Maori Racist Party co-leader Tariana Turia has suggested drivers should show their disapproval of others smoking in cars carrying children by tooting at them and wagging their finger like Supernanny scolding a child….’
There you have it….Kiwis have come so far down that slippery slope of socialism that a repulsive little racist cow advocating yet more state intervention in people’s lives causes barely a ripple.This is the woman (if I may use that term somewhat loosely) who once said white Kiwis ought to be standing on the beach with their bags packed, waiting to leave NZ. And who claimed that thuggish, dope-addled child killers were suffering from “post-colonial stress” as an excuse for their behaviour.
When are Kiwis going to regain some self-respect and tell these little nazis to go take a hike?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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This is just the latest in the Apartheid Party’s war on whitey. None of the Bro’s would ever do something like that, it would always be whitey doing it in the Cuzzies’ direction. The direct reaction? Whitey male (and it would only ever be pencil-necks that would do it) beaten to a pulp on the sidewalk, likely not to survive his injuries. Whitey female beaten to a pulp on the sidewalk and raped, with one more voter on the Maori Roll in 18 years’ time.
You know, you can tell everything you need to know about a political party by looking at its leadership:
National – a quisling invertebrate and an economic illiterate. It is only the lack of any opposition party keeping these two morons anywhere near the Treasury benches.
Watermelons – an avowed communist and a dope-addled feminist nutcase. Anyone who actually knows what their policies are and still votes for them needs to be immediately locked up under mental health laws..
ACT – recycled National party hacks who take whatever few crumbs they can get. Will disappear if national ever gets bored paying for the life support
Labour – who?
Apartheid Party – the circular nazi traitor scum pictured at the top of this post, and everyone’s kindly uncle who wants to kill all the white people.
Winston First – a demagogue and a tree-watering failed former mayor. The circus comes to town.
See what I mean? I reckon of all 121 MPs in the House, you could count those with any actual principle in the fingers of one hand. In fact, I reckon you could still do it if you had no fingers and no hands.
About sums ’em up, Gantt.
Gee, looks like New Zealanders are perfectly happy with the status quo, judging by the line-up across the political spectrum. (I must say, however, that the spectrum in question has a significant red shift to it, no doubt due to the parties receding from common sense at close to the speed of light.)
Yup. Gives a whole different meaning to the expression that kiwis see the world through rose-colored glasses, eh? Far too many give these Wellington freaks far too much power. For far too many, there is no non-problem so small a government program can’t solve it. I mean, who the fuck is anybody to tell me whether I can or cannot smoke cigarettes in my car? What’s next? A dob-in phone number for such people? Smoking in cars is the largest issue facing either kiwis or that subset of kiwis who would vote for that pugnacious little fascist terrorist. :gunner
Yep, they all seem to be very happy with the status quo having turned down the opportunity to get rid of MMP which keeps unrepresentative politicians in positions to be able to dictate to them. :rant
I don’t blame the squat, elderly fool entirely. She is just the thief employed in an unmonitored jewellery store. So who should be surprised by the outcome.
Her employers, the NZ public, seem too apathetic to do what is required. As for gesticulating to smoking drivers with kids in cars? HAHAHA. Nobody with more functioning brain cells than a turnip’s would consider such a moronic move. I’d pay good money so see the comedic results of such an attempt! Darwin’s Law on wheels. :roll
Can you imagine what would happen if you actually did what she is suggesting? You are driving one day and see an old people mover full of cuzzies, big ones in the front seat all puffing away, little ones in the back jumping around because none are strapped in, so you honk and wag your finger at them, then you and them both pull up at the traffic lights….
Well, obviously, wagging one’s finger at cuzzies would be a racist act and the person doing so would deserve the consequences.
However, wagging one’s finger at whitey smoking in the car with kids in the back would be the socially responsible thing to do. In fact, should brownies pull the white driver out of his or her car and beat the shit out of them for smoking they’d be demonstrating their compassion and concern for the children.
Obvious, really, in the Alice-in-Wonderland world of mooori politics.
From 3News
“Labour leader David Shearer says those people doing tough, hard manual jobs should be paid national superannuation at 60, not 65.
That is despite the party’s push for an overall increase in the retirement age to 67.
And the Maori Party says they like Shearer’s idea and want all Maori to get super at 60, because they die earlier than other kiwis.”
Well their children certainly die earlier than other Kiwis, but I doubt overwork takes much of a toll on the rest.
“Well their children certainly die earlier than other Kiwis, but I doubt overwork takes much of a toll on the rest.”

A bit more work would increase their longevity through a decrease their obesity and drug and alcohol abuse.
For fuck’s sake, sometimes you guys defy even stupidity.
It’s actually quite good advice about changing social attitudes from the ground up. Absolutely the opposite from ‘totalitarian.’
And has it escaped the frothers that her advice is directed mainly at Maori who by far and away comprise the larges bloc of smokers in the population?
Bullshit, Adolf, and I’d expect nothing else from a Key cheerleader.
Politicians deciding to “change social attitudes from the ground up” is the very essence of fucking totalitarianism.
They have no hotline to wisdom or morality, in fact quite the reverse–as a class they’re among the most corrupt and self-serving assholes on the face of the planet. The last people who ought to decide what social attitudes ought to be.
Further, a racist little cunt elected by racists to a racist little party only has so much influence because your principles-free hero will climb into bed with whatever pondscum will help keep him in power.
Before you call us stupid and “frothers”, go look in the mirror.
