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Open House 9/21/19

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Biden Confesses Doing What Dems Project Onto Trump

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Just a typical day in leftist land-

Dem donor and LGBTQ activist Ed Buck arrested,finally-


From the article-“Both men who died were black. Buck, who is white, was not charged for more than two years after Moore’s death, and critics have questioned if wealth, race or political ties influenced the investigation.”

Gee,ya think? :roll:

Any bets on how long that “live” witness stays…well *live* ?

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Your chance at $20,000

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It’s not Kavanaugh They are After

There have been all sorts of theories why the left suddenly came out with more false accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. Some have speculated that it’s the run up to the 2020 elections and dem leftists are just posturing and making noise as usual.

Still others have thought that it’s the left’s fear that Roe-v-Wade is in jeopardy,or that the court is now to far to the right.Or possibly it’s just to throw up one more attack on the Trump admin.

All of those ideas are definitely in the pot,but in my opinion miss the mark a bit.I think the real reason this is happening again is not to continue to go after Kavanaugh,but to illustrate in a public way just how much damage they can do in the media to the NEXT supreme court nominee.I think behind closed doors the dems know just how bad Ruth Ginsberg’s health really is and they are desperate to reduce the nominee pool as much as they can and skew the process in their favor.

What say you?

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The Big List

50 years of failed climate predictions-

Competitive Enterprise Institute-

It’s amazing how a group of people can consistently be wrong,but still be believed by by so many people.This in my opinion demonstrates just how much power media propaganda has.

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Gun Salesman of the Year

Beeto Stupeedo,the Fake Latino-

News Republic-

“A gun store in Arizona is cashing in on gun-grabber Beto O’Rourke, by offering “Beto Specials” on select AR-15’s.

During the Democrat primary debate in Houston, struggling 2020 candidate Beto O’Rourke vowed to seize every Americans’ AR-15 guns.”

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It’s not a news paper….

It’s a propaganda rag working for the DNC-

Maggie Haberman Admits the Times Had Bombshell Info that Nuked Blasey Ford’s Accusation Against Kavanaugh

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Open House 9/14/19

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