Just how much more evil do they have to get?

Hostage Jordanian Pilot burned to death by Isis-



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65 Responses to Just how much more evil do they have to get?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    How much more evil do they have to get … before what? Before the sheeple in the formerly-free West WAKE THE FUCK UP to the threat? Before Barry lets Bibi off the leash to take out the trash? Before we start deporting wholesale any of the scum in our midst who proffer any opinion in support of the savages?

    • Darin says:

      Whoa Gantt,those are mighty big steps you’ve listed there,I was aiming much lower with them simply admitting this was an act of terror.

    • mawm says:

      Such sick minds. It must come from chanting all that weird shit in the koran. :evil:

  2. Ronbo says:

    One word: MEDIEVAL :!: :evil: :shock:

    • Seneca III says:

      Actually, Ronbo, the medieval period was quite civilised compared to the pre-medieval 7th century from which the inbred practitioners of death and slavery sprang and have since imported lock, stock and barbaric barrel into the 21st century.

      In fact it was our medieval ancestors who first spotted them for what they are, decided that they didn’t feel like being ‘enriched’ and, unlike ourselves, still having a full set of vertebrae they started kicking this retrograde sub-species back into its evolutionary cul-de-sac http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gifrather than letting themselves be dragged in as well.

      All in all they had a pretty sophisticated survival instinct when compared to us (OK, most of us, that is – I’m not including thee and me in that comparison).

  3. KG says:

    Evil…so easy to slip into when surrounded by it, so difficult for good men and women to fight. :evil:

  4. Brown says:

    As much as I hate Islam and won’t defend it you don’t have to go back far to find the Roman Catholics doing this – although not on the same scale. The stories of the now famous martyrs burnt at the stake are sobering – one took a long time because the wood was wet. Maybe this is the outcome when you follow a man you have put on a pedestal (the Pope or the paedophile goat herder) rather than Christ.

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    Looking back 75 odd years in time, I would say we have a LONG way to go before people open their eyes.

  6. Wombat says:

    ISIS has become nothing less than the homing beacon for every sick fuck in the middle-east (and more than a few from elsewhere).
    “Come join us”, they say, “and you can kill, rape and maim to your heart’s content.”
    “But more importantly”, they add, “you’ll be among brothers who will not revile you for your monsterous way but pat you on the back for them.”

  7. Seneca III says:

    Not until we learn how to :evil: :evil: :evil: will we be able to http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_rose.gif again

    • KG says:

      When it comes to islamists, the :evil: :evil: :evil: is easy enough. The http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_rose.gif might take a little work, though.
      But, first things first, eh?

  8. mistress mara says:

    Disgustingly cruel though the murder of the poor pilot was, there are increasingly loud calls by islamobastards to go even further to frighten the West. Look at shoebat.com and learn about the delights of KHAZOUK. As for calling such people “sick” there are no doubt some who are mentally ill, but the majority are simply EVIL. They must be crushed by any means possible.

  9. KG says:

    Well, here’s a clear and unequivocal condemnation of murderous barbarians and islam if ever I saw one:
    ‘It also indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they are operating off of, it’s bankrupt.’ Obama says’ http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif
    (via Fox)

  10. the conservative says:

    The actual video of the burning part–very sick indeed.


    I don’t know how long it will be there

    • PC says:

      I wish I could un-see the video. If ever we needed evidence that pure evil = ISIS = Islam, that is it right there. So far only Canada’s PM has made that connection. Will our’s grown the stones necessary to rid us of the scourge living amongst us? Sadly, I doubt it. I will probably be arrested by the thought police for saying this, but I think I need a firearms licence … and a big gun.

    • Oswald BAstable says:

      it’s gone

  11. Saxon says:

    When they take the Vatican, kill the Pope and force Germans and French at gunpoint to choose between immediate death at the hands the victorious jihadis or submission and probable death as suicide fodder in the next jihad, then people will realise there is a problem. Of course, that is a tad late.

    The problem is that Europeans have become so conditioned to being safe from anything less than a Soviet-level army, they can’t see a crowd of rabble as a threat. Even as that rabble are slowly winning.

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    I saw a very good point made elsewhere…”Tell me, which of the atrocities the ‘extremist Islamists’ have done did Mohamed not commit?”

  13. Oswald Bastable says:

    Ok- that’s the ROE.

    We burn you too, but by using lard as an accelerant.

  14. tranquil says:

    Am I bad for hoping that every little muslim shitbag kid in this country has the crap kicked out of him by other kids in the next few days?

    • KG says:

      The only answer to this filth available to we the people is to make the West a deeply inhospitable place for muslims to live.

      • tranquil says:

        I agree – thanks for that.

        There aren’t a lot of ways that I can think of to directly fight back against muslims here and still stay within the law (darn it).

        *One* thing I’d thought of was handing leaflets (with info that busts Islam as a lie) to muzzbot kids as they left their high-schools for the day.
        If even only a few of them realised that “hey, this guy is actually telling the truth” and they *passed on the info* to *newcomers* at the school each year – that could lead to the school being permanently “immunised” (as it were).

        The newcomers would receive the “islam is a lie” info and the process could be self-perpetuating.

        Sounds good in theory……

        • KG says:

          I think it’s a great idea, Tranquil. But some way of getting the leaflets out while remaining anonymous would have to be found, since there’s bound to some law they could hang us with.

      • PC says:

        Precisely. They can either leave by usual methods or hang about (benefits are hard to divorce) and be rounded up and be sent for a long, very long swim. With me doing target practice from my boat.

  15. Robertv says:

    Waco 76 men, women and children

  16. KG says:

    This is more than “the leader of the free world” can manage. He’s busy. Playing golf.
    ‘After ISIS execution, angry King Abdullah quotes Clint Eastwood to US lawmakers’

    • Darin says:

      If I were a betting man I would bet the last line in that article is the most telling-
      “”He’s angry,” Hunter said of the king. “They’re starting more sorties tomorrow than they’ve ever had. They’re starting tomorrow. And he said, ‘The only problem we’re going to have is running out of fuel and bullets.'”

      I noticed that while Obama was yapping for the camera yesterday Valerie Jarrett was sitting next to him with a big shit eating grin.Let’s say the real objective here by Isis is to draw Jordan into a larger combat role in Syria.

      While that is going on their operatives in Jordan start stirring up riots and rebellion.Remember a large portion of Jordan’s population is muslim and radical leaning.There were protests yesterday in Jordan expressing anger at Isis for murdering the pilot,but there were other protests angry at Abdullah claiming his involvement with the coalition fighting Isis is what caused them to react.

      So if Jordan goes all in against Isis and they do start to run out of fuel and bullets,will Obama step in and supply them?I would bet he doesn’t and I would bet this is all about toppling Jordan.

  17. Cadwallader says:

    Until “moderate muslims” reveal themselves I say it is prudent to regard all of them as enemies of the West. It is up to them, while in western countries, to prove they are not subscribers to sharia and adherents of the base dictates in the Koran. In other words the onus of proof tips their way (as some feminazis wish it in sexual cases!)
    Having said that I think Boris Johnson’s suggestion that muslim terrorists are ignited for sexual reasons is worth pondering. He does the obvious maths and recognizes that on the polygamous basis of this (cough) religion, there aren’t enough girls/women to go around. Hence we see a pent up degree of testosterone-driven frustrations. Even these primitives cannot expect to feel sated by a complicit goat forever, so they need to find more females. They’re not going to achieve this.
    When the one-baby rule was enforced in China it became apparent early on that many local young men would not find females to partner with in adulthood and they in fact looked overseas for girls/women. Only those who could afford to travel outside China were able to do this. These muslim men have neither the money nor social skills to follow this course as they’ll attempt to bring their weird and violent beliefs with them.
    FFS a colossal and dangerous mess!

    • KG says:

      “FFS a colossal and dangerous mess!”
      Which so many in the West are all but oblivious to, and think that “tolerance” and “outreach” and making all the right noises are enough.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Ann Barnhardt has multiple posts up online which go into great and horrifying detail, explaining that in addition to everything else, iSlam is little more than a psycho-sexual cult. Consider if you will such atrocities as “anal jihad”, the fact that FGM makes the vagina approximately the same size as the anus, and don’t tell me khazouk (reference PC comment above) isn’t some perverted sexual violence fantasy.

      • KG says:

        All religions, all cultures are equally deserving of respect. Ask any teacher or politician.
        Off to the re-education gulag facility for you, Gantt.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Sorry Gantt but I am as innocent as the freshly blown snow, please explain “anal jihad” and “FGM” as these weren’t taught at my school. Were they at yours? :grin:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          This is not something you can learn in school (unless of course you attend a madrassa). This is where the google machine is the source of all knowledge in the universe. Some of it useful, some of it not. Some of it downright … icky.