A pathetic little ‘man’

but a real hero with a rifle….I’ve seen some of these junior week-end Rambos, justifying their killing in the name of “conservation”. One wonders just how heroic they’d be if the cats could shoot back…..

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12 Responses to A pathetic little ‘man’

  1. KG says:

    “Conservation” my arse–it’s just an excuse. If they were serious about conservation they’d take on the helicopters dropping tons of 1080 poison.
    Most of these clowns will shoot anything that moves and justify it afterwards.

  2. Flashman says:

    Spotlight shooting small defenseless animals is a kiwi macho thing. Hell, they even regularly shoot their boozing buddies – and school teachers at public camp sites.

    For sure, once they’ve had a few drinks all the stories come out: in the repertoire there’s always the hilarious gut shot possum yarn and the side-splitting cat running in circles with its jaw hanging off reminisce.

  3. Katie says:

    Every serial killer started out killing and torturing small animals.

  4. Jay says:

    After downing a few cans of Tui they realise they’ve got all this ammo and nothing to shoot, so settle for anything that walks.

  5. Darin says:

    Growing up I was taught from the time I first ventured outside the house to respect animals and they’re place in the world.Every animal has a purpose and they are not meant to be mistreated.The only animals we ever killed were those we ate and those that were suffering a lingering death.Killing for sport was unheard of in my family,there are no stags on display or stuffed mounts in the house.Bottom line was as Grandpa taught us-“unless it’s dying never kill it unless you intend to eat it”

    I am a big 2A supporter and have a fair collection of firearms in the house,but I never hunt.I could if I needed to,but in truth most folks don’t realise how much work is involved in hunting,killing and butchering an animal for food.It ain’t easy so as modern man I stock my prey at the local supermarket or butcher shop and fulfill my primal urges by killing the mighty red dot.

    Feral cats typically don’t bother anything and if your in the country there are usually predators that will keep them in check.In the city the worst they can do is keep the rat population under control.I don’t see them as anywhere close to a problem as Feral Hogs,Asian Carp or Pythons which should be controlled if not outright eradicated for the visible damage and threat to safety they present.

    Here in the rural US Feral hogs and deer populations are kept in check by quota hunts and the take is butchered and given to the food banks to help feed the poor.Big difference between that and a thrill kill of a few harmless cats.For my own Feral cat problem,I saw them as a bonus.I live trapped them,adopted out or kept the kittens and the adults got a $5 each spay or neuter job and released back at the farm.Took me 4 weeks off and on to catch and fix all 24 cats on the place.They get fed when they start looking poor which is rare since they keep the rat/mouse/mole problem under control.

  6. oswald bastable says:

    I do a bit of pest control around here and feral cats are a problem, due to townies dumping their unwanteds- usually just outside the town belt.

    Not exactly trophy material, though.

    My peeve are the SHOOTERS that brag about using a $ 3000 1/2 MOA rifle, topped with another $1500 of high magnification glass, a laser rangefinder and a electronic ballistics calculator to bring down a deer at 600 metres- and call it HUNTING.

    It isn’t- it’s SHOOTING. Hunting is STALKING- getting in close- being mindful of the wind, using cover and moving quietly- to take the shot as close as you can and get a near instant kill- not hit the animal with a half-spent bullet, which may or may not do the job.

    I would love to see some of the wannabe ‘snipers’, who can take ten minutes getting lined up, the bipod down, lase the target and calculate the drop before carefully taking aim and squeezing the target trigger- just like on the range- be confronted by a dangerous animal at close range…

  7. KG says:

    Damn good comments, all. Thanks for that, and I agree wholeheartedly with every point made.
    “..be confronted by a dangerous animal at close rangeā€¦”
    :lol: Oh yes! Imagining it is one thing, but a stroppy scrub bull or buffalo at 50m and closing fast does tend to sort out the wannabes. :mrgreen: A big feral boar is just as bloody frightening in thick scrub too. I never realised how fast they were until one did the piggy “bacon or glory” number……. :smile:

    • Darin says:

      “I do a bit of pest control around here and feral cats are a problem, due to townies dumping their unwanteds- usually just outside the town belt.”

      OB,understood,the ones who are the pests are the ones doing the dumping,shame there’s no open season on them ;-) It’s a $500 fine here if they get caught and thanks to digital game cameras several have been caught.

      People dumping pets is why we now have a Python problem in Florida and starting here in Coastal Mississippi and Louisiana-

      16′ footer kills and eats 76lb Deer-

      Recently there was a 18′ Anaconda drug out of a ladies backyard shed just across the river from me,bet she was surprised :shock:

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Last boar went down 2 metres from me- with four big slugs in him!

      Bush cattle are interesting game, too.

      Run and you are in big trouble!

  8. KG says:

    :shock: She’s not the only one!
    (reference to Darin’s Anaconda above)

  9. Diamond Mair says:

    I found the little cretin’s “writing” so upsetting, had to wait ’til this evening to comment here – where we live, people are constantly abandoning cats – at times, we feed upwards of 20 – some allow us to pet them, but others have been hurt too often by “humans”, so are very hesitant – have 2 ‘regulars’, Buffster {who had a hind leg broken & not cared for some time ago} and Curly Joe {who has a bent/broken ear} – both are intact males, but they don’t get into the dominance games here – I’ve laid hands on both, generally by sneaking up on them – Buffster’s been around for a couple of years, and not becoming any more trusting, but Curly Joe, who’s only been around for a few months, is getting to where he’ll be almost under my feet when I bring food out – he hunkers down on the porch, and you know he’d love to come in, but he’s just too damn scared ………………………………… I’d like to take Junior, in the link, and dump HIM somewhere he couldn’t communicate, had no one to turn to and had to fend for himself – and then allow the locals to take potshots at HIM ……………………………… :twisted:

    Semper Fi’