It’ll be great he said….

More proof that failure was not a flaw,it was a feature of Obamacare-

Issues & Insights-

“$586 Billion later,healthcare is worse than before Obamacare”

“And just how much did taxpayers spend for these dismal results? Since Obamacare went into effect in 2014, it has cost taxpayers $586 billion in additional Medicaid spending and insurance subsidies. The government also spent billions building the Obamacare exchanges, and billions more on a failed government-subsidized health insurance co-op experiment. In addition, Obamacare added some $270 billion in additional overhead costs to comply with its 10,000 pages of regulations.

Over the next decade, Obamacare’s subsidies will cost $1.6 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.”

I feel sick to my stomach


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Oh But Trump is a Russian Agent Right???

For a guy who is supposed to be in bed with Putin,he sure is a bit tough on ole Vlad-


“But now the American strategy has shifted more toward offense, officials say, with the placement of potentially crippling malware inside the Russian system at a depth and with an aggressiveness that had never been tried before. It is intended partly as a warning, and partly to be poised to conduct cyberstrikes if a major conflict broke out between Washington and Moscow.”

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Nunes burns down Russian Hoax

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Pope Commie Rat

“Pope backs carbon pricing to stem global warming and appeals to deniers”-


Where to even begin with this Marxist twit? :evil:

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Farmers are anything but Dumb

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Open House 6/12/19

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Some Justice

$11.2million in push back against the outrage mob-


“The New York Post reports the eventual award could triple to $33 million after a hearing next week to assess the punitive damages.”


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Then Get on With It Already!


Daily Caller-

“The Review is broad in scope and multifaceted, and is intended to illuminate open questions regarding the activities of U.S. and foreign intelligence services as well as non-governmental organizations and individuals,” Boyd wrote.”

It’s well past time to unleash the hounds on these traitors.To date there have been no indictments,no arrests,no trials and no results.

“He did not explain the references to foreign intelligence services or non-governmental organizations. It is known that the Australian and British governments were involved in some degree to the counterintelligence activities against Trump associates.”

Come on,put all the cards on the table,show us what you got.Allies be dammed,if they were actively in bed with the Obama cabal in order to influence our elections,the American people need to know.

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Great idea,what could possibly go wrong?



“After being placed in San Antonio, the illegal immigrants are bussed to a destination of their choice by local charities who spend “roughly $14,000 a week on bus tickets.”

Last weekend, a group of more than 100 illegals from Angola, Cameroon and Congo were filmed wading through the Rio Grande River and entering the United States.

In a statement, CBP said, “Agents have encountered 182 large groups (100+ individuals) across the SW border this fiscal year. This is the first large group apprehended in Del Rio Sector this FY and the first large group apprehended on the SW border this FY consisting entirely of African nationals.”

Okay,I have two questions-

#1 How did they get here,as in who gave them the money?

#2 Can liberal progs even spell -pandemic?


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Mac Rebennack


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