UPDATE: MacDoctor nails the lying, self-serving bureaucrats involved. Every damn one of the bastards should be sacked. (They obviously have no sense of shame, so they won’t resign)
‘…For a small country, New Zealand has a shocking record of child abuse. And the numbers are looking worse than ever.
But why are our babies dying? Why are our toddlers bashed and bruised? Why are our children, society’s most vulnerable members, being subjected to these sickening acts day after day?..’
“OUR” babies? There’s a clue, right there. Nowhere in this long article does it mention who the prime offenders are–nowhere does it say that Maori are hugely, disproportionately responsible for this tide of savagery and filth.
For all the hand-wringing, the reporter and the newspaper lack the guts and simple honesty to identify the core of the problem, speaking instead of factors such as poverty and drug use. And of course those are factors, and they’re not confined to Maori. But Maori are clearly the most violent section of Kiwi society and no amount of air-brushing by do-gooders and apologists will change that. Meantime, how about the media stop tarring the vast majority of decent New Zealand parents with the same brush and bloody well stop pretending that it’s everybody’s problem and responsibility. A kid with his or her head kicked in isn’t “our” kid–he’s the child of the damn “parent” who either did it or allowed it to happen. And that “parent” will almost certainly be brown.
Bloody well said, KG. ‘Our’ babies are not dying. John Key’s anti-parenting law* (which was supposed to stop the child-slaughter) is a pathetic attempt to group all parents together as beaters, abuses and murderers.
This is overwhelmingly a Maori problem and until the politicians and their media lapdogs label it as such, there will never be a solution. I suppose at least they’ve stopped eating their children after murdering them.
*Key apologists such as WhaleOil and others still refer to this as Sue Bradford’s law, but it is not. It is John Key’s law, John Key’s failure and John Key’s shame. The law is an affront to decency and a crime against the democratic process. It would never have got legs had Key not swung the Nats in behind it. And remember, it would have been gone by lunch time had he bothered listening to the 88% of his employers who told him to repeal it.
Always remember that the State owns your child. That is why it can take the child away from you. The State will do everything to get a camera in your house to control those bad parents.
Anna Leask who wrote the story is obviously a brainwashed collectivist of the type journalism schools, mostly run by far left academics, have been pumping out for decades.
They may well have been your children Anna, but they sure as damn hell were not mine. Stop trying to smear European NZers with your one size fits all progressive brush.
Just another fake journalist filling the Herald with page after page of collectivist cant. Go broke you scum.
I recall the She-Beast commenting that “this is Society’s problem and Society must deal with it!” Not my fucking Society! This shared responsibility means that those whose rightful responsibility it is, evade responsibility. I am not sure whether it is more disgusting than sad…either way it pisses me off.
It’s just another symptom of the same disease all over the west.Life is being made cheap by these people.The same bunch that insist on multiculturalism,are the same bunch that insist on abortion on demand.If they don’t care about the slaughter of the unborn why would they care about the abuse of the born or the destruction of civilized society?
I believe that God is watching and what he sees won’t go unnoticed or unpunished.
What would Jesus do?
“And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”
Speaking from an adoptive parent point-of-view (1970’s) I have totally come to the conclusion that the first step must be to stop providing the DPB to teenage mothers.
If they want to keep their child then their family must front up with the costs and support of rearing that child.
Otherwise, let the family allow the baby go to adoption (I gather there are heaps of people who would love to adopt) or to be reared by someone in the whanau.
“WE” shouldn’t be funding people to raise their children.
Dyann – when someone in the whanau rises the kid they expect the government to pay them for doing so…..once again a little income generating exercise and not necessarily done for love.
I get that, Mawm. So I’ll rephrase.
Or to be taken in by someone in the extended family as like an own child. (That is, legally adopted.)
“..I have totally come to the conclusion that the first step must be to stop providing the DPB to teenage mothers.”
It makes them no more than a cash machine for doped-out bludgers to attach themselves to, live off and abuse. Of course in a situation like that (and there are thousands of them) the children will be a mere inconvenience.
I can’t think of a more poisonous environment for little kids–an orphanage would be preferable.
Funny how whenever anyone suggests there should be one law for all races in NZ they are branded racist by the left, but maori killing their own children is everyone’s problem…
One of the fringe benefits of professional victimhood, isn’t it? Pass the buck.
Again I recall the She-Beast (an ugly habit! ) when, after a spate of liquor-store hold-ups in Mangere she had the law changed to make it more difficult for liquor-stores to open there. Not only is this an absurd non-sequitur, it is by implication blaming the liquor-store owners for their own hold-ups. The blame lies with the mindless brown brats who actually perpetrate the hold-ups…or did I miss something?
“or did I miss somthing?”
Of course you damn well did, Cad! They are not “mindless brown brats” (you farking raaaaaciiiist), but victims of colonial oppressors. You obviously need some time in a re-education camp to infuse you with the culturally-appropriate amount of Liberal White Guilt.
If those liquor-store owners did not want to get held up they should not have arrived in New Zealand legally and attempted to use their work-ethic and entrepreneurialism to get ahead. They should have disposed of their paperwork down the aeroplane dunny, claimed refugee status and spent their days welching off welfare. They clearly don’t damn well get the rules of the game (which is why the government’s agents were sent in to rob them in the first place – put them back in their damn place – entirely reliant on the state for their existence).
“It makes them no more than a cash machine for doped-out bludgers to attach themselves to, live off and abuse. Of course in a situation like that (and there are thousands of them) the children will be a mere inconvenience.”
DPB poster-girl
Tried to put in a hyperlink:
Sian Corbett-Pitman
Brilliant link! Thanks for that, Mike. In future we’ll put up more stuff from that site.
I’m sick and bloody tired of listening to all the excuses “sophisticated” apologists come up with for these scumbags.
I’m putting the site on our blogroll.Let’s hope more people get to know about it.
“kiss slowly….love truly” What a load of shit! It appears that the “love truly” doesn’t extend to the produce of her drunken fucking! She is a bit of useless, brainless fecund shit!
Bring back: forced sterilisation, eugenics, etc.. These scum-bags run around with the sexual urges of rabbits and with the tiny brains and discernment to match.
Does the NZ taxpayer know he/she funds a failed social laboratory?
Os suggested a return to orphanages recently. This is a sound idea because at least the unfortunate offspring will have clean hair, clothes and bedding and be away from the money leeching, pig ignorant whanau, with its unlimited aroha.
“These scum-bags run around with the sexual urges of rabbits and with the tiny brains and discernment to match.”
Perfectly put.
(Mind you, this Wabbit will only plead guilty to one of those.)
We can only blame the Stone Age Maori people for this shameful statistic.
So much for their wonderful “culture”.
They couldn’t figure out the wheel, but managed to figure out ‘Daughters: a source of fun, food and profit!’
And yet another, this morning:
“this is Society’s problem and Society must deal with it!”
And society would- if they were permitted to do so! Using good hemp rope.
Exactly. It’ll become ‘our’ problem when the solution is also ours to apply.
Let me take a wild, crazy, out-of-the-left-field guess.
Somewhere in the report is the claim that this is a “community” responsibility?
Rule 1: A Maori success is a Maori success; a Maori failure is “our” problem.