Kim Dotcom

‘..Mona Dotcom put her children to bed last night knowing the $4.3 million house neighbouring the family’s mansion was now under the control of the Government, at the urging of the United States.
It was the one part of New Zealand the family had been able to buy after the Government rejected their application to buy the $30 million mansion.’
Hmmm..the government rejected it, after accepting a bribe to grant residency. Suddenly Dotcom wasn’t a “fit and proper person”!
‘…But it has emerged police officers also removed items of value that were not on the initial court order, including Mrs Dotcom’s jewellery.
The jewellery did not emerge on any legal order until February 1. In that order, executed yesterday, there were 15 pieces of jewellery listed – but already taken…
Something stinks here. And not just the business of the jewellery. The whole things reeks of oppressive abuse of power in the service of special interests. The barely-concealed glee of the NZ media as they recount the assets seized reeks of envy and a vicious dislike of business success, too.
And let’s not forget..this man and his associates are still innocent in the eyes of what passes for the law in NZ.

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27 Responses to Kim Dotcom

  1. WAKE UP says:

    If everyone called Mr “Dotcom” by his real name – Schmidt – there’d be a different perspective on all this.

    • KG says:

      His “real” name is Dotcom. It was legally changed, by a rather well-known process which carries no connotations of criminality.

  2. Alan says:

    Schmidt @ Dot Com is a crook, has serious convictions overseas and is a shady
    con man of the worst type. The powers that be are the most culpable for even
    allowing him into our little socialist utopia.

    • KG says:

      He is an ex crook. Under German laws, his criminal record was wiped after ten years.
      “is a shady con man of the worst type”
      And what type would that be? I wasn’t aware there is a heirachy of con men. And what evidence do you base that statement on?
      “..for even allowing him into our little socialist utopia.”
      You mean this alleged con-man may provide the homegrown variety with some competition? Can’t have that, can we, otherwise Kiwis might lose their well-deserved reputation as leading experts in that field….Kiwi politicians especially might feel threatened.

      I note you make no comment whatsoever about the apparent abuse of process…

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    No but KG you don’t get it. He’s big, German and has a funny name (maybe instead of Kim Dotcom he should have gone with Kim Sergeant Schulz, then nobody would be vilifying him coz they’d be too busy larfing at him). On top of that, he has (*gasp*) convictions! Worst of all, he has a shed-load of money and kiwis never met a tall poppy they didn’t want to cut down.

    • KG says:

      “Worst of all, he has a shed-load of money and kiwis never met a tall poppy they didn’t want to cut down.”

      • Darin says:

        He should have gotten a native sounding name and spouted some of that liberal drivel then he would have been untouchable.

        I’ve long suspected that we have a global police state in place and this just confirms it.

      • mawm says:

        He has also given lots of his money to NZ causes such as the Chch earthquake relief. I didn’t see anyone refusing it.

        This whole internet copyright stuff smells of the rich Hollywood and recording industry influencing governments. As usual the yellow-bellied key rolled over……and now is quite happy for a NZ resident to be used as an example by the US legal bullies.

        • Richard says:

          The other thing here is that copyright violation in any proper legal system would be a civil matter, not criminal. There’s no excuse at all for the overkill of keystone nazis armed with assault rifles. It merely justified a bailiff to serve papers saying he was being sued in a civil suit.

  4. KG says:

    Let’s see how they deal with this…
    ‘”THE only way to take it down is to take the internet down,” claim creators of new peer-to-peer software, Tribler.
    …Developed by a team of researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, the BitTorrent network doesn’t require torrent sites to find or download content. Instead it is based on pure peer-to-peer communication, TorrentFreak reports.

