How long before “encouraged” becomes forced?

‘Elderly homeowners will be encouraged to downsize to smaller properties and allow councils to rent their homes to local families under Coalition plans to ease the nation’s housing crisis…’
Read the piece, and it’s glaringly obvious that this is the usual softening-up propaganda run by the media for government.

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19 Responses to How long before “encouraged” becomes forced?

  1. David says:

    Sounds like they just need a nice and simple euthanasia program… They are probably already working out the details.

  2. Jay says:

    “Grant Shapps, the housing minister, said councils should offer to help pensioners move to more suitable accommodation to create space for families. ”

    I think he means: “to create space for third world immigrants.”

    • Octagongrappler says:


      Think of the Diversity Dividend 3rd world migrants will make to society?

      Your life as well as mine will be enriched :mrgreen:

  3. George says:

    A current outworking of this happens in the corrupt Russian Republic. The old Soviet psychiatric prisons that used to break dissedent people’s brains and spirits on behalf of the glorious motherland are still operating. The cash now comes in an envelope and an address that the donor wants to occupy. A contrived argument, cops called, shrinks whistled up, the men in white coats take the tenant away and Bob’s your uncle.

    • KG says:

      That’s still happening?? :shock:

      • George says:

        “Soviet psychiatric facilities, for example, that were once used to torment dissidents, now receive cash-filled envelopes from younger Russians eager to dislodge elderly in-laws from desirable apartments. ”

        • KG says:

          Hmm..thanks for that, George. I guess ideology just exploits aspects of human nature–in this case, some of the worst aspects.
          That’s an excellent book review. Very informative–it shows Russia teetering on the brink of anarchy, non?

          • George says:

            Well the most optimistic view is that Russia is in an unstable period — between two other unstable periods. The last one when the old rouble collapsed they still didn’t default on their foreign bonds, just the internal system went belly up.
            The west on the other hand is on the edge of a bond default abyss.
            Proof of intelligent life in the US and EU is in dire need of some hard evidence at present.
            Russia, corrupt and lawless, is a vision of our future.

            • KG says:

              “Russia, corrupt and lawless, is a vision of our future.”
              I believe that’s absolutely true. It may be dressed up in a tutu and wearing lipstick when it comes, but it’ll be the same beast.

  4. KG says:

    Robert has the perfect vacation for Obama…send him out on an airbed to play with the fishies…..

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      What is it with tour operators thinking its a good idea to teach the crocs to associate boats n people with ‘dinner’?

      • KG says:

        Dunno, Gantt. I reckon it’s insane and when we lived near Adelaide River the locals were always having close and unpleasant encounters with big crocs. Much more so than in other places.