It’s time to draw the battle-lines

Read this, and I promise you’ll be enraged:
‘The U.S. Military Academy  pressured a retired U.S. lieutenant general to withdraw from speaking at a West Point prayer breakfast after Muslims and atheists complained, Fox News & Commentary has learned..’

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40 Responses to It’s time to draw the battle-lines

  1. James Stephenson says:

    It looks like the retired brass is a certified fruit-loop, but I don’t see where there’s any quote from any atheist in there. The Religious Freedom bunch are not an atheist organisation but then Todd Starnes never misses a chance to smear an atheist.

    • KG says:

      Geddoffit, James! The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is nothing but a front for militant atheists. And an ally of islam.
      They were conspicuously quiet, for example when the killer Nadal was preaching violent jihad while employed by the Army. They support religious freedom to that extent, apparently….
      And I’m not at all surprised to see them allied with CAIR.
      And if you knew anything at all about West Point, you’d know they’re not in the habit of inviting “certified fruit loops” to speak there.

      • James Stephenson says:

        Bollocks KG. Militant atheists like Justin Griffith, Military Director of American Atheists ( don’t need no namby-pamby “fronts”.

        If Todd Starnes wanted an atheist pov on this, he should have asked for one – MRFF look like multi-cultists to me and may very well be “allies of islam” but they’re not atheists if they can’t call themselves that and aknowledge idiotic concepts like “islamophobia”.

          • KG says:

            “..don’t need no namby-pamby “fronts”
            It seems to me that you’re free with the “bollocks” yourself, James. The fact that A doesn’t need a front doesn’t mean that B isn’t one.
            Go back to logic 101.

            “but they’re not atheists if they can’t call themselves that..”
            They can be atheists whatever they call themselves. They can call themselves fucking floor polish containers and still be atheists. The proof is in the actions, not what they call themselves.

            • James Stephenson says:

              Yes, the proof is in the actions, they’re protesting about one bunch of religious views being offended by the expression of an opposing bunch of religious views!

              Those are not the actions of an atheist – we think that religious opinions are just as open to challenge and ridicule as political opinions.

              • KG says:

                “they’re protesting about one bunch of religious views being offended by the expression of an opposing bunch of religious views! ”
                That’s either an inept or a dishonest interpretation of what’s going on here.
                “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..

  2. Andrei says:

    What I love about progressives is that they do not acknowledge there is such a thing as evil.

    And if there is no such thing then it does not need to be confronted.

    Which is all fine and dandy until it runs you over.

  3. kowtow says:

    The secularists regularly use the US constitution ,separation of church and state etc.

    Funny that as the document itself is dated “17 th Day of September in the Year of our Lord 1787.”
    The constitution should be PURGED!!!!!!it refers to the Christian God!!!!!!!

    and the declaration of Independence…….all men are created equal. Created?Surely not a biblical concept?

    • Darin says:

      They always ignore the -“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”

      The founders thought it important enough that it’s the first line in the first amendment even before the 2nd amendment.

      They understood that Tyranny begins with suppression of religious beliefs and free of expression of those beliefs well before it rises to armed conflict.

      Our belief system resides in our minds and in our hearts,to suppress them is to break the human spirit which is the suppressors goal entirely.

    • The only “constitution” that had the words-Separation of Church and State- was the constitution of the former -communist- Soviet Union…

  4. dad4justice says:

    Bring it on.
    Our side wins.
    Badluck Demon.

  5. KG says:

    The whole Christians Vs atheists argument is pretty simple for me. I know some damn fine, principled atheists and also some fine and principled Christians. But if I had to choose between living in a predominantly Christian community or a predominantly atheist one – knowing nothing of the people beforehand – ordinary prudence and commonsense would lead me to pick the Christian one.
    Because the chances of the majority of the people behaving decently and honourably in the Christian community would be higher.
    Therefore, I regard militant atheists as the enemy of civilized society. Christians are not.

  6. KG says:

    “Those are not the actions of an atheist – we think that religious opinions are just as open to challenge and ridicule as political opinions.”
    Nice of you to speak for all atheists, James…
    When of course, you don’t. Challenge and ridicule are one thing, but seeking to get Christianity silenced is another altogether. And that’s what’s happening.

    • Darin says:

      The trouble here is with all the isms-
      We can go on and on,if your belief system ends with an ism then your an activist.

    • James Stephenson says:

      Ran out of time last night and had to get some work done, so I’ll leave it at this, since we agree on so much, we can add agreeing to disagree on this point…

      1)No, I don’t speak for all atheists but I reckon that would be a pretty widely-accepted defining characteristic of atheist, militant or otherwise.

