If Dems are bailing, it must be bad

Article about a certain, wealthy, power hungry cretin who’s name we won’t mention getting involved in local elections-

Daily Caller-

In Virginia’s Fairfax and Arlington counties, the “reformer” attorneys ran on platforms far to the left of the Democratic incumbents, beating them in primary races before ultimately winning the general elections.

In both cases, the incumbents expressed concern for public safety if the Soros-backed candidates took control. They also said that the activists were pushing a national platform about racism and over-incarceration that had no basis in reality in the affluent, liberal jurisdictions.

After losing the Democratic primary to Soros-backed Steve Descano, Fairfax’s longtime prosecutor, Ray Morrogh, warned his fellow party members that safety could be at risk if they elected Descano in the general election. He quit the party to endorse Jonathan Fahey, an experienced prosecutor who was running as an independent, to try to avert a Descano victory.

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See also-

Students force end to 21-gun salute


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Leaker Named

He’s not a “whistle blower”, leaker, spy, traitor, but not whistle blower-


“Bishop on Monday responded to a tweet from an individual who suggested that the GOP refrain from using the term “whistleblower,” instead referring to him as  “the leaker” or “the operative” or “the deep state spy in the White House.”

The North Carolina congressman said he agreed “100%,” noting that he refuses “to cower before the authoritarian intimidation campaign.”

“He’s not Voldemort. And he’s not a bona fide whistleblower. Even if he were, he wouldn’t be entitled to secrecy. Eric Ciamarella is a deep state conspirator,” Bishop wrote. “He needs to testify now”

Hats off to Dan Bishop (R) for having a spine and telling Shcitt for Brains to F**koff!

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The Rise of Caesarism?

Pray the BPS is too pessimistic.

I have been wary of Trumpism because, whether we like it or not, those who would destroy rule over individual sovereigns (citizens) by constitution — even though they hate Trump — would welcome rule by dictat en infinitum. No man, whatever his good and bad attributes, lives forever. There is the follow-up to worry about.

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The Left’s Economic Suicide Fetish

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Open House 11/9/19

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Rope,Tree,Politicians-Some Assembly Required

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

Property Tax isn’t a tax, it’s rent paid to the government, because you don’t really own anything. Property taxes should be abolished and replaced with sales taxes only.

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This Has To Stop

The Situation in Mexico has been out of control for decades, and it’s only getting worse-

9 Family members killed in Cartel attack-

I see four options-

1-   Spend the next 6-9 months covertly running intense surveillance, determining who the key players in the Cartel and their government counterparts are. Their locations, safe houses, operational centers everything. Then one day of coordinated attacks via drones and Spec Ops forces to kill as many as possible in one go. Take the Cartel leaders prisoner and “extract information” (torture and I’m not talking water boarding) so as to round up as many stragglers as possible. The key here is don’t say a peep to the Cartel owned government.

2- Send in 120,000 US combat troops with search and destroy orders. Cartel members and accomplices to be shot on sight.

3- Finish the Wall, seal the border, establish a 25 mile free fire buffer south of the border wall.

4- Do nothing, watch Mexico continue to degrade into lawlessness, allow the same sort of thing to become common here.

Is there a 5th option I’m not seeing?

There are many fine people, good people, south of our Border that do not deserve to be under the thumb of the murdering savages that are destroying an entire country and it’s people.

What can we do north of the border? We could wage a real war on drugs, like Singapore has, start killing drug dealers and stop playing footsie with addicts and things might change. Either that or legalize drugs, all drugs and begin giving them away in mass. Blow the bottom out of the market to the point the gas money to drive north is more than the drugs are worth.

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We always knew where this was headed

UK: National health to deny treatment for “Racist or sexist language, gestures behavior”


“The North Bristol NHS Trust announced that patients will be subject a “sports-style disciplinary yellow card and then final red card in which treatment would be withdrawn as soon as is safe” on its official website.

The policy would cover not just “Threatening and offensive language” but also “Racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour” more generally, as well as “malicious allegations” — a rather troubling caveat, given the NHS has in the past been entangled in large-scale malpractice scandals which hospitals and staff have initially denied.”

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Hiding the Lies

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