If not now, when?

Francis Porretto:
‘..Not only has the Executive Branch of the federal government escaped all legal and Constitutional restraint, our attempt to rein it in via normal processes is being dismissed and ignored — and we have been put on notice that no further attempt to redress the abuses will be undertaken.
There is no longer a Constitutional fence around the actions of the federal government. There is no longer “a system of checks and balances.” There is no longer an “opposition party.” And there is no longer the slenderest reason to hope that the normal mechanisms of American politics — elections; legislative operations; judicial review — will, or can, alter the course the Regime is following.
We are being ruled by unabashed criminals, their intent and their deeds naked to the sunlight….’
(bold mine. kg)

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26 Responses to If not now, when?

  1. KG says:

    It wouldn’t take many….

  2. Redbaiter says:

    Have you been following the Obama clown story?

    Now look what has happened.

    Fucking disgusting cowards.

    • KG says:

      “Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.), meanwhile, said: “I am amazed that in 2013, such hatred, intolerance and disrespect towards the President of the United States could take place at the Missouri State Fair.”
      Oh? I wonder how much outrage was expressed by these people when Bush effigies were being hanged and burned in public?

    • Pascal says:

      “The Missouri State Fair on Monday imposed a lifetime ban on a rodeo clown….”

      Unpersonhood is expanding under our version of fascism. Kinda like Stalinism.

      Whoda thunk, eh Redbaiter?

  3. Pascal says:

    I started last week stumbling upon a couple of Prog sites bragging to their readers that their turn at fascism was fast approaching and began what was a four part series of short posts.

    I ended the series with the quintessential story of Bummer’s open brazenness essentially declaring that his fascism is seated.

    They are waiting, rather impatiently, for what the early Progs told them would come. The Reactionaries. Be careful to retain your senses, ask for Help, and retain your decency so that it may be granted.

    • KG says:

      They want war? Let’s give them war.
      The left’s two most notable characteristics are hypocrisy and cowardice. Perhaps not their leaders, who are far more cunning. But the rank-and-file would soon discover that the Glorious Revolution is short on glory and long on gore and misery.

      • Pascal says:

        Sorry, i lamely inserted the wrong email addy, hence the assigned new avatar.

      • Findalis says:

        But do we have enough bullets to do the job?

        • KG says:

          It won’t take many, if we concentrate on the right targets. ;-)

          • Darin says:

            And some of us already have our lines of fire mapped and sighted :twisted:

          • Pascal says:

            Hmm. A helpful reminder of how all Western republics got to this point from James Madison, Federalist 39.

            It is ESSENTIAL [sic] to such a government [a republican form of] that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercising their oppressions by a delegation of their powers [accumulated wealth mostly], might aspire to the rank of republicans, and claim for their government the honorable title of republic.

            This is one reason I constantly carp that RINO has no impact as a term of derision. It is used against the people Madison warned us, and they have risen to the rank of republicans and know they have achieved it despite patriotic efforts to prevent it. Hence they knowingly sneer at those who call them RINO.

  4. Contempt says:

    Yes, we are assuredly on a slippery slope and near the bottom. Think it will be Hitler/Stalin squared and too many people are oblivious to the truth.

  5. Redbaiter says:

    FFS here’s another fucking atrocity-

    When a guy can be locked up for “bias and intimidation” or whatever the fuck it is, and be told by the sheriff that he should never show his face in town then the place is completely fucked.

    “We never want to see this individual in the city of Camden again,” said Camden County Police Chief J. Scott Thomson.

    Of course we never see any bias and intimidation from blacks do we, or ever see them run out of town.

    I just cannot believe we have slid so far down the tube as this. Where are the fucking defenders of freedom in the US today? All too busy blogging to form a few vigilante committees and start arresting these cunts for constitutional violations.

    • Darin says:

      Yes,and remember,NJ is Chris Christies’s state,the man who if the media and RINO’s get their way will be the Republican nomminee in 2016 :evil:

  6. Ronbo says:

    My message to Francis:

    Cheer up, Gary Owen, there will be better times than these in the 7th Cavalry!

