Stupid is as stupid does

Pencil necked twerp and communist lackey David Hogg,tries to make an argument for gun control by get this……citing Wounded Knee.Yes,that Wounded Knee where the government slaughtered the Lacota Indians AFTER they had disarmed them.

More stupidity here-

He went full retard,never go full retard.

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Victor Davis Hanson

Is England Still Part of Europe?-

Washington Times-

“Historically, Britain has looked more upon the seas and the New World than eastward to Europe. In that trans-Atlantic sense, a Canadian or American typically had more in common with an Englander than did a German or Greek.

Over the last 30 years, the British nearly forgot that fact as they merged into the European Union and pledged to adopt European values in a shared trajectory to supposed utopia.”

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Senate confirms 150th Trump judicial nominee-

Washington Times-

“The U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump’s 150th judicial nominee Wednesday, helping to fulfill the president’s campaign promise to remake the federal bench with a conservative bent

Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham called the number of confirmations a “historic milestone.”

“These conservative judicial appointments will impact our nation for years to come,” the South Carolina Republican said.

Six district court nominees won confirmation Wednesday, bringing the president’s total number of appointed judges to the lower federal courts to 105. Mr. Trump has also appointed 43 circuit court nominees and two Supreme Court justices since taking office.”

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Never Forget

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True,Every Word of It

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What’s Good For The Goose…..

The Hill-

“The people who have made an industry out of destroying ordinary people’s lives over old social media posts and out-of-context comments are very upset that it’s happening to them. The New York Times, clearly worried by the recent exposure of blatantly anti-Semitic tweets posted by one of its reporters, and clearly worried that even more embarrassing material is in reserve, tried to stop the hemorrhaging with a rambling article demonizing the independent journalists who uncovered the tweets”

They can dish it out,but they can’t take it,thin skinned hypocrites is all they are and all they ever will be. 


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Brexit is a Gordian Knot…

And we know someone who has a sharp knife-

An excellent write up over at Conservative Treehouse-

Brexit is a Gordian Knot – Who Is The World’s Premier Gordian Knot Cutter?….

From the article-

“Don’t be surprised to see the world’s premier Gordian Knot cutter, Donald J Trump, reverse the order of his plan in order to create leverage favorable to Boris Johnson.

Meaning, don’t be surprised to see significant U.S. announcements about tariffs against EU goods, which will have specific focus on French and German products, as President Trump starts applying leverage to support Brexit….”


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That’s Got It!

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Open House 9/7/19

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The World is Just a Bit Brighter Today

Robert Mugabe,dead-



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