Open House 11/30/19

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Cue the Teddy Bears and Balloons

Another terrorist attack in London-

Daily Mail-

At least the cops did kill the idiot, so there is that. Shame some families will now have funerals for the holidays, all because diversity :evil:

UPDATE: London attacker was convicted terrorist, recently released-



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Chicoms take note-

December 15th is right around the corner-


If negotiators cannot come to an agreement, a new set of punitive U.S. tariffs kicks in on Oct. 15 on about $250 billion of Chinese goods, and then both countries put tariffs on billions of dollars more of each others’ goods on Dec. 15.



Trump signed the bills, which were approved by near-unanimous consent in the House and Senate, even as he expressed some concerns about complicating the effort to work out a trade deal with China’s President Xi Jinping.

Up until Wednesday’s announcement, Trump did not indicate whether or not he would sign the bill. Secretary of  State Mike Pompeo refused to answer a reporter’s question about the president’s leanings as recent as Tuesday.

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which was sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., requires that the U.S. conducts yearly reviews into Hong Kong’s autonomy from Beijing. If ever found unsatisfactory, the city’s special status for U.S. trading could be tossed.

Why it all adds up-

Continue reading

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The Disease Spread Continues Unabated

Society it seems must yield to mentally deranged behavior-


From the article-

“A student named Nova Maday, a biological male who identifies as transgender, filed a lawsuit in 2017. The lawsuit came after a Department of Education mandate in 2015 forced Palatine High to allow boys like himself into bathrooms and locker rooms with girls. The school tried to strike a compromise, inviting the gender-confused males into girl-designated areas but setting aside a separate, private area for them to use. Maday was not happy with this compromise. He demanded access not just to the girls locker room, but to the exact same area where the girls change. His basic human rights are apparently violated in horrific fashion if he is not able to actually see girls get naked and himself get naked in front of them.”

Watch the video link and tell me if he/she/it is really “confused” or just a snot nosed brat. I’m leaning towards snot nosed brat and asking myself when the girl’s fathers will arrive? 50 years ago, this would have been sorted out by a midnight visit with a pair of rusty hedge shears in order to remove all “confusion”.

Now though we are being moved head long into a sewer of perversion and it will only get worse.



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What Has Democrats Worried Most?

This simple little number 34%


A Rasmussen poll released Friday showed black likely voter approval of Trump at 34 percent. An Emerson Poll showed 34.5 percent approval by the same demographic.

“Boom,” wrote black author and Trump supporter Deneen Borelli on Twitter, calling the results “Democrats worst nightmare.”

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Open House 11/23/19

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Jim Jordan you magnificent Beast!

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Okay, so when do we start hanging them?

Surprise, surprise, over 10,000 foreign nationals have infiltrated sensitive research and industries since 2008.

Daily Caller-

“Foreign-born researchers working at U.S. agencies secretly joined China’s payroll, sending sensitive U.S.-funded research to the country while U.S. government agencies took almost no defensive measures against a major recruitment operation, a Senate investigation found.

Researchers linked to the Chinese government formed a Chinese cell within the Department of Energy, attained access to American genomic data, and recruited other U.S. researchers to join, the bipartisan report stated”

2008? Hmmm…..seems I remember something else that began in late 2008 


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Slippery Slope Much?

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Open House 11/17/19

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