    Like the woman said, “The revolution is still in the awkward teenage years; it’s too late for redress, reforms and elections to change the Regime, but it’s too early to shoot the bastards!”

    So be of good cheer, trooper, because if we die in the coming civil war, we die with our boots on, our flag flying, and the bodies of our enemies in heaps before our guns.

    • Ronbo says:

      Redbaiter said:

      “I just cannot believe we have slid so far down the tube as this. Where are the fucking defenders of freedom in the US today? All too busy blogging to form a few vigilante committees and start arresting these cunts for constitutional violations.”

      My good friend and fellow patriot – Like yourself and many other rebels, I’m wondering when the hell the revolution will start….

      What will be the Lexington Moment when we finally open fire on the Redcoats of DHS and start the Second U.S. Civil War/Revolution?



      Next year?


      I wish I knew the answer to that question – my best guess is that it will take an economic collapse on the order of 1929 to 1933 before the balloon goes up in the anarchy such a disaster would cause; however, there could be many other ignition systems to start the almost inevitable revolutionary war, for instance, the Feds of DHS going on a massive nation wide gun seizure expedition.

      The U.S. Federal Regime, like the old Soviet Union, is not sustainable. :evil:

      In the mean time we made our plans with like minded people in the world wide “Committees of Correspondence” called the Internet.

      • Pascal says:

        “Where are the fucking defenders of freedom in the US today? ” — Redbaiter
        “What will be the Lexington Moment when we finally open fire on the Redcoats of DHS and start the Second U.S. Civil War/Revolution?” — Ronbo

        Why does it take so long? The Left is cunning and understands its enemy better: that the Right most of all wants to be left alone. This is what RB is pissed, and I don’t blame him. But hear me out so you can learn to do what was not done earlier.

        See, as usual the Left has twisted normality. This time wisdom. They took Clausewitz’ maxim and came up with “Politics is War by other means.” And it worked spectacularly because, like Sun Tsu advised, they knew their enemy and their enemy (us) didn’t even know itself.

        And because conservatives first and foremost want to be left alone, they turned for their defenses to professional politicians. But being professional means “he who pays the piper [the most] calls the tune.” Another way of saying they are members of the oldest profession.

        So we are left having to defend our liberties ourselves. You cannot do that yourself. You must dare to ally with others. You must form blocs.

        But forming blocs, as should be so obvious by now, is contrary to our nature.

        I’d like to provide a lesson, by way of example, that pointed up the need for blocs 20 years ago. This comment is all ready too long, so I’m providing a link instead.

        That link is an html anchor to an anecdote in the middle of a longer essay. It demonstrates how the Left succeeded where they should not have had logic, backed by numbers, been in attendance.

        Only logic was attendant, and it got bullied into silence because it did not anticipate the planning of community organizers, their agitprop, and their time-tested ways of getting masses to go along with them.

        Follow the lead of KG, Redbaiter, and Ronbo, and work at convincing your trusted friends that war has indeed been declared. Convince them of the real maxim “War is the continuation of Politik by other means.” And that that war was declared by the Left. They have shed their anti-fascist cloak and revealed their own love of fascism. Their war is being waged against us now in the form of noose tightening.

        Pray to God that it is not too late to form blocs of the righteous, because you all know the history of attempting to use logic on fascists. Godspeed.

        • Ronbo says:


          The slow motion Leftist (Progressive) coup against the Republic goes back over 100 years to the days of Teddy Roosevelt and today is shifting into high gear :!:

          However, more than half the country – the better half, the more intelligent and productive – are pretty much up to speed on the history, actions and intentions of the Left…This was not true in past decades when the Leftist smoke screen pretty much hid the big picture from the patriots.


          Also, what can’t be ignored are the preparations the Right has made for civil war since 2009 (guns and ammunition flying off the shelves, food stocked, military equipment purchased, etc.)

          We all know that the preparation of patriots for revolution has not happened without a response from the Left, and we have blogged on their counter moves in detail, so I would submit that the Left fears the Right, and correctly deems us as the main enemy.

          History teaches us that when 3% of a given population decides on insurrection, the balloon goes up. :evil:

          A recent poll finds 40% …40% :!: of Americans strongly oppose Obama :!: :mrgreen:

          My best guess is that the civil war/revolution/insurrection (whatever) will very likely break out during the next three and a half years when the world economy starts sinking like the Titanic into the deeps.

          So which side wins :?:

          Alexander The Great is alleged to have answered the question of who would become king of his vast empire after he died said, “the strongest :!:

          I submit that the patriot side is the stronger force – more numerous, more intelligent, more productive and more RUTHLESS in civil war when it become clear that it’s either victory or death.

          • Pascal says:

            So, you’re saying that when our Left fascists try to stage their equivalent of the Reichstag fire, that because we are armed, unlike the 1930’s German citizens who were not, our 3% is ready. And that additional blocs will form of necessity at that time.

            I hope you are right.

            For now the cowards, with their huge propaganda arm going 24/7, they are still mostly nibbling at our ramparts, only faster and faster.

            Two key items that need stopping that they are in full swing implementing right now. Their funding (battle over continuing resolution) and their importing more financial burdens and potential terrorists (fostering border crashers). That they are using the law to protect them from us, not us from them, is the one-way street emblematic of fascism.

            If this keeps up, no Reichstag staging will be necessary. It will be more of the Prog’s incrementalist assault, only faster. Even with smoking guns such as Fast & Furious and Benghazi, both a matter of arming our enemies, no establishment party, agency, or courts will hear those cases. It’s only us who know and the (hopefully) growing number who will listen.

            I sure hope 40% is as informed as you say, only cowed into silence. If you are right, then all that is missing is a national leader. I’m looking for the essence of Cincinnatus rather than Sulla; but even the latter is better than Augustus.

            Isn’t this republic dead in either case? Will liberty ever revive in our grandchildren’s lifetime? Reagan thought not.

      • Findalis says:

        Never. Most talk a good game but will never take up arms.

        • Ronbo says:


          “Never. Most talk a good game but will never take up arms.”

          I’m sure King George III heard the same sort of thing from his Tory Ministers when he authorized the Redcoat gun grab in Massachusetts during the spring of 1775.


          Who was the American revolutionary leader on April 19, 1775 :?:

          Answer: There were none.

          George Washington was in Virginia.

          Who was the Russian revolutionary leader in early March of 1917?

          Answer: There were none.

          Lenin was Switzerland.

          Who was the French revolutionary leader on July 14, 1789?

          Answer: There were none.

          My point is the people start the revolution and then the leaders appear.

          ….and contemporary America has scores of potential revolutionary leaders….and upwards of nine million potential revolutionary rank and file to follow them into battle, based on the 3% formula of revolutionists out of a population of about 300 million.

          • Findalis says:

            The American Revolution was fought by the Americans with these numbers:

            1/3 were for the Revolution
            1/3 were Tories
            1/3 didn’t give a damn either way as long as they could live in peace.

            Today we don’t even have 1/3 of the people. The truth is that the majority is more concerned with “own life” to give a rat’s ass.

            They will only get upset if they lose internet or WiFi connection. They will not fight for they don’t know how.

            Those who follow the regime believe they know military tactics etc… Because they play games in which it is used. These are armchair warriors. They fight wars on the computer and never in real life. They never have seen a man die. and would need “grief councilors” to overcome that.

            The rest of us talk well, but how many would stand to fight? I pray it is many, but doubt it.

  7. RWT says:

    They had their chance to rein it in, they chose more instead. Sorry but they’re getting what they really want. It’s not everyone but most want what obama and the democrats are dishing out.

    The republicans will give them the same, not enough want something different, not enough want to be free. Can’t blame them really, freedom is not free and not everyone can pay the price it demands.

    Liberty will have to find another home and i doubt very much i’ll see it shine anywhere else in my lifetime.