Is it just me, or is the mating-call of the endangered Key-fellating Felchtard becoming more shrill as its numbers dwindle?
Oh really? So you think it would be good if people still drove around completely pissed like everyone used to during the seventies?
Firstly, “everyone” never used to drive around completely pissed.
If you want to argue at that sophomoric level, Adolf, you’d be better commenting elsewhere.
You never address specific points made, and in that respect you’re no different to the average troll. I’m perfectly happy to give you the benefit of their company in the spam bin.
Adolf! Go cook me some eggs!!
Yes Adolf…..just like Key’s anti-smacking law has prevented Maori from bashing their children to death, but has resulted in 2 parent white families being prosecuted for mild smacks. Working from the ground up? :roll
Well given the master that most of them serve, though for the most part they are too stupid to realize it, I don’t think having them determine which social attitudes to change is a good idea.
Good grief! A poll in Stuff “news”:
Would you support a ban on large size soft drinks in New Zealand?
Yes – There’s an obesity and diabetes epidemic
1903 votes, 51.2%
Kiwis are self-subjugating.
Yep. No problem so small a government program can’t solve it. The Sheeple don’t trust themselves not to buy soft drinks by the 44-gallon drum, so “please, kind and benevolent government, save us from ourselves.”
They will willingly go up the ramps into the cattle-trucks. And it’s what they fucking deserve.
Figgin’ hell! Do I have to start making bootleg soft drinks now?
(oh- wait- I already do that too!)
Really? Home-brewed soft drinks? What do the carbon emissions permits run y? How did you get planning approval? Did you need to consult the local IWI?
My permissions came from smith and Wesson.
That was me – still getting used to this ipad
Who the hell would ever take a “Stuff” poll anyway? I suspect it is likely to be under-employed office workers with little else to do. The thought behind these polls is utterly vacuous as are the participants. Never judge a society by its lowest common denominators.
“Never judge a society by its lowest common denominators.”
Why not? Laws and regulations are made on that basis.
Laws are not made on the LCD basis you suggest. They are made on the basis of aspirational intent. Sometimes this can verge on being utopian but it is seldom a product of the gutter. (The exceptions would be laws which legalise theft…tax, excise etc.)
It seems to me, Cad, that restrictive gun laws and a raft of others are made on exactly the basis I claim.
A few thugs and lowlifes running around with guns? Make gun ownership more onerous and more expensive for law-abiding people. That’s just one example and there are hundreds more.
Of course laws are made in order to control the lowest common denominator and of course they impact on all of us.
In the specific case of gun-control, the laws are in place because an armed populace is much harder to control. As it stands (in NZ) only the bad guys, a few coppers and very few citizens have firearms. The rest of us are much easier to push around to conform to their agenda.
yeah, perhaps that wasn’t a good example, Gantt. Nevertheless, the behaviour of criminals and lowlifes has been used as an excuse to increase the restrictions on all of us in any number of ways. The answer to a few behaving badly is always to penalise the majority and that’s law based on the lowest common denominator.
Ahh, makes sense now. I had it in my head that gun control laws don’t exist to control the lowest common denominator (thugs, crims and other assorted scum) but the highest (good and decent citizens). But of course you’re right – they control the highest by exploiting the lowest. The Sheeple let them get away with it (i.e. guns = BAD, coz they’re used by crims, thugs and other assorted miscreants).
Yes, but: If you peel off the layer of specific laws, the ideal of an orderly and well functioning society is an aspiration which a legal framework is intended to promulgate and enhance. The use of laws to extort taxes is not aspirational, it is a mechanism to allow parasiticism and hence falls short of any true ideal.
I have come almost full circle given I started at this post describing the fat-arse of a true parasite! :whoop
What’s the Sodacops hotline number?
Look up AttackWatch! They’ll be the same.
I had the misfortune of sitting beside this malignant old granny on a flight between Palmerston North and Auckland once. Let me tell you: There is nothing little about its arse. The arse spread across its intended seat and into about 50% of the seat I’d paid for. NB I paid for my flight this tart was on business but spent the hour reading a Woman’s Weekly.
*shudder* I’d ask to change seats.
The problem is that once it planted its arse so close to mine, I was wedged in! :rant There was also the problem of ballast, had she moved quickly in an Air NZ Bombardier we’d have spiralled into the lake atop Mr Ruapehu.
Was she retarded? Usually takes no more than five minutes.
You know she’s retarded, Adolf.
pity you didn’t have a copy of “Once were Warriors” by Alan Duff to recite to her on the flight..in the vein of “this author is really great – just love the “cook those eggs woman” line”….that would have moved her butt in hurry.
Even better would have been to provide her with a link to this site… :whoop
People wont change the status quo!! I have often said our democracy is like a claytons choice or a kingdom. People saying oh!!I might change my vote to labour or national.
Your choice is a pre chosen hieracy on the list and your choice is coke or pepsi?
If you reject it and ask for a glass of wine you will get called a nazi or an anarchist or whatever.
All it takes is for people to rally on the streets and form new alliances and community based parties. Look at greece??However immigration has been hushed by the major parties and the media so we are screwed…
Who controls the media owns the country.
I saw this fat bitch at Wanganui hospital when I worked there. She was visiting a cuzzie in intensive care who had been beaten up by another cuzzie.
So she’d have been right at home, Murray?
Come on mate, that’s a bit harsh. I remember hearing about it, and I remember it clearly because it was one of those very rare days that only happens every 24 … hours … or so. You know, those rare days that end with “y”. :whoop