Good grief! This is Obama’s clown….

‘Judging Sotomayor’

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10 Responses to Good grief! This is Obama’s clown….

  1. Andrei says:

    If you have no external compass to guide you, you will get lost.

    Never trust someone who says I’m a good person so I know what is right – because people are good at lying to themselves.

  2. Andrei says:

    A little off topic, but not far off track and highly relevant = a Bishop lets rip

    Politicians who consider themselves Catholic but collaborate in “the assault against their faith” should remember they will one day have to give account for their acts before God, Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria, Illinois said Feb 10.

    “There is a last judgment. There is a particular judgment. May they change their minds and may God have mercy on them,” he told CNA during his visit to Rome.

    When asked specifically about recent actions of Democratic Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius Kathleen Sebelius and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Bishop Jenky replied “I am utterly scandalized.”

    “The Lord once said ‘if you deny me at the end, I will deny you,’ this from our most merciful, good Savior. And so if it is a choice between Jesus Christ and political power or getting favorable editorials in leftist papers, well, that’s simply not a choice.”

    Both Sebelius and Rep. Pelosi have been at the forefront of attempts to force Catholic institutions to cover contraception, sterilizations and abortifacients as part of their staff’s health insurance plans.

    Bishop Jenky said there are too many Catholic politicians in the U.S. who “like to wear green sweaters on St. Patrick’s Day and march” or “have their pictures taken with the hierarchy” or “have conspicuous crosses on their forehead with ashes” but who then “not only do not live their faith they collaborate in the assault against their faith.”

  3. Pascal says:

    Good revelatory article KG.

    His closing paragraph, containing this phrase

    ‘I’m a little disturbed … no one in the actual Senate raised the question during her confirmation. And that confirms some suspicions I’ve had for quite some time.’

    adds to my observations that explain Why Conservatives Don’t Trust the GOP.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    How does someone as DUMB as Sotomayer make it to the Supreme Court? :evil:

  5. Kris K says:

    From the above link:

    He asked her “What should American culture and society look to as the source for just laws?” Justice Sotomayor paused, looked at him for a long time, and slowly said, “What a very interesting question.” She then looked at my former student again for a very long time. Finally she very slowly said, “I don’t think I’ve ever thought of that question in that form before.”

    And this highlights the problem with many in our halls of power in the post-Christian West, and especially those on the liberal/Marxist left: Moral relativism reigns supreme; there are no absolutes – right and wrong have become archaic terms – and there is certainly no acknowledgement of a Higher authority, of an ultimate “law-giver”.