  5. rivoniaboy says:

    Agree with you KG the whole thing stinks to high heaven.What it basically means is that nothing and no one is exempt from the thuggery of the state.
    Let it we a warning for anyone wanting to invest in New Zealand(he bought 10 million in govt. bonds) your assets could be confiscated at the whim of the State.
    I bet he wished that he had bought 10 million in gold and hid it from the State thieves – he could then have told them to go and f***themselves.
    Barely a day goes by when we don’t read of some new encroachment on our freedoms

    • KG says:

      “Barely a day goes by when we don’t read of some new encroachment on our freedoms”
      Too sadly true, rivoniaboy. So much so that we’re becoming numb to it. So many assaults on so many fronts….rolling it back begins to look like an impossible job.

  6. Jay says:

    Yep, NZ doing the feds dirty work. I don’t see any advantage for NZ in this. I think at the end of the day NZ just lost a resident that contributed more than the 99%.

  7. Flashman says:

    For me, the stench came off this episode the moment the news broke with the breathless announcement that “NZ police [yes! us!] collaborated with the FBI [wow! the real hardcore deal! us in little ol’ NZ! that’s like having brekkies with all blacks!]”.

    It’s so easy to imagine all the careerist bureaucrats filling swivelly chairs at Bullshit Castle HQ doing a Keystone scrambling to leg-hump the FBI and get that orgasmic fact in their respective personal files.

  8. Scumsucker says:

    Fuck the Feds.

    I’ve just watched a fascinating doco on the history of Micronesia. The bit about the takeover of the region by the USA after WWII and the testing of nuclear weapons in that island paradise (rather than the Mojave desert, for example) is just appalling.

    Can someone PLEASE donate their testicles to Jon KKKey?

  9. WAKE UP says:

    German con man withy very dodgy record rips people off, changes name, and buys way into New Zealand by paying for some fireworks. Gee, that’s just dandy, move along, nothing to see here. New Zealand rolls over again (as do most of those commenting above).

    Watch this space, park your anti-Americanism at the door, and batten down. You ain’t even seen the beginning of this one yet.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Dude, it ain’t anti-Americanism, it’s Disgust at the need for swat tactics to bring in a fucking Internet pirate. It’s disgust at the way the NZ police rolled over to get their bellies scratched by the Fibbies. It may even be dismay that the Immigration Dept official chose to use their discretion (allowed under the legislation) to let this guy in.

      But mostly, it’s amusement at the way the whole sorry saga has been breathlessly reported by the SLSM, and horror at the abuse of due process.

  10. KG says:

    And there’s no anti-Americanism on this site that I can detect.

    • WAKE UP says:

      Agreed, and of course I wasn’t implying that KG – you know me :cool: .

      What I’m referring to is the constant assertion that in this affray we have been “acting as we’ve been told to” by the Americans. I don’t see it that way; this all started in Germany and has been a long-term international operation in which America, while certainly a major player, is not the only player. In effect, our people acted as just about any troops/police would have acted, no matter which country the guy was picked up in. (Probably worse in some other countries, in fact).
      Whether this was appropriate action/s or not can be discussed/argued, but I take issue with the contention that somehow we have behaved badly at America’s behest –that’s a red herring; we were merely the last boots-on-the-ground stop on a long-overdue international bust, and I doubt it would have gone down differently in any other country.

  11. KG says:

    I do know you, Wakey and that’s why I was a bit surprised at the “anti-American” thing.
    And I take your point about the way NZ police acted is little different to the way others would have.
    Nevertheless, it was an abuse of due process, as Gantt says and the fact that kind of thing is now the norm in a lot of countries doesn’t excuse the actions of the NZ government and the police. Or the disgusting coverage of it by the media.
    The same media isn’t so keen to uncover homegrown corruption, some of it at the highest levels of government and the judiciary….

    • WAKE UP says:

      Agreed again…but I do think that the long arm may have finally caught up with Herr Schmidt (I refuse to call him Dotcom ;-) ) — at Coatesville, New Zealand, of all places. We will see.

  12. Octagongrappler says:

    I think we are all over reacting a bit here :lol: This guy is an immigrants and the “Diversity Dividend” he provides must outway any wrong doing. :mrgreen: