Mexico Vows Legal Action After El Paso Shooting

 “The president has instructed me to ensure that Mexico’s indignation translates into … efficient, prompt, expeditious and forceful legal actions for Mexico to take a role and demand that conditions are established that protect … Mexicans in the United States,” Ebrard said in a video posted on Twitter.

Ebrard called Saturday’s shooting an “act of barbarism.”


So,what about all the victims of crimes committed by Mexican national against US citizens?Should the US government seek legal action against Mexico for that?

And what “conditions” would you be referring to?You mean the same ones you have in Mexico?Unless Ciudad Juarez,the Mexican city just across the river from El Paso, has changed radically,we want no part of that.

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Open House 8/2/19

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The Case for Strong Borders

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Hong Kong Heating Up?

Are we set for another round of Tienanmen protests and government reprisals?Will the world just sit back and do nothing like last time?

Zero Hedge-

What should our response be if China does a bloody crackdown in Hong Kong?


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Rat Infested Mess!

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Open House 7/26/19

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Better be careful Epstein….

I hear Arkancide is mighty contagious.

Daily Caller-

“The Manhattan financier was found laying semi-conscious in a fetal position with marks on his neck Wednesday in his Metropolitan Correctional Center cell, two sources told NBC New York.”

Probably while standing flat footed on the floor and from behind too….

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M.A.G.A -Make Ardern Go Away!

Also seems to have stirred some controversy-

“When we’ve gone and reviewed this it’s simply been human error,” he told Magic Talk’s Sean Plunket.

“At any one time we have eight million listings, and the people that we have here go and interpret those kinds of things – unfortunately, occasionally, we get it wrong, and this was one instance where we did get it wrong.”

Umkay sure it is :roll:

Hat tip to Gecko for spotting it

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A New Woodpile Report is Up!

And it is a feast as always

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