Slippery Slopes in Spades

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Open House 11/1/19

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Let’s hope this becomes a trend

Fmr. Vice President Biden denied Communion at campaign stop-


“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Fr. Robert Morey wrote in a statement responding to queries from the Florence Morning News. “Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of church teaching.”

God Bless Pastor Morey, standing firm and doing what is right is a rare occurrence in this age, let’s hope it becomes a trend. Our politicians and celebrities need to understand that the Christian Church is not their personal door mat. It is also well past time our clergy  remember Who it is they really answer to.

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A Major Factor In the Decline of the West


Paraphrasing Shakespeare, the source of our decline is not in our stars but in ourselves.

Yes, our elites have invested heavily in cultural mischief that fostered and even encouraged natal suicide, but so many of us chose to be misled. Remember? “If it feels good, do it.”

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Open House 10-27-19

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Very Interesting

BIG – Report: U.S. Attorney Durham “Administrative Review” is now “A Criminal Investigation”…

“Justice Department officials have shifted an administrative review of the Russia investigation closely overseen by Attorney General William P. Barr to a criminal inquiry, according to two people familiar with the matter. The move gives the prosecutor running it, John H. Durham, the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges.”

I gotta remember to restock the Popcorn


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None are perfect,not one

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Two Proud Boys Sentenced to Four Years in Prison Each for Fighting Back Against Antifa

I’ve pointed it out from the start of Anti-Fa activity. The Dem politicians in power are using Antifa as the party used the KKK one hundred years ago — to suppress all opposition to Dem policies and power.

While the thugs now wear black masks instead of white hoods, those who control the rule of law still selectively punishes anyone who fights back.

But that is too complex to say. Here it is in a shorthand that ought to short-circuit the self-serving virtue signalling of all libs who the Left yet control.


Continue reading

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Pray for Our Cousins to the North

Mr Trudeau said at a victory rally

“For those who did not vote for us, we will govern for over everyone. We will fight for all Canadians.”

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Not really ideal…

News anchor-” How is that one piece able to stay standing upright??

Think giant Lawn Dart sweetie

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