Angola gets it right!

Angola bans Islam and shuts down all mosques across the country because it ´clashes with state religion of Christianity´

• Minister of culture described Islam as a ‘sect’ which is banned as counter to Angolan customs and culture
• Nation’s president said: ‘This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country’

(Wabbit has seen no confirmation of this story elsewhere)

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17 Responses to Angola gets it right!

  1. mawm says:

    Yeah, but it doesn’t take away the fact that it is a Marxist regime surviving on the proceeds from oil drilled out of the ground by Westerners. Angola’s last elections were held in ’92 and I guess it is no surprise to you that the sitting president, dos Santos, won. He is a good friend of Mugabe’s and your typical African dictator – living in splendour while his supressed subjects starve. He must either feel that his position is threatened by islam or has been stiffed by OPEC.

    • KG says:

      True enough. But if this story is true, it may just mark the beginning of something interesting and very welcome.

    • Darin says:

      There hasn’t been a vote of the people since 2010-

      Under Dos Santos’s leadership, Angola became a multi-party state, although controlled by Dos Santos. The most recent elections, held in 1992, reelected Dos Santos with 49% of the votes. Dos Santos’s opponent, Jonas Savimbi of the National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) party, claimed that the elections were fraudulent.

      “In January 2010 the National Assembly approved a new constitution, according to which the leader of the party with the most seats in the Assembly would become president, rather than a public vote taking place. The new constitution also limits a president to serving two terms, although it does not count terms served to date, and abolished the post of Prime Minister, and introduced instead the post of vice-president.”

      Leftists-Allergic to the truth since forever.

  2. Mathew says:

    If true it’ll be a terrible shame, they’ll miss out on all the peace, tolerance and multiculturalism that Islam brings. ;-)

  3. Ronbo says:

    Anyone reading my comments will know the contempt I have for Islam, but an outright ban won’t work…Especially in the USA where the First Amendment mandates freedom of religion.

    However, what would work would be an Islamic Reformation as suggested by the president of Egypt, who famously said, “We can’t kill everyone in the world who disagrees with Islam.”

    Don’t forget the Japanese had a killer religion named Shinto that was every bit as bad as radical Islam before and during WW II….but during the American occupation of Japan a Reformation of Shinto was decreed and successful :!:

    Today Shinto is still around…but it’s a new and more peaceful version that doesn’t want to kill everyone in the world who opposes Japan.

    • Wombat says:

      No, it’s actually much simpler than that in my humble opinion.

      Religious tolerance does not extend to threatening or planning murder, rape and slavery.

      As and where these things are preached the preachers ought be locked up and tried in a court of law.

      What follows when the muslims respond is the second part of the solution.

      It’s not complex and we don’t need to make a single new law. All we need is to grow a pair of balls.

  4. Darin says:

    No theocracy,they simply banned islam,now off to the spam bin with you.

  5. Ronbo says:


    Are you having an argument with yourself :?: :mrgreen:

    I hate it when that happens to me :!: :mrgreen:

  6. Brown says:

    The banning because of a conflict with Christianity is fundamentally wrong. They should ban it for good reasons – its violent and always looking to replace the current political system with Sharia law.

  7. Flashman says:

    Angola – a marxist cesspit with crude oil reserves at Cabinda and little or no islamic population.

    That’s like North Korea banning Santa Claus.

  8. john says:

    A marxist regime banning islam? Liberal progressive heads are going to explode as they try to reconcile this. :twisted: