Outback woman

Bouliagirl Boulia, far-west Queensland  (pic not by Wabbit)

They’re a whole different breed out there. Great people.

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9 Responses to Outback woman

  1. KG says:

    I do like self-awareness in a person:
    ‘Lorde: ‘I don’t deserve my reputation’..’
    Ain’t that the truth! Although perhaps not in quite the way the article portrays it. :twisted:

    • Darin says:

      Weird Al Yankovic’s Lorde parody-“Foil” :lol: :lol:


    • Cadwallader says:

      I don’t wish to appear to be a “tall-poppy” knocker but quite frankly I have doubts about the bona-fides of Lorde. I understand that her mother is a “poet” and hence I suspect her “own” lyrics come from that source. I do not know whether her mother has ever derived a living from poetry but she’ll be doing so now. I regard her voice as ordinary to the point of irritating but it is damn difficult to avoid it, (it was played on the PA system at a cricket game I attended recently.)

  2. Ronbo says:

    I love the big city and especially the downtowns, but every so often I have to escape to the countryside that exists on average starting 50 miles or less from the city center.

    The difference is amazing – you walk down the street in the suburbs and people actually make eye contact and say “hello”, which is a no-no in the big city where it may get you bummed for a quarter, or mugged for your cellphone and wallet.

    ….not to mention being polite and saying “thank you” for a kindness and really meaning it.

    The people “in the sticks” are more honest and the chances are that if you leave your car unlocked with presents visible on the seat everything will still be there when you get back.

    In the big city when you have a flat or breakdown, you stay inside the car with the windows up and the doors locked, and wait for the tow truck to haul you and the vehicle to the safety of a garage.

    If you have a breakdown in the suburbs, small town, or country side and remain in your car, folks will stop and ask if everything is okay, and finding that to be the case, help with repairs or drive you to the nearest service station.

    I could go on and on – I guess it’s just too many rats in the same little cage is the problem. :cry:

  3. Hot d*mn! Nothing like a lady who knows how to get things taken care of and tell nature what’s what!

    Anyone who chooses a Kardashian over this paragon of womanhood is a fool.