmare run by incompetent urban politicians.”

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Open House 10/4/19

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Plant your Feet and Say No!

Breitbart has more-

A Fendt tractor with a horn that plays Dixie= Dutch Rednecks!

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Some Things are in bad need of cleaning

Namely the CIA, it’s become a den of rats,treasonous rats. It’s time for the Senate to call them on the carpet, even if that means de-funding them.

The Daily Caller-

“It looks like a legal document,” he said. “It doesn’t look like a whistleblower complaint, and that leads me to believe that this whistleblower that we’re talking about is just a face of an entire group that’s at the CIA that’s pushing this forward.”

And also some sage advice from Ron Paul with a hat tip to Victor for finding it

Ron Paul Institute-

“It may appear that the Democratic Party, furious over Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, is the driving force behind this ongoing attempt to remove Donald Trump from office, but at every turn we see the fingerprints of the CIA and its allies in the US deep state.

In August 2016, a former acting director of the CIA, Mike Morell, wrote an extraordinary article in the New York Times accusing Donald Trump of being an “agent of the Russian Federation.” Morell was clearly using his intelligence career as a way of bolstering his claim that Trump was a Russian spy – after all, the CIA should know such a thing! But the claim was a lie.”

So yes,it’s high time the FBI,CIA and NSA all be called on the carpet and investigated. Heads need to roll and treasonous rats throughout the government need to be afraid , not just for their careers and pensions, but for the possibility of prison time or worse for forgetting where their allegiance must lie.



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Trapped in Clown World

I figured a post about the bizarre state of affairs we find ourselves living in would be good. Reading the headlines these days it’s difficult sometimes to tell if they are real or someone is joking.

If you have seen anything weird,silly or downright insane in the news,post it here so we can all share in the disbelief.

I’ll go first-

“Women” Rugby athletes-

“My daughter Grace was told at the age of 11 she could no longer play with the boys because it was no longer safe. How can they have that rule in place and … say it is perfectly OK for a transgender woman who is a biological man to play with the girls, but girls who are girls are not allowed to play with the boys because it is dangerous?”

“If you even ask the question, you are told you are a bigot,” another referee told the Times, stating that they had witnessed five different women’s players with beards over the course of half a season.”

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The Questions Nobody in the Media are Asking

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Open House 9/28/19

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Simply Gorgeous

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The Left are Neolithic Pagan Sociopaths ….

Their goal is to destroy civilization and you along with it. This is not an opinion post, so don’t read it as such. This is rather the closing arguments in an indictment.

Not that anyone who visits here needs much encouragement, but please feel free to add any other attributes, ongoing campaigns — open and hidden — that you spot, and consequences of same that you have observed.

That they call themselves “progressive” is a joke; they are anything but. De-progressives is more like it. You can make up your own mind based on the evidence.

Continue reading

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What the left doesn’t want you to see

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