For how much longer are we going to tolerate this garbage?

‘Here’s the help Australia has already given to Mansor Almaribe.
It took him in as a refugee in 1999, and later brought over his family, too.
It has enabled him to educate his children and save enough money for a pilgrimage last year to Saudi Arabia even though after a decade in Australia he has not bothered to learn enough English to speak publicly without an interpreter….’                     Andrew Bolt
Now this primitive piece of shit is going to sue the Australian taxpayer!

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35 Responses to For how much longer are we going to tolerate this garbage?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    There’s gratitude for ya. The diversity dividend in action. He’s made a ‘pilgrimage’ to Saudi but hasn’t bothered to learn English. I wonder if his passage to Saudi was paid from the wages earned from an honest job, or if you & I had our hard earned stolen to pay for him. Scumbag.

  2. KG says:

    There are a number of lawyers who make a very comfortable living out of helping these bastards find cause to sue and extort. Any push-back needs to be against them first.

    • Ronbo says:

      Please forgive the change in topic, but The Second American Revolution is in progress…literally and fictionally:

      Latest chapter in my free online novel of conspiracy, assassination and revolution:

      Latest fictional chapter

      Things are going to get hot in old Boston town and the historians may call it “The Boston Massacre II”!

      Cheers, Ronbo

      • Robertvdl says:

        Don’t forget that Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act on December 31, 2011. So if we don’t hear from you anymore we know why.

  3. KG says:

    Here’s the perfect solution. Win.Win.Win:
    Deport every last primitive goat-humping, murderous unassimilable muslim leech and instead throw open the doors to white Africans.
    We get rid of a massive drain on the economy and a source of never-ending friction and instead gain hard-working, English-speaking, tough, self-reliant people.
    A huge boost to both the economy and to social harmony.
    (And their women are much better looking too. :mrgreen: )

  4. KG says:

    Of course, a lot of lefty facilitators and bureaucrats would then be out of a job…rack that up as another win.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, win-win-win-win then?

    It’s actually a bloody good point. We talk a lot about White Flight, and we know from where they’re going to be fleeing, but TO WHERE?

    I feel damn sorry for all those Saffers and Zimboes who fled the dark continent…and ended up in New Zealand!

    • steve Magendans says:

      Pity us tough hard working, self reliant kiwis , we’re out numbered by parasites & zombies

      • George says:

        There’s a lot to be said in favour of southern hemisphere immigration. Queenstown is now becoming a work destination for young south Americans [Argentina Chile Brasil] and their polite efficient service is a welcome change from the airhead ring-in-the-nose kiwi bimbos whose day you ruin by being a customer.
        The Saffas and Zimboes I have met here are hard working and straight. A mate was going surfing with one when they were monstered by a group of teenage maoris demanding to use their cellphone. The Saffa just slapped the leader across his snout and the incident died immediately. His only comment was ‘you can’t tolerate that shit’

    • Cadwallader says:

      The ones I have met, seem to be generally grateful to be in NZ. The lifestyle improvement is not too difficult to picture.

      • mawm says:

        Erm….. Maybe the safety improvement, but lifestyle…….not a chance.

        Sun, warm summers – actually just summer will do, warm seas, endless white-sand beaches, good surf, the girls :shock: , diving, climbing, hiking, hunting (real wild animals), game reserves, good beer and wine, good meat, proper BBQ’s, etc, etc. Someone to clean your house, your car and mow the lawn…and pick up the dogsh*t. :mrgreen:

        No whinging whining feminism, no OSH, no RMA, etc. :roll:

        The only negative is the constant threat to personal safety, and the randomness and the severity of the violence that accompanies it. And of course the government….which is probably a little more F*cked than NZ’s. :evil:

        • mawm says:

          Before I sound ungrateful………I have been very happy in NZ and am very thankful that I have been able to raise my daughter in NZ. If it were not for my wife and daughter I’d be back in SA tomorrow.

        • KG says:

          And the women.. :grin:
          I love Africa, but the only way I’d go back is as part of an invading re-colonising force.

  6. Robertvdl says:

    Don’t think J.Gillard & Co want more hard-working, English-speaking, tough, self-reliant people.
    Socialists hate hard-working ,tough, self-reliant people. It’s bad for their business to create chaos and misery.

  7. Katie says:

    Throw his ass out of the country and back to the hellhole he came from.

  8. WAKE UP says:

    A friend of mine has neighbours from Iran who have NEVER mown a lawn, including the one they now have – they’d rather let it grow and catch the birds that light in it (to eat, of course). This may sound like a small thing, but it’s just another indicator of cultural divide. (Oh, did I mention that they are aged 79 and 80, and have residence in NZ? HOW ?)

  9. WAKE UP says:

    I think he should be grateful that he had the opportunity to experience Saudi Arabian culture to the fullest ( isn’t that what pilgrimages are for? ) :mrgreen:

  10. Octagongrappler says:

    It also proves once and for all that International Education is a ponzi immigration scam!! :x