sigh…nothing left to pee upon.

‘Report: Pakistan Taliban leader dead in drone strike

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7 Responses to sigh…nothing left to pee upon.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Mebbe if they’d finally nuked Mecca and Medina there’d be nothing left to pee on. If you get caught short, you can always attend at your local Saudi-funded mosque and obtain for yourself a copy of the koran, which is good for catching Number One and wiping Number Two. :mrgreen:

  2. MK says:

    It’s funny this western world of ours, can’t piss all over the corpses of scumbags who blow up women and children. No-no, dreadful business this, we have to respect them, dignity, human rights, blah-blah. Can’t even catch them, incarcerate them and pour water on them to get some info out of them.

    But it’s all good to drop a bomb on their hut, blow them to hundreds of small pieces in all directions, their kin can’t even find enough of them to give them a decent burial, left to be eaten by vultures, rats and dogs and shat out a day or two later. That’s just fine to this western world of ours. Makes no sense to me. :???:

    Oh and did i mention we’re at war with them.

  3. drones are so much easier for the left than REAL -human- Soldiers-Marines -‘
    it’s time for some change-

  4. oswald bastable says:

    I’m sure a drone can carry a little bucket of instant sunshine :mrgreen:

  5. Darin says:

    We’ll have to follow in behind the drones with one of these-