While No One was Paying Attention

Trump and Boris negotiate a trade deal-

Brilliant – President Trump and PM Johnson Structuring Trade Deal to Commence November 1st…

“President Trump supports the nationalistic position, purposes and intents of Brexit. PM Johnson has promised to deliver Brexit by the mandatory date of October 31st.  One of the benefits, and also concerns amid the political left in the U.K, surrounds the economic impacts.  President Trump and PM Johnson would counter all those concerns with the announcement of an agreement for an interim bilateral trade deal ahead of Brexit.

This strategic approach, a deal that delivers both the Brexit result and the economic stability to offset any Brexit downside concerns, was the original idea that President Trump proposed to Theresa May two years ago.”

I see this as excellent news if they can pull it off.Not only will it be good for business,but it will also be one more nail in the EU’s coffin.

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Trade War Explained

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That Didn’t Take Long

Jeffery Epstein found dead by apparent suicide-

New York Post-

“Two weeks ago, Epstein, 66, was found nearly unconscious in his cell with injuries to his neck. He was reportedly placed on suicide watch. Jail spokesman Lee Plourde said Epstein was not “currently” on suicide watch. The Associated Press reported he was taken off suicide watch, though it wasn’t immediately clear when.”

“Thousands of documents unsealed Friday in connection with a defamation case against the perv’s alleged recruiter revealed dozens of high-profile names that a self-identified victim, Virginia Giuffre, said she was forced to perform sex acts with, from former Maine Sen. George Mitchell and ex-New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, money manager Glenn Dubin and MIT professor Marvin Minksy.”

“On Friday, a fresh list of high-profile names linked to Epstein’s alleged child-sex ring was among a cache of some 2,000 documents released as part of a separate lawsuit against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell brought by one of Epstein’s self-identified victims.”

All just coincidence I am sure right?????

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Open House 8/9/19

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No More Tangible Example of Projection

The creature on (and of) the left is ostensibly the fashion critic-editor for Vogue. On the right is First Lady Melania Trump.

The one on the Left considers the one on the Right to be poorly attired.

In my opinion, the relative optimist Lewis Carroll would succumb to tears living one hour in our wonderland.

Bottom line: No genius could manufacture a more tangible example of projection.

Posted in Humor, Media Redpill | 22 Comments

That’s a good start,more faster please!

ICE raids detain 680 illegal aliens working for Koch Foods in Mississippi-

Washington Times-

The fine for hiring illegal aliens is $10,000 per illegal along with possible jail time for the company managers.This isn’t the first time this has happened here either.


Most of these companies get tax breaks for locating their plants here.They do so in return for hiring legal residents,these are obviously not legal residents.In addition to subsidizing the plants,we the taxpayers also get to subsidize the illegals-

“The superintendent of the county school district said about half of the district’s approximately 160 Hispanic students were absent Tuesday.”

They are also subsidized with medical care,the local hospital emergency rooms are used as defacto free clinics.It’s costing us millions and millions a year in this state to subsidize cheap labor for multi-billion dollar corporations.

Jail the executives,deport the illegals and build the damn wall!

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Stop The Rush to Red Flag Laws

Cooler heads must take issue with the push. It is a thin entering wedge issue and one that anyone can put your name on a list for any reason. It begins the process to nullify your rights and at the least threatens to add expenses to defend yourself from unsubstantiated charges.

Point to this: Dayton Mass Murderer Was Member of Antifa’s Armed Brigades

There are sure to be more instances revealed. Like the Leftist extreme Green mass murderer in El Paso who undoubtedly hated immigrants more because they usually give birth to too many CO2  generators than because they were not white.

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Saying What Needs to Be Said

New legal challenge against the Boy Scouts-

Daily Caller-

WASHINGTON – Lawyers representing Boy Scout sexual abuse victims called on Congress to act in a Washington, D.C., Tuesday press conference.

The Abused in Scouting (AIS) legal team announced their first case filed against the Boy Scouts of America at a Washington, D.C., press conference, claiming that there has been thus far no Congressional oversight involved in the massive sex abuse scandal within the Boy Scouts.

Okay,so none of this is news,just like it’s not news that there is a problem in the Priesthood.The problem is no one has really mentioned what the root cause of that problem is.

Continue reading

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For those of you near Auckland

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Stones and Glass Houses

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