Bravo! An Englishman speaks:

Tommy Robinson in Manchester: “Politicians have sold us out”

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30 Responses to Bravo! An Englishman speaks:

  1. Darin says:

    Go after them Tommy we got your back!

  2. KG says:

    ‘…It is becoming clear that the top-down promotion of a hollow ‘togetherness’ in response to terrorism is about cultivating passivity. It is about suppressing strong public feeling. It’s about reducing us to a line of mourners whose only job is to weep for our fellow citizens, not ask why they died, or rage against their dying. The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us.’

  3. mara the deplorable says:

    Tommy NEVER said… Emergency plan in case of a terrorist attack in a Western city.
    1 Tearful cartoons,
    2 Facebook filters.
    3 Crying on TV.
    4 Light up buildings.
    5 Candlelight vigils.
    6 More refugees.
    7 Call those who want peace bigots.
    8 Wait for the next attack.
    9 Repeat.
    10 Do nothing.

    And remember, all you need is love and to weep, never think. Thinking leads to trouble and we don’t want that do we.

  4. mara the deplorable says:

    I am surprised that Tommy is still alive. He has so many enemies and no security that I have heard of. It is peculiar and worrying at the same time.

    • KG says:

      It surely is very odd. Perhaps they (goverment/police) allow it in order to foster the illusion of free speech?

  5. Ronbo says:

    …You forgot to mention government reaction 11. drones/aircraft blowing up a few terrorists in Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq…It’s kind of like trying to get rid of a serious problem of cockroaches in your house by going out into the middle of the backyard and stepping on a couple of bugs.

    The problem isn’t the dirty bugs outside the house – It’s the cockroach nests inside that are the problem – and you don’t solve that infestation either by stepping on a few bugs you see running around when you turn on the light.

    • KG says:

      Nicely put.

      • Ronbo says:

        Thanks for the endorsement, KG – and I would continue the reason homeowners don’t do something is the other partner in the relationship doesn’t want to do the one thing that will kill all the bugs in the home in one fell swoop: Move out to a motel for a few days and allow the pest control professionals to do what is needed to end the cockroach problem. This process includes sealing the entire house in a leak proof tent and pumping in poison gas for several days.

        Yes, removing the dirty and dangerous bugs from your home is a disruptive and expensive process – However, as home owners in Florida have long discovered – when the uncomfortable and disruptive process is complete – and the house aired out and dead bugs thrown in the garbage – it’s like living a new home!

        The moral to this story is that we need to back off on the civil rights concerns and turn loose Homeland Security on the Islamic terrorists [H.S. already knows who they are and where they live]….and ignore the tearful cries coming from the Left – In fact, inform them they are either with us or against us – and if it’s the latter – they get thrown in garbage along with their Islamic buddies.

        • Darin says:

          Too right,I see one report where the UK knows it has 3500 radicals in the country.I say pick the low hanging fruit and make that 3500 disappear overnight.The ones that are left will have been disrupted and forced so far underground they will no longer be able to communicate and therefore no longer be able to function as a network like the one that just did the attack in Manchester.

          I would also begin investigating every member of a mosque who’s members are involved in an attack.Start pulling on loose threads and see what unravels.

          • KG says:

   investigate the senior police and political ties to this filth. They are many. I’d like to see 20+ politicians taken prisoner and then hanged publicly, no trial.
            The Manchester victims got no trial, so why should those who made this mass murder inevitable get one? The politicians are as much murderers as the guy who detonated the bomb.

    • andy5759 says:

      Nail hit firmly on the head. I will be pinching your words later this evening. The bug analogy is perfect. Thank you.

  6. Ronbo says:

    British Government is FURIOUS over the Manchester Massacre AT THE USA!

    Yes, it shouldn’t have happened, but how about a little bit anger directed at those RESPONSIBLE for the terrorist attacks? Hmmm? The people HM Government is too cowardly and PC to even to name, “ISLAMIC TERRORISTS/RADICALS.

    …and btw, Madam PM, if Britain lacks the prison space to house the 3,500 Islamic terrorists already I.D.ed – I’m sure President Trump will rent you prison space in GITMO.

    • Darin says:

      These assholes don’t ever need to see the inside of a courtroom,let alone a prison cell.
      All they need to see ever is a muzzle flash.

      • KG says:

        Damn right.

        • Ronbo says:

          I really like The President of the Philippines who has reacted to Muslim terrorism in his country by ending habeas corpus for the duration of the national emergency – and – GLORY! GLORY! given his police and military a free hand to go after the terrorists with an iron fist.

          No trials…No prisons.. A brief and very brutal interrogation and execution.

          This is the same guy who ended the drug crisis in his country by ordering the P.I. cops to shoot drug dealers on sight…

          “Civil rights? CIVIL RIGHTS? Drug dealers and terrorists don’t have no stinking civil rights in the Philippines!”

  7. MikeH. says:

    Sort of leaning back toward the political scum portion of the topic; it’s never too late to put the tar pot on simmer and start plucking some chickens. Better yet… turn the heat up under the tar cauldron and never mind the feathers.

  8. KG says:

    ‘Anne Applebaum: The wrong way to react to terrorism’
    Kiwis – or at least the media – are very much on-board with this shit:


  9. Cadwallader says:

    “The mis-placed target syndrome.” Newstalk started off this morning on Teresa May’s alleged anger towards the USA. Not her anger towards Islamofilth. I suspect the leak from Washington is seen as another chance to fire off at Trump. If so, the msm is yet again wrong. Killing off leaks in Washington will play sweetly into Trump’s hands as he drains the swamp of political filth and tawdry media.

    • Ronbo says:

      If Trump would shoot a few of these leaker-traitors as would the current President of the Philippines if it had happened in his Administration – there would be two million federal bureaucrats sacred shitless and silenced.

  10. Darin says:

    Speaking of terrorists-

    A warning to frothing lefties,we will hunt you,we will find you,we will not rest :twisted:

  11. Odakyu-sen says:

    “Hard times create strong men.
    Strong men create good times.
    Good times create weak men.
    Weak men create hard times.”

    (Not my quote)

  12. mawm says:

    The Death of Europe and Western Civilisation – Pat Condell.

    Really! Change things with your vote? No politician is brave enough (except Winston – and he might just get my vote) to speak out against muslim immigration/invasion.

    • Darin says:

      Spot on as usual,only I would add that these attacks serve a purpose.They allow the elites a vehicle to further restrict and or remove OUR rights.

      Time to forget the ballot box and embrace the ammo box.Vote from the roof tops if you want real change.

      • KG says:

        ‘Time to forget the ballot box and embrace the ammo box.Vote from the roof tops if you want real change.’
        Not that it’s going to be pleasant, but they’ve left us a choice between that and slavery.