Farida Fozdar, a message for you:

Crusader Rabbit’s car now wears this flag for Australia Day.

In the Aussie vernacular…


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30 Responses to Farida Fozdar, a message for you:

  1. Darin says:

    All you need now are Koran mud flaps :twisted:

  2. medusa says:

    Standing ovation :smile:

  3. KG says:

    Thank you, ma’am. :grin:

  4. oswald bastable says:

    I need one of those…

  5. dondiego says:

    (chuckle) I have fond memories of wearing the flag on my Aussie Ford on those special days.
    And I’ll be taking an Australian flag with me to work tomorrow!

  6. oswald bastable says:

    The only time you see a flag here is when there is a rugby match on- says a lot, really… :cry:

    • KG says:

      It does. I saw more people flying the separatists flag in Masterton than I ever did the New Zealand flag.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    I would very much like to support your campaign, KG, but I simply can’t bring myself to fly a flag bearing too many stars of the wrong colour. I could either put my All Blacks flag or my New Zealand flag on my environment-destroying 4*4. Let me know which you prefer! :roll: :cool:

    • KG says:

      The New Zealand flag would look good, Gantt. :smile: The two have flown side-by-side often enough as allies, after all.
      The ‘All Blacks’ flag? That’s the flag of some footy team owned by a German company, ja?

      • Moist von Lipwig says:

        :grin: :grin:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Yep. Brothers in Arms and all that. We’re heading home to Melbourne this afternoon from the Cuba of the South Pacific. Our vehicle will display our support for our larger cousins.

        I’ve been a follower of the All Blacks since the days when they were hard men with real jobs who just happened to play rugby for their country on weekends, and I can’t quite bring myself to stop supporting the team now they’re a corporate brand and wholly-owned subsidiary of Adidas.

        • Darin says:

          That’s the way all the big four sports used to be here.

          Football,Basketball,Baseball and Racing.Now it’s all commercial crap.

  8. Steve Bannister says:

    I wonder if Ms Fozdar is an Australian Citizen. I wonder if she took her pledge to Australia under the Australian flag. I wonder if she said the words ‘I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey’. I wonder if she meant it. Like many other new citizens, I took my pledge yesterday at a ceremony, and became an Australian Citizen on Australia Day. I came from the UK in 2005, where people like Ms Fozdar have turned the country into a nothing. The UK is now a country where local council buildings cannot fly the flag of the UK without cries of ‘Racism’ and intimidation from the politically correct. A country where you now cannot celebrate Christmas in many schools, cannot display Christmas cards in your workplace, yet has become a country where immigrants, both legal and illegal are free to fly their own country’s flag in their front gardens, their businesses and from their cars. In the UK, we were told we could put those little flags on our cars anymore to celebrate St. Georges day, or even a small football win. It was disguised as a safety issue but stank of the politically correct. I wonder if Ms Fozdar did any research at all, or did she just read a few UK newspapers. To me, this is history repeating itself. I left the UK, a country of people who are now becoming less and less proud of who they are, for the simple reason that they are not allowed to be proud of who they are. Every last sense of identity is being stripped away from them, and where the accuser’s seem far more racist than the accused. I wonder, if we let this go on, whether Australia will go the same way as the UK. Imagine if we are not allowed to fly the Australian flag, and not allowed to celebrate Australia Day. Trust me, Ms Fozdar, and people like her, are bringing that day closer and closer with their anti-Australian research. I wonder if Ms Fozdar is really the racist here?

    • KG says:

      Of course Fozdar is the racist. People like her choose to see everything in racist terms, which is partly why opposition the the muslim colonisation of the West is being framed as “racist”, when in fact it’s a cultural fight.
      Because the race slur has worked for these bastards, and until we as a people indicate it no longer has any power it will continue to work for them.
      “I wonder, if we let this go on, whether Australia will go the same way as the UK.”
      I don’t wonder at all, Steve. It’s absolutely inevitable, which is why I post so much stuff about what’s happening in Britain.
      Either Aussies (and welcome, by the way :smile: ) stand up against this shit and start taking some responsibility for countering the crap their kids heads are being filled with, or we are stuffed.
      I’m not optimistic.

  9. KG says:

    Does anybody wonder why Japan doesn’t have to put up with this crap?