      2) Going back to your logic 101. Just because some atheists are anti-christian, it does not follow that anyone who is anti-christian is an atheist.

      • KG says:

        “since we agree on so much, we can add agreeing to disagree on this point”
        We can. I’d sooner concentrate on what unites us, rather than fall into the trap the left loves, and bicker over what may after all turn out to be minor things.
        Liberty first. Details second. :smile:

  7. Katie says:

    This is just a symptom of what is happening in the US military. By the time the atheists, feminazis, Muslims, etc… are done, the military will be gay, non-believers who will never kill a Muslim and couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.

  8. Have written many posts on this – and I thank you for the heads up on the latest-

  9. CA says:

    As an atheist and an American I would just like to say fuck all this PC anti-Christian non-sense. The United States is historically Christian – period. Get over it.

    “The founders were deists…” So what. I used to jog to the Jefferson memorial and read the inscriptions written by Jefferson. There is much mention of God there. Read letters from the founders to family, friends and other officials. God is referenced pretty much everywhere and the ‘Christian God’ specifically.

    So really the 1st Amendment means anybody can put up whatever the fuck they want be it a cross at a public cemetery. etc. etc. That is freedom of religion. That does not mean that anybody can force others not to express themselves religiously. That is not the intent of the 1st Amendment.

    Wabbit said he would rather live among Christians than atheists. You know what? Me too, because I would rather trust somebody that doesn’t put his faith in man which to many atheists seem to do. I’m not very happy about Christians backing the state in so many ways that I’m drowning in totalitarian misery either (read: No other God before me – mofos) but that’s another matter.

    I hold no ill will toward believers or non-believers but I just personally need to reason through something to understand it and believe in it. That’s just me. I’ve been through Christian schooling and have many fond memories of my experiences there. Lastly to clarify my position on belief – Islam is a totalitarian ideology dressed up in religion and Mohammed was a douche bag.

    • KG says:

      Good comment, CA. Thanks. :smile:

    • Andrei says:

      I’m not very happy about Christians backing the state in so many ways that I’m drowning in totalitarian misery either (read: No other God before me – mofos) but that’s another matter.

      Christianity is in its truest form is “Libertarian” in that the Church teaches something but it is your choice whether to follow that teaching or not – if you do not it might be to your peril, but in the next life not this.

      Where there a moral wrongs in society it is our duty to point them out but not to necessarily to push for legislation against them though sometimes it is correct to push for legislation – things like murder for example but not things like sodomy.

      Of course what few recognize is that our civil and humane (basically) society is founded on Christian principles – which is why those places with a long Christian heritage tend to be a lot nicer places to live than those without

      • CA says:

        @Andrei – I can think of some recent authors that would promote your central idea of The Church and Libertarian thought but I don’t think the evidence supports your thesis with regard to the majority of followers nor is the idea supported within the Catholic Clergy.

        First to support your thesis there are some excellent authors like Gary North that have written extensively on the Bible and its support for Free Market principles:

        Also Tom Woods and Jeffrey Tucker write from a free market perspective as practicing Catholics BUT the Church itself has been embracing Marxism within the clergy for a long time. Their support for Obama’s socialized health care plan is ironic now that the Administration is telling the Church that it has to support contraceptives and abortion pills within its health care plans and facilities. This is an excellent article on the subject

        Now that leaves the American Evangelical movement. It would be extremely hard for anyone to say that they support the libertarian “Non Aggression Principle” in any way after seeing them support en masse the Globalist warmongering NeoCon agenda here in the states.

        If they were true to their principles they would have supported Ron Paul. I don’t want to turn this into a RP thread but I have read enough of what he has done, said and written and looked at his life as a Christian family man to know what he is about.

        In a libertarian society there is room for religion, family, community, charity and free enterprise. All of these things are denigrated within Marxist and totalitarian societies that place the State at the top of the political and economic hierarchy which you and I would most likely agree on. I also consider Islam a non-geocentric totalitarian political state that wraps itself in theology.

        The Barbarians are within the gates. We need more Christians to realize the true threat to their freedom and liberty…. The State.

        • KG says:

          “The Barbarians are within the gates. We need more Christians to realize the true threat to their freedom and liberty…. The State.”
          Amen! to that.

          • Kris K says:

            Dead right, CA – the Muslims are only in the West through the enabling and permission of the state.

            Of course the Marxist state sees Islam as yet another means by which Christianity [and Judeo-Christian values and morality] can be sidelined – all with the oft used line of being ‘culturally sensitive’ to our recent ‘arrivals’.

            Christians need to hold the state to account for, among other things, uncontrolled immigration – especially those who follow the 7th century death-cult. Of course much of the church is luke-warm, liberal, and knows little of the God they profess to worship and represent.

