‘Be scanned or be banned’

A magnificent rant!    Excerpt:
‘PASSENGERS at airports across Australia will be forced to undergo full-body scans or be banned from flying under new laws to be introduced into Federal Parliament this week.
…..Do you see the problem, (Transport Minister) Albanese? Do you really expect us to believe things will be markedly better here? Do you really expect it not to deteriorate into queues and queues of people doubled up like game snakes waiting to be herded through the scanners? Do you see why a trip to Tel Aviv to learn from a country that’s no more loved by the Islamaloons than us or the UK or the US but has had just one incident in the last decade, which even then was a frigging mistake, could have been so much more effective?
The whole thing HERE

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10 Responses to ‘Be scanned or be banned’

  1. Redbaiter says:

    The government, from the top to the bottom, from federal to local, is a collection of petty tyrants who all deserve nothing but to be thrown into the streets.

    Tarring and feathering is far too good for these smarmy slimy do gooding bureaucratic scum.

    Somehow, we have to get these bastards out of our lives for ever. And make it so we can never ever return to this perverted style of democracy- essentially a state of soft tyranny.

    • Darin says:

      Here your likely to be patted down or searched by felons.The TSA now stands for “They’ll Steal Anything” after a series of arrests of TSA screeners busted for stealing from passengers luggage all the way to hauling illegal drugs,what role models they are :roll:

      And I will point out yet again after all the billions spent,all the lost time and inconvenience to passengers not a single terrorist has been caught or a single terrorist act foiled :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Might help if the TSA agents were looking for terrorists, rather than digitally raping grannies and little girls, eh? Ah, but what do I know? Who’s to say Granny didn’t have a IED up her skirt? Nope, you need to listen. I said I E D! :twisted:

          • Darin says:

            Look here-

            The boys father has a lot more self control than I do.One or more of those agents would have been on the ground needing an Ambulance had they touched my kid.

            • KG says:

              Then, of course, that wouldn’t be simple assault..nossir. Under the Homeland Security Act you’d be charged with a terrorism offence.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

              Pedophiles. Do these animals operate at ports and train/bus stations as well, or is it just airports?

              • Moist von Lipwig says:

                Sickening video :evil:

                At 0:37.. Is that Irma Grese standing at the gate?

              • Darin says:

                GG,so far just airports,but they have started random checkpoints at train stations,public buildings and even schools.

                So if you come here make sure your paperverk is in order-Sieg HEIL!

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    (reply to Darin)

    Schools? They really are just cruising pedophiles, aren’t they?