Open House 6/28/19

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Is he Wrong?

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Snowpack in Mid-June?

Obviously climate change :roll:

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“At Steamboat, snow stakes showed up to around 20 inches Saturday. CNN wrote that the last time this area witnessed snow this late in the season was June 17, 1928. It averages just 0.1 inches in June and normally sees its last day of snow around May 6.”


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Snowflakes Need Not Apply

Article in todays Daily Mail Australia-“Tradies’ Lifelong earnings are higher than those with degrees-

Daily Mail-

“According to experts, employers are more focused on people who have actual skills, employment history, and are job-ready – something fresh university graduates don’t always have”

Correction: Seldom ever have.

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Caught in the Act

Project Veritas confirms what we already knew,big tech is in the tank for the left and pulling out all the stops to oppose Trump-


“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

“Gennai also declared that no amount of soft pressure from Congress or the White House will make Google change its ways. In other words, talk won’t help — if politicians want to change Google’s behavior, they’ll have to go beyond committee hearings and actually change the law.”

I say go for,lets break Google to pieces and end their monoply before they end the country.

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One of these is not like the other

AOC compares ICE detention centers to Nazi cocentration camps-


-By now you’re aware of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s latest embarrassment, in which she’s called US detention facilities at the Southern border “concentration camps.”  It wasn’t a vague comparison.  She said the government centers are “exactly” that, going on to invoke the famous post-Holocaust “never again” vow.”

Just when I thought she couldn’t get any less intelligent,she surprises me yet again. :shock:

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Open House 6/20/19

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Get Out Your Check Books Democrats!

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Are You a Cannibal Or Do You Merely Love One?

WARNING: Should you agree with me, know that I have friends and family members who — putting it mildly — do not approve how I “judgmentally” categorize organ transplantation. Continue reading

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Creepy Joe’s Cancer Cure

If this Nitwit “cures” Cancer the same way Obama “fixed” healthcare,then we’re all F**ked.

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