
I’m sure our long term readers all remember Medusa, her wit and her charm.
Well, the kind, warm and generous Medusa is very, very ill right now and could sure use your prayers and good wishes. Please join me and Gecko in a prayer for her.
Thank you.

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16 Responses to Pray.

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    You bet!

  2. George says:

    Will do. Without getting personal, anything in particular to target?

  3. mistress mara says:

    Medusa, if KG thinks this well of you, and I do not doubt his judgement, then I send my kindest possible regards to you and your family at what is clearly a most difficult time. mara.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Prayers up to Medusa!

  5. Darin says:

    Prayers going up here!

  6. Findalis says:

    Prayers here and one sent to the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

  7. mawm says:

    My thoughts and prayers for you Medusa.

  8. Robertv says:

    Sorry to hear that KG

    All the best for you Medusa and your loved ones.

  9. Contempt says:

    Prayer for Medusa.

  10. KG says:

    Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
    As always, CR readers show their class.

  11. She and her husband are on my prayer list-

  12. Cadwallader says:

    I hope for a speedy recovery too.

  13. Hidethedecline says:

    *lurkermodeoff* As always, my prayers and thoughts go to all critical thinking individuals world wide. A special thought and prayer to Medusa and her family tonight. *lurkermodeon*

  14. RWT says:

    My prayers for her speedy recovery, keep us posted when you can KG.