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The Curious Case of Patrick Byrne

If he’s telling the truth,the deep state cabal is much worse than we know-

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Open House 8/23/19

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Remembering Long Tan

Hat tip to Nemesis

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More proof it’s a Cult

AGW is a cult,and like all cults,the leaders and it’s apostles don’t practice what they preach.

Delingpole via Breitbart-

“a) dial down the environmental proselytising, avoid regurgitating brainless eco-drivel he has picked up second hand from an autistic 16-year old girl, a doddery old nature TV presenter and his barking Dad, and instead stick to stuff he knows about: shooting pheasant; playing polo; taking out Taliban with hellfire missiles.


b) stop travelling by private jet

If I were him, I’d go for a). And I think I know who’d agree very strongly with me.”

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The Barbarians Aren’t At The Gates….

They are running the place..

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Well of course they would

“Leaked UK memos warn of  food,drug shortages in Brexit chaos.”

AP News-

“The newspaper published what it said were three pages worth of “planning assumptions” detailing what the British government expects in the case of a sudden, “no-deal” exit from the EU. Among the most serious: “significant” disruptions to the supply of drugs and medicine, a decrease in the availability of fresh food and even potential fresh water shortages due to possible interruptions of imported water treatment chemicals.”

So,”blood in,blood out” just like the Mafia eh?


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Fair and Honest Elections???

Not if the Democrats are involved…

American Thinker-

“Those Democrats who keep telling us that vote fraud is rare and insignificant fight like hell to make sure the evidence remains buried — even when there are obvious danger signs such as exists in Montgomery County, Maryland, where there are more registered voters than resident citizens.”

“You might think officials would be anxious to find out why that is and would be eager to clean up their voter rolls.  Certainly, any officials that cared about the integrity of the vote would want to ensure that malefactors would not be able to pick up ballots and vote them (as the practice of “vote harvesting” permits).  But for reasons only they can explain, Maryland officials fought in federal court to prevent Judicial Watch from obtaining voter data lists.

And they got skunked.

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Open House 8/16/19

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Who knew?

Probably plenty of people did-

Popular ADHD Drugs Ritalin,Concerta,may change structure of children’s Brains,study finds-

Study Finds-

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has become an incredibly common diagnosis in American children. ADHD is characterized by a lack of ability to focus and concentrate, and most children diagnosed with the condition end up being prescribed a medication. A new study offers a warning to parents, however: one of the most popular ADHD meds, Methylphenidate (MPH), may be affecting the development of white matter in children’s brains. The drug does not appear to have the same neurological effects in adults.

I’ve known quite a few kids in my time that were prescribed Ritalin,none of them have fared well.

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