Appeasing blacks and liberals:

On the sacking of the police chief who didn’t support charging Zimmerman with murder:
“We need to move forward with a police chief that all the citizens of Sanford can support. I have come to this decision in light of the escalating divisiveness that has taken hold of the city.”
In other words, screw justice, keep appeasing thugs to avert riots.

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9 Responses to Appeasing blacks and liberals:

  1. Andrei says:

    Stalinist purge underway – toe the party line or else!!!!!!

    • KG says:

      And the sad thing is, out of fear for their jobs and families, so many good men will do just that.

  2. WebWrat says:

    So it’s bye bye Zimmerman then.

    Hasn’t got a chance has he?

  3. Shameless vermin, just unbelievable. Mind you if the victim had been a white couple brutally and sadistically murdered, they wouldn’t give a flying crap.

  4. Katie says:

    This is government by the mob. Expect more of it.

  5. Diamond Mair says:

    Also, please note: the Chief offered his resignation back in April, when it was refused – rather than allow the man a measure of dignity, they fired him, so that he probably wouldn’t be able to collect any unemployment bennies …………………………..

    Jacka$$es, the lot of them!

    Semper Fi’