‘Forcing people to start work before 9am is ‘torture’..’     Oxford academic
And who does this moron expect will staff hospitals, drive trains and buses, collect garbage and keep the water and electricity flowing, if not people who routinely start work before 9am?

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9 Responses to FFS!

  1. Yokel says:

    The fool needs to have a word with some of his older colleagues in the study of sleep. During a study of the effects of shift work, especially of the shift rotations, it was conclusively established that us older folks don’t spend as long asleep only because we have become less good at sleeping. The ability to sleep begins to fail along with all the other things that begin to fail as we approach our “three score years and ten”. It is absolutely nothing to do with “not needing” the sleep. Fool.

  2. Cadwallader says:

    As I have aged I have come to prefer an early start to everyday whether it be a work day or a break. My best work days begin about 5am (NOT to listen to the stupid Rachael Smalley) and finish about 2.30pm – 3pm. I am stuffed early evening but sleep like a baby for about 6 hours which seems to be sufficient.

  3. Odakyu-sen says:

    Call me Pavlov’s Dog, but every time I read “FFS!” this blog comes to mind. (Get it trademarked.. ;-)

    Getting up before 9:00 a.m. is hell? Only a university lecturer would say such a thing…

  4. MacDoctor says:

    Being forced to work before 9am IS torture for academics. Specifically, it is torture for their students – having to listen to them drivel on nonsensically at that time in the morning.

  5. Wombat says:

    And so the usual dominoes will fall.

    Altered (reduced) hours for students (who will just stay up later at night) will lead to lower academic standards.

    Leading the way will be the public sector who will get the reduced hours but will riot at the possibility of reduced wages. Hence we will be told we need more public servants to do the same job. More taxes will follow.

    The unionised private sector will demand the “torture” of 9-5 be reimbursed with some sort of penalty rate. The price of everything will go up. Some businesses will go under. More job losses will lead to more welfare to more taxes.

    Meanwhile, the Chinese laugh and laugh and laugh.

  6. mara says:

    I always read the utterings of Oxford academics to savour the wilder flights of vacuity than the average read generally offers. Someone of a more literary type than moi encapsulated the issue decades ago when saying “shit happens, then you die.” http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif