why not Sarah Palin?

‘None of the Republican presidential candidates got anything like the response Sarah Palin earned from the CPAC crowd.  Not even close.  I lost count of the standing ovations.
Is it easier to get the whole crowd surging to its feet when you’re not a candidate, and nobody in the audience has an axe to grind?  Maybe, but no other speaker at CPAC rocked the house like Palin did, either…’

This woman would electrify America, stand tall for those values which made the place great and show up the grey-suited corrupt deal makers for what they are–little men, mired in sleazy deals and compromises. She couldn’t possibly do any worse and my feeling is she would do much, much better.
A Palin/West ticket would show up the commie Boy King and his gibbering idiot VP for what they are, restore faith and pride and that “can do” ethos to America and break once and for all the RNC’s unholy alliance with the forces of the left–an alliance which will destroy America.
Conservatives have been suckered into discussing the relative virtues and failings of the four losers on offer, as though that’s all the choice available to them. It’s time to take back the process itself and demand to be represented by real Americans and find a way to draft Palin and West into the service of a country which desperately needs them.
Update: FWP weighs in, and elegantly.

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12 Responses to why not Sarah Palin?

  1. She is the only reason I pulled the lever for mc cain-last Pres. election-
    The GOP is trying to give us in the US another one of their elite-insiders-go-alongers-to get alongers-
    NO MORE!

  2. St Hubbins says:

    Palin = good

    Palin + West = Hell Yes!

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    I suspect Palin/West might even restore KG’s faith in the process?

  4. Darin says:

    I knew Palin was different when she first hit the stage as VP nominee.She brought an electricity to the stage that was totally lacking.I could also tell right away that she gored the right Ox when the media came instantly on the attack,when the SLSM(Stupid Lame Stream Media) comes out with that strong and vicious of an attack against someone you know just how much they fear them.

    So that was the beginning of the lefty lunatic attacks on her and her family.That was the beginning of the first outbreak of PDS(Palin Derangement Syndrome).

    But all that aside look at the core attacks on her record.

    The first was “she sought for and passed a windfall profits tax on oil companies in Alaska,just like we (lib dems) want to do”.This is known as the “kill the opponent by making them look like us” attack.

    Key difference,lib dems want the tax and they want to put the money raised by it into the general fund so they can fritter it away on whatever ding battery they want with no mind paid to the fact said money came directly from the Joe public’s pockets.These are known as the modern day “Robin Hood liberals” they steal from everyone and keep it for themselves.

    Palin took the money and sent each household in Alaska a check,turning the money back over to the people it came from in the first place,how un-Democratic of her!

    Second was the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere”money ear-marked by Alaska’s reps to build a bridge connecting two remote villages.Attacked as a “taxpayer funded boondoggle” by the left (trust me,nobody knows a taxpayer funded boondoggle like the left) she was labeled “just another money grabbing ear mark Republican”

    Well she saw it as a boondoggle,but took the money anyway and applied it to more pressing priorities in Alaska.And why shouldn’t she? It’s the people of Alaska’s money anyway.Then they came in with an indirect attack known as the “half-baked half-truth” attack,telling a lie with a little truth mixed in just to muddy the water.

    That was “Alaska is among the highest recipients of Federal aid”(smearing an entire state’s worth of people),well in truth they are,but they neglected to mention that Alaska is also among the highest per capita contributors to Federal coffers.It’s all the Federal revenue generated by all the Logging,Mining,Fishing and Oil production that goes on there.Hard working individuals producing vital commodities for the market place while earning a living-you can see why the left hates them so much.

    Then came all the petty and downright disgusting attacks,everything from”I can see Russia from my house”(which she never said) to the “Trig truthers” and the list rolled on.Through it all she took it in stride,but then came something she couldn’t ignore.The frivolous lawsuits and investigations against her that the people of Alaska would have to pay to defend against.When faced with them she didn’t take the easy road out,she chose the hard path and sacrificed her own standing to see to it the people she represented didn’t take the hit.She resigned the office of Governor to the cheers of the left who quickly launched the “she’s a quitter” attack as a sick victory blow of sorts.They figured that would be the end of her,but they figured wrong.

    To me her most desirable trait is her ability to pick her battles and stay in the fight ,beyond that her and her husband Todd are by all accounts just good,hardworking,normal people.There is no wonder why the left fears them.

    People ask me mockingly or not if I would support a Palin run,my answer to them is RUN BABY RUN!

  5. Octagongrappler says:

    a Palin/West Ticket would be a dream come true. Its a shame it wont ever be allowed to happen :sad:

    • mawm says:

      Unfortunately Palin will be destroyed by the left/MSM. They will leave no stone unturned in preventing her from winning the highest office…..and it is a sure bet they’ll succeed. (The “Palin’s dumb, Barack’s the smartest person in the room” lies have become the “truth” with repetition).

      The problem then becomes West: why waste him on a campaign that will do his image no good? Save him for next time around………as a Presidential candidate: you never know he might just win. :razz:

  6. KG says:

    Yes, exactly.