            Signs of the [biblical end] times – a weak insipid [in name only] church.

  10. WAKE UP says:

    KG and James: going back to your skirmish at the beginning of this thread of comments, here’s a comment from the original article that KG linked to:

    Heather Williamson says: “As an atheist, I’m absolutely outraged that my fellow atheists are wasting their time worrying about what this man says. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to him, agree to disagree. If you don’t believe God put George Bush in the White House, no one’s stopping you from thinking otherwise. Maybe… don’t go to the prayer breakfast if you’re an atheist or someone else who dosen’t agree with this man’s ideals. If you quit worrying about inconsequential things like this man’s prayer breakfast, you might actually have time to focus on something important, like the real threats to our freedom and prosperity.”

    Speaking as CR’s resident jazz loving/tennis playing/golf hating atheist :cool: all I can add to that is – EXACTLY .

    Of course, the real problem is the presence of the bloody Muslims in the mix in the first place; if they weren’t around, none of this would be happening.

    Keep the (your) faith, y’all. I think the REAL fight hasn’t even begun yet.

    Cheers, WAKEY

  11. WAKE UP says:

    Hey KG, is moderation on? I just posted here, but it didn’t show up :shock:

    • WAKE UP says:

      Hmm, I’ll try it again (hope I can remember what I said :razz: )

      KG and JAMES: harking back to your skirmish at the beginning of these comments, here’s one from the the original post that KG linked us to:

      ‘Heather Williamson said: “As an atheist, I’m absolutely outraged that my fellow atheists are wasting their time worrying about what this man says. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to him, agree to disagree. If you don’t believe God put George Bush in the White House, no one’s stopping you from thinking otherwise. Maybe… don’t go to the prayer breakfast if you’re an atheist or someone else who dosen’t agree with this man’s ideals. If you quit worrying about inconsequential things like this man’s prayer breakfast, you might actually have time to focus on something important, like the real threats to our freedom and prosperity.” ‘

      Speaking as your resident jazz-loving/tennis-playing/golf-hating atheist :cool: I can only add : EXACTLY. Any decent atheist I know is NOT militant (just as decent Christians aren’t – if you get my drift).

      The real point is that if the bloody Muslims weren’t here in the mix in the first place, none of this would be happening.

      Keep the (your) faith, y’all; the REAL fight hasn’t even begun yet.


  12. WAKE UP says:

    KG, it happened again – so how come these ones are getting through, but the bigger rant isn’t ?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Not sure what happened there, Wakey – your comments were stuck in the spam bin – I’ve released them into the wild. I couldn’t see a reason for it; perhaps KG will find one.

      • WAKE UP says:

        I’ve just remembered – doh! – I included KG’s verboten words zzaj, sinnet and flog (read ’em backwards), which was very naughty of me (because I also think I promised not to do that again ;-) and KG will probably have had the filter on ! Serves me right.

        So here it is again, without those words (they weren’t neccessary anyway; I was just going for a bit of humour :cool: )
        KG and JAMES: going back to your skirmish at the beginning of these comments, here’s one from the comments at the original post that KG linked us to:

        ‘Heather Williamson said: “As an atheist, I’m absolutely outraged that my fellow atheists are wasting their time worrying about what this man says. If you don’t like it, don’t listen to him, agree to disagree. If you don’t believe God put George Bush in the White House, no one’s stopping you from thinking otherwise. Maybe… don’t go to the prayer breakfast if you’re an atheist or someone else who dosen’t agree with this man’s ideals. If you quit worrying about inconsequential things like this man’s prayer breakfast, you might actually have time to focus on something important, like the real threats to our freedom and prosperity.” ‘

        Speaking as your resident (verboten words deleted here) atheist, I can only add: EXACTLY.

        Actually, I’ve never met a “militant” atheist that was a true atheist (ditto”militant” Christians, if you get my drift…).

        However, the bottom line remains that if the bloody Muslims weren’t here in the mix, stirring up the pot, most of this stuff wouldn’t be happening.

        Keep the/your faith, y’all, I think the REAL fight hasn’t even started yet.


  13. KG says:

    Hmm..just logged in (we’re travelling) and checked the filters, Wakey and Gantt.
    None on. So it’s a mystery, unless………maybe Akismet has developed a mind of its own.
    Cue ominous soundtrack..

  14. KG says:

    Either that or it’s God’s punishment, for Wakey mentioning you-know-what?

  15. Kris K says:

    I saw the ‘offending’ comments Wakey made last night and approved them from the spam bin – they now appear above in their FULL glory:

    “Speaking as CR’s resident j*zz loving/t*nnis playing/g*lf hating atheist :cool: all I can add to that is – EXACTLY .”
