Commit Treason Against The People:It’s All They Ever Do

Tommy Robinson Jailed Again for Nine Months-

The Sun UK-

“Passing sentence, Dame Victoria Sharp said: ‘We are in no doubt that the custody threshold is crossed in this case, in particular having regard to the common law contempt that the respondent committed.”

Common Law Contempt? Sieg Heil eh Vicki?

Theresa Jong May-

The Daily Mail-

“Mrs May says the warmth shown to her by the public was ‘truly humbling”

Warmth?Must have been the torches and pitchforks after botching up Brexit.


“140 GOP legislators voted for a bill drafted by business groups and Democrats which provides a green card giveaway to 300,000 Indian contract workers and dramatically increases the incentives for more Indian graduates to take college graduate jobs in the US.”

Globalist,open borders assholes the lot of them :evil:


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For Our Brother KG

When I first started reading this Blog.I found an ocean of common sense in a world gone mad and I found in KG a brother I never knew I had.

We shared many of the same opinions and interests,shared advice and fought the good fight in the only way we could, by setting a record that others might see in time, what we already knew to be truth.

Sadly,our brother,KG,has passed on to the next life.

This post is to pay remembrance and to share our recollections of a fine man that cared what was happening to Liberty and all those that hold it dear.Although we never met face to face,he will always be my Brother.

Rest in Peace Brother,and sincerest condolences to our Sister Gecko.




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New Zealanders turning in their guns?

Predictably,not so much-

Noncompliance Kneecaps New Zealand’s Gun Control Scheme

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There is a new Woodpile Report Up…

And it’s great stuff as usual-

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Open House 7/6/19

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Is A Major Change About To Happen?

Lost in translation via our corrupt western media.What the DRPK propoganda machine is really saying about Trump’s impromptu visit-

Translated North Korean Broadcast Even More Optimistic and Respectful Than Initial Review…

“The actual message conveyed to the citizens of North Korea is one of united celebration and magnanimous respect for Chairman Kim and President Trump.  The broadcast specifically cites “wisdom”, “respect” and praise for the “incredible courage” of President Donald J Trump.  Exactly the opposite message predicted by the DC naysayers.”

It’s important to remember,that western media by and large was completely wrong about the potential for success of Reagan’s diplomatic efforts with the former USSR.

Is it possible that things can change without colapase or massive bloodshed?

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Free People,or Free Stuff?

On this 4th of July,2019 I choose not to celebrate what is,but what was.It seems I am not the only one who did so.

Daniel Greenfield says it better than I ever could with an excellent essay on the subject.It’s worth the read in my opinion,as it applies to every nation and people the world over.

Frontpage Mag-

From the essay-

“The Fourth of July is Independence Day, but every other day is Co-Dependence Day, the days we celebrate our integration, our volunteerism and our compliance with a vast system which makes everyone dependent on the government and which makes the government dependent on everyone who still works for someone other than the government—including the freest of free riders, who work for themselves. Empires function by draining every drop from their possessions to cover their costs. The British Crown tried to drain America to pay down its debt, resulting in growing protests from the population and eventually a revolution. Now the Empire of Co-Dependency is draining its independent subjects for the benefit of its dependent subjects and the dependency infrastructure that employs its numberless bureaucrats who govern it all.”

Is TRUE freedom gone for good?

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A Moral Test

Pay close attention,this is a test that has only one question,but it’s an important one-

Imagine you are an award winning photo-journalist and you are on assignment covering some major flashing flooding in an area experiencing Biblical rainfall.

You are standing by a river that is raging with all the flood water coursing through it.In the torrent of water is every form of debris imaginable,cars,trees,building debris,even houses.

As you watch waiting for that perfect shot,a bus loaded with people comes running down and snaggs on a rock stopping it.

Inside you see that the bus passengers are infact no ordinary passengers.They are all 20 democratic presidential hopefuls.

You realize that you have two choices.One you could throw a rope over to the bus and help them to safety one by one.Or you could ignore their plight and instead get ready to take what will be an award winning picture of a disaster. Continue reading

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Same people who think words are violent…..

Have no problem beating the hell out of people they don’t like-


The video showed Ngo, editor of Quilette, being punched and kicked by masked assailants dressed in black and then being hit by various containers of liquid as he is retreating.

He later live-streamed a video of himself describing the assault. His face is scratched and he has blood on his neck. A police officer is heard interviewing him on the livestream.

“I just got beat up by the crowd, with no police at all, in the middle of the street,” Ngo said during the livestream.

“Where the hell were all of you,” he is heard asking the police officer. He is also heard saying he was assaulted twice earlier in the day, and reported both incidents to the police with no response.

He said he was hit by milkshakes and hit on the back of his head as well. Continue reading

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What Leadership Looks Like

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