“A Declaration of War” – From the Youth of France

Update: Colonel Bunny over at Liberty’s Torch, on islam: ‘..Your life, your freedom, your culture, the land of your ancestors, your fortune, and the safety of your family on lucky number 36. In essence, that’s your existential bet at the present state of play…’

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22 Responses to “A Declaration of War” – From the Youth of France

  1. KG says:

    Something is stirring, and far from being ugly, I regard it as something very beautiful.

    • oswald bastable says:


    • Ronbo says:


      I can’t speak for France, but since 2009, America has been in what I would call a pre-Civil War condition starting with the rise of the Tea Party…. and the reactionary socialist ruling class knows it and has attempted very seriously to stop the momentum, but has failed miserably…What will be, will be!

      These are revolutionary times – and I’ve said many times before, when the insurrection finally breaks out – be in America, Australia, Britain, France, etc. – those in opposition to socialist governments everywhere in the world will be encouraged and revolt as well.

      I see 1848 repeated on a global scale, except this time the good guys will be storming the bastions of SOCIALIST reaction.

      “There is a specter haunting the world, the specter of free minds, free markets and free countries.” :gunner

  2. thor42 says:

    I agree, KG!
    There is **nothing at all** wrong with standing up and defending your own culture, values, freedom and laws from those who seek to undermine and extinguish them. That “standing up” is what this group is doing.

    They have drawn a line in the sand and said to the Muslims –
    “Right – this is it. ***Not an INCH more.***

    Good on them! The rest of Europe needs to follow their lead (and QUICKLY too. The vast majority of Europe and the UK have been dhimmified now.)

  3. KG says:

    G’day Thor. looking at the record of French farmers and others, when it comes to rioting in the streets and bringing the whole show to a grinding halt, they have few peers. Too many people regard Europeans as wimps, when in fact they have a long, long history of almost incomprehensible violence. And valor.
    When the worm turns, Europe will burn.
    The Eurocrats probably genuinely believe that they can wipe out nationalist sentiment with a few treaties and agreements and much talk, but they’re about to be disabused of that conceit. :twisted:

  4. Darin says:

    Finally the REAL French,the ones with actual Spines begin to re-emerge!

  5. KG says:

    :popcorn Let’s hope so, Darin.
    A related thought…the latest EU “tolerance” poster includes the hammer and sickle. Yes, really!

    And it occurs to me: The swastika symbol is quite rightly reviled. But where are the trials of Soviet-era murderers? Who has tracked them down and brought them to justice? And why is it perfectly ok to displays posters of Lenin, Che Guevara and the hammer and sickle, but not the swastika or Adolf Hitler?
    If anybody ever doubted that it’s the EUSSR and that the globalisation drive comes from the forces of the Left, those questions surely answer it.
    We’re in a war with the left and people need to wake up.

    • Darin says:

      In reality Hitler was a rank amateur in terms of death toll compared to Stalin.

      What was his quote-“One death is a tragedy one million deaths a statistic”?

      Sounds about like the EU mindset to me.

  6. Phil Stephenson says:

    Reprenez votre pays. Je vous souhaite bien. Soyez forts et l’acte avec la détermination comme votre culture ne doit pas se sentir perdue.

    Go France!

  7. Contempt says:

    Yes, this is good news and a small start. Why are our borders so wide open to 3rd worlders and scum?

    Video on Iran/bomb http://jchannel.blogspot.com/2010/08/latma-bomb.html

  8. RobertvdL says:

    And not only in France.

    Those who live in Europe know we reached that tipping point. We are just waiting for the spark.
    It is not about France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Greece etc ,It is about the people against the corrupt political class.Everyday there are more people who have nothing to lose. There is no peace in Europe .We the European people are at war with the corrupt ruling EU system . Just look how the police every day looks more like Robocop. .The police, the state is now your enemy , with its many rules and regulations. There is no freedom in this Nobel Peace Prize Europe.

  9. One of my favorite blogs – when I first started blogging- was from France- as I recall it was titled Serum Liberte (sp)
    I also was sad when the author posted the last post and I got the feeling that the author had been ‘told’ to stop posting…

    KG- I am passing this on– via e-mail and to my site this week-


  10. The video promoted a search of HIStory-and a review of Spartan HIStory…
    Lambda – the letter and the meanings—
    Lambda on shield:
    Thank you for the ‘nudge’ to study -today : – )