Walking excrement with no sense of shame:

NZ apartheid activist joins ANC 100 year celebrations
As South Africa’s liberation party began its 100th-year celebrations last week, New Zealand activist David Wickham had the chance to join in and reflect on his part in the anti-apartheid movement…’
The sanctimonious scumbag will take no responsibility, of course, for helping promote a terrorist organisation, or for the rape and murder of white farmers and their families. For the massive increase in crime, or for the tribal killings and worsening poverty and starvation of the blacks the naive fuckwit claimed to be helping.

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9 Responses to Walking excrement with no sense of shame:

  1. oswald bastable says:

    The leftist condition:- it’s all about ‘the cause’ and not what you have caused…

  2. Angus says:

    The leftist condition:- it’s all about ‘the cause’ and not what you have caused…

    . . . and the highly smug sense of moral superiority they get from doing it.

  3. dondiego says:

    I put a comment on SBPDL about that fiasco. They’re “still hungry” and life expectancy is less than apartheid.
    The blacks appear worse off. It’s a hell on earth for whites http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2012/01/ultimate-irony.html

  4. mawm says:

    From TIME –

    How the ANC Lost Its Way

    ……..the saga of ANC scandals. There are the perks, like the $550 million the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) claims ministers and their wives have spent on themselves since 2009. There is the state security minister whose wife was convicted of running an international drug ring, and the local government minister who used public money to fly first class to Switzerland to visit his girlfriend, also in prison for narcotics. There is the previous police chief, jailed for 15 years for taking bribes from the mob. And there is a corrupt $4.8 billion European arms deal that has haunted the ANC leadership since it was agreed to in 1999.

    This is the tip of the iceberg…..no mention of the money to feed the children in the Eastern Cape (Mandela’s homeland) that was stolen by the officials, no mention of money to run the Hospitals (mostly the Eastern Cape again) that disappeared, no mention of Mandela’s role in the Arms Deal….and how he and successive Prime Ministers have prevented any investigation into where all the bribe money went (Mandela is a very wealthy man….on 4 years of a President’s salary and 1 book?).

    ……….His remarkable ability to emerge from prison with forgiveness for his persecutors was a genuine wonder………

    This is of the communist POS who initiated the ‘Armed Struggle” in South Africa, who during the Rivonia Treason Trials was convicted for the crimes of “sabotage and conspiracy” – which at that time carried the death penalty, who continued to sanctioned the attacks on civilian targets where women and children of all races were being killed, and who refused to renounce violence for his freedom.

    At the time that the ANC was becoming an international cause celebre, a 1984 internal party inquiry — the Stuart Commission — found that the ANC’s training camps in Angola were “autocratic,” “corrupt” and sadistic, run through a mix of torture, rape and execution. – Current SA President, Jacob Zuma, had a very big role in this.

    There no mention of the false accusations and ‘necklacing’ of ‘informers’ in the townships to ensure that the masses adhered to the ANC line, or the 12 000 others who were murdered for the ANC cause in the run up to the 1994 elections.

    There is no mention of the decline in the measures of development like infant mortality, maternal mortality, longevity and education. Since 1994 SA has sunk from being on a par with countries such as Spain, on such measures, to being just one of the many failing African states. Nor is there any mention of the more than 3000 white farmers and their families who have been tortured, raped and then murdered since the ANC came into power in 1994.

    They are corrupt, self-serving, Marxist thugs wallowing in the wealth that white South Africans created……and the poor and impoverished are now poorer and more impoverished.

    :evil: :evil: :evil:

  5. KG says:

    Damn right, Mawm. And I’ve yet to see a single “anti-apartheid activist” apologise for their part in helping bring this about.
    They were scumbags then and they’re even worse now, for their cowardly silence in the face of the disaster they facilitated.

  6. Flashman says:

    Yet another 81 tour protest wanker. I swear there are more of these St mandela leg-humping characters in NZ then there were self-proclaimed heroic French resistance fighters strutting around the streets of Lyons after the Germans had dropped the last bridge over the Rhine.

    Of course it’s quite OK for NZ to host a cricket team from zimbabwe.

    No moral problem there to bother about. No. It doesn’t exist.

    Have A Racist Tour.

  7. rivoniaboy says:

    Chris Laidlaw hang your head in shame – falling over himself to interview any ANC halfwit that came within broadcasting range.

  8. Kris K says:

    That GoV article Dondiego linked to above also had a comment which further linked to a Pam Gellar article – Jihadis Incite South African Blacks to kill all Whites – which brings in the Islamist variable:

    “Facebook jihad on South African whites: Ahmed El Saud @ Chris: we will do the job for your people. We will kill the whites at a agreed price per head. We deliver all heads and expect raw cash, gold or diamonds as payment. Baby heads are same as grown up’s in price. We will give you instructions on how to arrange the payment and the terms and conditions. Do not worry now. We provide also body guards if you are in need. Just speak out. We can bring in planes and do it with poison spray but your people must be out of the area.”