How about we simply deport the bastards? NOW!

‘NEW migrants should get taxpayer subsidies to visit overseas relatives, an Islamic group has told the Federal Government.
The Islamic Women’s Welfare Association also says Muslims prefer to live close to their own people and Australia should consider how to “facilitate the purchase of homes for new migrants”.

In a submission to a federal multicultural inquiry, the association has urged the Government to give tax deductions to newly arrived migrants so they can visit relatives in their homelands.

”Migrants face a lot of sacrifices such as having to travel long distances to visit relatives, spending on communication costs, missing out on some events occurring in native countries etc,” the submission said.

”This loss should be compensated by the Government in one way or the other to retain migrants in their country of adoption.”

I’ve got news for you whining primitives: The government wants you here, not the Australian people. We would much prefer you take yourselves and your primitive, murdering ideology back to from whence you came. In other words, fuck off. Personally, I’d give you a bacon sandwich and a leaky boat and set you adrift somewhere off Antarctica.

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21 Responses to How about we simply deport the bastards? NOW!

  1. Octagongrappler says:

    This is a very serious issue. I can imagine women like jenny macklin supporting this yucckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!…

    It is all becoming clear to me that western politicians have a desire to wipe out there culture and people :cry:

  2. Darin says:

    FFS! My ancestors left England,Norway,Germany and France,sailed across the ocean and spent the first two generations hacking an existance out of the forest all on there own will.Now all these immigrants want everything handed to them.

    But who should we blame the most,the immigrants for wanting all they can get or the over-educated lefties who offer it up?

  3. Kris K says:

    “… says Muslims prefer to live close to their own people …”

    By jove, I’ve got it – stay in your own Islamic 3rd world shit’ole. Next they’ll want recognition of Islamic holidays and stat. leave for those particular days … oh wait, that’s here in NZ.

    It’s pretty clear that Islamic demands in the West are only going to get worse with the passage of time. Why do we let these people into our countries again??!

    • dondiego says:

      ‘We’ don’t. Govt does. A voting bloc- that worked well in London.
      Settlement camps where they have to dig their own underground service trenches, break/clear ground to grow food and produce, give ’em a couple of saws to mill the timber they felled with axes for housing.
      (A time limit to the above- whitey tents are too cosy)

      Pricks will be begging to get sent back to their relatives!

  4. kowtow says:

    Damned cheek of these people. But then can you blame them for trying it on.? They’re encouraged to rort every thing else including the basis of their entry to the country in the first place.

    This is part of the trouble with so called multiculturalism, it just encourages this nonsense.

  5. Octagongrappler says:

    I believe that all political parties in NZ/AUS have made a pact not to discuss immigration and to let the floodgates open without consulting the people of there countries.

    Why the hell would you want mass immigration of cultures that simply wont assimilate!!!Its crazy its beyond crazy? So I guess there is a planned method to there madness. :sad:

  6. Octagongrappler says:

    Check this out, It says kiwis have a Britain in the south pacific syndrome which is bullshit yet its ok for the chinese here to pledge loyalty to china and not nz so that sounds more like colonialism to me. :shock:

    • KG says:

      Oh yeah, Grappler–it’s fine for Chinese to pledge loyalty to China, for effing mooslims to speak of the shitholes they’ve come from as “home”, for all of the pricks to demand special treatment, but the descendants of the people who built the bloody country are somehow inferior if they want to adhere to the norms and customs of the culture which built the place.
      This is utterly fucked, and there’s no real debate n NZ about it. A tiny clique of academics, businessmen and politicians is driving this, aided and abetted by the marxist media which wants to destroy New Zealand as we know it.

      If this isn’t cultural genocide, would somebody please tell me how it differs?

  7. Octagongrappler says:

    sorry its off topic but im red with rage ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:

    This is from a few years back but it shows what we are dealing with. The debate among the candidates was in Mandarin!!!!!!!!! :shock:

  8. Donald says:

    Actually KG, it’s not a bad idea.

    If it could be arranged at one particular time, wave good bye to Talal and his mates (who, strangely, must now feel safe in the countries they fled in mortal danger), and then withdraw all re-entry rights.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Tipping point coming ?

  10. Was a passenger yesterday-noticed new -bold structures to minister to the religion of “peace”-practically one on every corner!-

    Interesting what you see when you are not the driver…

    We are in deep doo-doo-

    Wonder when all of us freedom lovers are going to wake up-
    Keep asking that question-don’t I?!!!!

    • Kris K says:

      Thanks Webby – a very good read and spot on. Confirms what most of us already knew to be the case: Greenism kills people AND wrecks the planet/environment.