Told you so

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The Green Big Deal

I have an idea on how to save the planet from climate change-Stop wasting electricity broadcasting hour long sessions of political candidates trying to out idiot each other.

Daily Caller-

Half of these idiots want to ban natural gas fracking,the one thing that has reduced the US co2 output the most,while keeping energy costs near the lowest in the world.

Half of these idiots want to ban plastic straws,even though most straws are made from bio-degradable plastic already.

All of these idiots will rail on exhaustively about the national debt and budget deficit,while at the same time proposing climate change “new deal’ plans that cost anywhere between 4 and 15 Trillion dollars.

None of these idiots have any background in science,math,engineering or even balancing their own checkbooks.

All of these idiots want to tax corporations to pay for their idiotic schemes.What the gullible fools who swallow this tripe don’t understand is,it is they themselves who will be paying those taxes  in the form of higher prices at the register.

Green new deal?Nope,just the same idiotic bullshit.

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There is a New Woodpile Report Up

And as usual it’s quality reading

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Calm down,the Amazon is not burning

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Open House 8/30/19

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Never Listen to Stupid People,Especially Children

John Nolte has an excellent rant up on Breitbart-


“By all means, let’s ignore stuffy concepts like wisdom and experience. Instead, let’s hand our futures over to teenagers who have never paid a bill, never faced a real responsibility, and have no idea what it means to be on your own in a tough and unfair world that you’re gunna have to crack open if you want a place for yourself.

By all means, let’s hand the power to shape the world over to those who were sitting in their own poop on  9/11.

Better still, let’s hand  our futures over, not just to children, but to spoiled children, to children who already have their own yacht, to someone right out of Children of the Cornwho sports a black arm band and says things likeWe’re just waiting for you die.

Yep, that’s who I want in charge of my health care.”

And this folks is why the west is doomed,we have given over the controls to stupid people and idiot children.

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Organized Labor=Organized Crime

FBI raids the home of former UAW president,finds “wads of cash”

Daily Caller-

“The FBI raid may be linked to a scandal surrounding misspent money that the UAW was supposed to use for a joint training center with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Millions of dollars intended for worker training have been spent on former union and company officials, the Detroit Free Press reports.”

“There was absolutely no need for search warrants to be used by the government today — the UAW has voluntarily responded to every request the government has made throughout the course of its investigation, produced literally hundreds of thousands of documents and other materials to the government, and most importantly, when wrongdoing has been discovered, we have taken strong action to address it.”

Bwhahahaha…that’s rich! :lol:

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Blunting the Spear

The inside story of how the Army reduced standards to get women through Ranger training-

Daily Caller-

“An RI with firsthand knowledge of the candidate’s evaluation explains, “During clearance of the [objective], she lost control of her squad, leading to fratricide” (i.e. leading to what would have been a friendly-fire incident if live rounds were being used in a non-training environment.) Understandably, this normally earns a failing grade (an “immediate no-go”). But it didn’t here. He also said the squad left the casualty behind when it withdrew from the mission objective, normally another automatic no-go. The mission, he said, was a disaster. Nevertheless, the instructor overseeing the female candidate’s patrol gave her a passing grade. Every candidate on the mission reportedly received a no-go, except one—the female.”

We all knew this would happen,standards would be relaxed in order to achieve a political goal.Setting standards aside,the evil do-gooders don’t even take the law of diminishing returns into count.To them it makes no difference what the costs are,so long as they achieve their objective-weakening our national defense. 

UPDATE: Part two is out and it’s doesn’t get any better

Daily Caller-

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Crunch Time!

Boris suspends Parliament in move to short circuit a Brexit derail –


“It is normal for a new government to bring forward a Queen’s speech, and the announcement follows Boris Johnson replacing Theresa May as Prime Minister and building his own government on July 24th, but pro-Remain activists and politicians have reacted to the announcement with undisguised anger. The timing of the announcement severely restricts the amount of Parliamentary time they have to subvert the 2016 referendum, in which the British people said they wanted the country to leave the European Union.”

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Corporate Media Blackout — Michael Mann loses his defamation case

Here is the duck-duck-go link. No corporate media hacks are covering the upset to their global warming myth.

Of course we may force the larger media outlets to say something finally, so after the break is a screencap of the above search result late Sunday night Pacific time August 25, 2019.

Continue reading

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