So, now we turn to Pravda for truth…..

Richard Fernandez, ‘Belmont Club’:
‘You know there’s a chance that hell has frozen over when you see an article titled “A Stealth Coup d’État in the United States” published in Pravda, quoting Thomas Jefferson and authored by a retired United States Army colonel:
……Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?”
The battle line of the Second American Revolution has been drawn: expose Obama and the entire corrupt system protecting him will also be exposed.
The time for education and persuasion is over. The time for resistance has come….’

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14 Responses to So, now we turn to Pravda for truth…..

    • KG says:

      Shameless, grasping bastards… :evil: But smart fundraising, aimed at the ignorant yoof demographic.
      O/T is good around here, Wrattus.

    • KG says:

      Great link! Thanks for that–a similar process is well underway here in Australia.
      “property is theft”, eh? How ironic….:gunner :gunner

  1. Darin says:

    “These are our Kids” Good! Then they can go live with you then :gunner

  2. KG says:

    Interesting, isn’t it, how “progressives” whine and mewl about the evils of “collective” punishment, yet in the next breath claim that it’s the responsibility of everybody to support illegals?
    I used to think the left was simply dimwitted–now I’m convinced they’re genuine, 24 carat, 100% evil.

    • Darin says:

      I’m personally offended by the left referring to these people as Immigrants.They are no such thing,these are gate crashers and fence jumpers that leech all they can from the instant they get here.

      Immigrants,the real ones came here to better themselves and their new home and did so by contributing to society rather than bleeding it dry.

      If we tally up the contributions of these counterfeits and their leftists allies we end up with a negative sum.

  3. KG says:

    Same in Europe, same here Darin.

  4. KG says:

    And take a look at this:
    ‘A top Hispanic adviser to Mitt Romney’s campaign has said that the presumptive Republican nominee would keep in place President Barack Obama’s controversial order to halt the deportation of up to 800,000 young illegal immigrants. For the past week, Romney has repeatedly declined to say whether or not he would repeal the order, based on the DREAM Act and allowing to stay those under 30 brought into America illegally by their parents but who have since led productive lives.’

    It may be good politics, but it’s rotten conservatism.

    • Darin says:

      Yep pretty much it’s a choice between the DREAM act with Obama,or Dream act lite with Romney,at least with Romney we might get Rubio’s plan which is far better IMHO.

  5. Andrei says:

    We live in a time when England has lost its mind

    A PATRIOTIC taxi driver has been banned from flying the England flag from his cab during the Euros … because killjoy council officials say it could cause “offence”.

    • KG says:

      Not only it’s mind……when oh WHEN will some of them grow the balls to give the petit Nazis the middle digit and demand they enforce it?
      Have Englishmen become capons?

  6. Pascal says:


    Not only did Wretchard quote Pravda, he quoted Kissinger at length about the events, not noted by the MSM — which was the reason he titled this post “The End of Westphalia.” The end of the nation state as we know it. The same reason why I awarded SKUNC as the winner to better designate all politicians who are treasonous to their nations. (Of course, that is a crime you have long called out and for which you are hated by other self-described “Right” blogs down there).

    To drive the point home, you might consider updating the main thread this line:
    “All of a sudden, almost without anyone noticing it, the entire world is experiencing a “democratic deficit”. Politics has slipped out of popular control. Entire European countries are on the verge of functional abolition without even so much as the courtesy of a faked plebescite.”

    Wretchard wrote “Entire European countries;” but you know of a couple in the Southern hemisphere too.