The Reason They Didn’t Seize An American Tanker?

Because we still have a Navy with teeth-

“The Guardian says the British government is facing accusations it had “failed to sufficiently guard its shipping in the Gulf.”

Well of course it did,if they didn’t have the steel to put on station and guard the route,they should have at least based an armed detail ship board to deal the threat.

“Meanwhile, the Daily Telegraph reports warnings that Iran-backed terrorist cells could launch attacks in the UK if the crisis between London and Tehran deepens.

Intelligence sources claim that Tehran has sleeper terror cells across Europe and could give the go ahead for attacks in response to a conflict in the Gulf.”

Well of course they do,and by sleeper they mean the 10% of the muslim rank and file of the population that see jihad against the west as a muslim’s highest calling.

“Iran has Hezbollah operatives in position to carry out a terrorist attack in the event of a conflict. That is the nature of the domestic threat Iran poses to the UK.”

In 2015, a cell was reportedly caught stockpiling tonnes of explosive materials on the outskirts of London.”

They are serious and they know Britain isn’t. That is why they are picking on them,Iran first and foremost is a bully.And like all bullies,they might get a few hits in,but go the distance against a real opponent they cannot.

The response to this should be simple,release the ship and the hostages unharmed and go on your way.Otherwise we turn Terhan into a bombed out crater.

That won’t be the response however,because Britain can no longer project power.The Falklands was a major stretch for them back then.This is by comparison right around the corner and a few poorly trained third world wannbees. Why no action yet?

I don’t doubt the courage of the British Solider and Seamen,but I know for a fact their civilian leadership is unfit for task.Last week it was revealed yet again the Brit government’s disdain for their American counterparts.Some say that is because of Trump,but the truth is they didn’t like Obama either.

We have been allies with the Brits since WWI,but I think this time we should sit it out.I don’t see the need to spend American blood and treasure defending oil we don’t need,a nation that has lost it’s way,and a government that has no respect for our people or leadership.


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Things you should know,and a lesson at the end

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America’s own Rotherham

America’s own Rotherham scandal,but on a massive scale-

Scroll up and see the list of illegal alien sex offenders and then realize this is one state and only IIRC 33 out of 100 counties where information is available to the public.

There are 49 other states.

Hat tip to the – Asheville Teaparty-


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Open House 7/19/19

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Shredded Shroud of Corporate Media

Lately we here at CR have been gratified to discover all over the Internet articles and comments making it evident that many more people have become wise — even before Trump made a byword of Fake Media — to the disinformation, misinformation and lies that corporate media has been promulgating 24/7.

This is true even at social media even though there are numerous efforts to reduce the audience that sees exposés there, or when failing that to flood the positive commentary with troll-bots of all sorts — from ad hominem and threatening negatives to discrediting positives by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

With each new revelation that for decades corporate media has been spiking stories unfavorable to their benefactors and cohorts, their shroud of credibility winds up more tattered. Here’s a plan to aid them in shredding it entirely.

Continue reading

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The Four Morons of The Apocalypse

Outrage and hysteria over what Trump said,is really masking the fear dems have of losing the house in 2020.

Trump,just put the dem nut roots back front and center in the news despite Pelosi doing her best to shove them off to the side and keep them from view.

Democrats start to worry about retaining the House

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Flying Frogs

Hmmm….wonder what happens when he fires that weapon?

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Open House 7/13/19

Power outage in Mid-Town Manhattan-

NY Post-

US Ambassador to Germany is “confrontational,abrasive and straightforward” In other words he’s exactly what we need.


Most over blown storm this year,Tropical storm Barry. MSM headlines-

“Tourists flee tropical storm Barry”

“Winds from tropical storm Barry lashing the Louisiana cost”

So far,the weather is less violent than the average summer thunderstorm,yawn!


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Mad World Just Look At The Absolute State of It

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