Open house

and a question: If you could choose a country and an era to live in, what would it be? (and let’s assume you would have at least a reasonable income)

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79 Responses to Open house

  1. starboard says:

    Easy…Bangkok ,Thailand. Love the place. Like a second home to me. Cheap beer , gorgeous women , what more could a man want. :razz:

    • KG says:

      Too crowded for me, starboard.And a man could want whole other dimensions apart from beer and women. ;-)

      • starboard says:

        Really :shock: What more could there be ? :lol:

        • KG says:

          Well…firstly, I’m a great fan of both. :grin: Yes indeedy, often to excess in both cases. But enough of that. :cool:
          Well, there could be bush and great hunting and wide, wide open space and driving from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. The whole of Africa, there for the enjoyment and the excitement and the sheer damn exhilarating sense of freedom.

    • starboard says:

      ( present day )

  2. KG says:

    Mine would be Kenya or Rhodesia, late 50’s/early 60’s.

  3. Darin says:

    The US circa 1900 when everything was new.

    Obama continues his “No baby left alive” policy-

  4. KG says:

    “The US circa 1900 when everything was new.”
    Yes indeed, but I think Britain during the Victorian era would have been fascinating in that respect.
    Defunding that, when there are so many other bullshit programs which could be axed? Interesting priorities there…..

    • Darin says:

      Just think about it,the Wright Bros,the Panama Canal,Hoover dam,The golden age of Piston driven Aircraft,Steam rail.It would have been an exciting time to live :cool:

      • Kris K says:

        “… the Wright Bros …” Don’t you mean the [NZ] Pierce brothers, Darin? :twisted:

        • octagongrappler says:

          Richard Pease had a brother :mrgreen:

          Thomas Edison the greatest achiever in history.

        • Darin says:

          Don’t you mean Richard Pearse? And no bouncing over Sheep s— and crashing into Hedge rows does not count as controlled flight :razz: :mrgreen:

          Good gawd man,opposed piston sliding block cross head engine,must have shook like a Jackhammer :shock:

  5. KG says:

    “Pulling Defeat From the Vagina of Victory” a damn fine post by Wolf Howling.

  6. Ronbo says:

    The present era of international war and civil war.

    I think at the end of a very long day, the Anglosphere will come out on top with our various national flags flying and evil defeated once again, but it’s going to be one hellva long and bloody struggle on the order of the Thirty Years War in Europe.

  7. Scumsucker says:

    Saudi Arabia today.

    I can have a harem of obedient females all subsidized by Western demand for oil (don’t drill your own!).

  8. Brian Smaller says:

    As long as I could have modern medical care….Napoleonic Europe.

  9. Flashman says:

    Southern Rhodesia – 1946-1972

  10. Tom says:

    New Zealand circa 1954…………..Paradise, rock n roll,great cars,cheap beer and smokes,houses and girls that looked like girls.

    • Tom says:

      I should have added that immigrants spoke english,those that did,nt at least looked like us.

  11. pompuss says:

    Obviously Ancient Egypt where I wouldn’t have to do anything except be worshipped.

  12. octagongrappler says:

    I want to live in Auckland 2050 :mrgreen: ….

  13. Andrei says:

    Wherever or whenever you are born it is a matter of luck as to whether you get it up the arse or get to have it all.

    You might be a peasant labouring in the field or the Lord hunting on a fine horse accompanied by ladies dressed in their finery. We always imagine ourselves as the later but in the real world it is far more likely we’d be the former.

    In the end we all end up in the same place though – Lord or peasant the grave is our resting place – The Kingdom awaits though and that is the time and place for us.

    Anyway, a song from a genius

    Isn’t it a pity,
    we do not choose the era
    Where we are born, live and yearn.
    I’d have been born in the days of yore,
    I’d be a great bell-ringer.

  14. Sharon Ferguson says:

    American Revolution. Always have an affinity for that era. Or Regency England, although as Andrei points out, I would more than likely end up as one of the “common” rank, rather than nobility.

    Also think I’d have liked to live in Prague during the Belle Epoch (art nouveau). I’d be a model for Mucha or some other up and coming artist! LOL

  15. Moneo says:

    Classical Greece, the age of Plato, Aristotle, the great plays and the great scientists.

  16. mort says:

    Australasia in 10 years time. The leftists would have driven the fiat currencies to collapse, and a logic evolution will ensue. Any PC bollocks like importing wasters to sponge off the working populace will be given the short shift, as will AGW excremental theories. We’ll happily burn petrochemicals, in the knowledge that known oil reserves have increased from 1Trillion barrels in 1990, to 1.8T today, and thats not accounting for the innovation and utilisation LNG/ CNG etc (the stuff that was just a pain in the arse so was flared off) will bestow. Cheap energy is achievable again. Hopefully the govts of the Antipodes will sell off the electricity generators completely and thus allow true market freedoms into the sector, not the market manipulation which happens today, which inevitably leads to decreased production, and thus increased prices.
    Yep we’ll have more Asians in Australasia, but at least they are hard working buggers, unlike the followers of the Turbaned sow-mounter. (Besides someone has got to keep the panel-beaters in business, given the Govt will may it nearly impossible to have a crash with the restrictions on driving freedoms being dreamed up). Welfarism will be a thing of the past. The ferals will have to earn a living, instead of extorting one, which they do today by bashing their kids to death, or beating the hell out of each other, and robbing the rest of society blind.

  17. jonno1 says:

    I’m perfectly happy to live in the present day, where I already am (in Auckland, Len B notwithstanding) surrounded by friends and family. As Fred Dagg says: “We don’t know how lucky we are.”

  18. Kris K says:

    In about twenty years when Christ reigns from His throne [Millennial reign] in Jerusalem and the entire globe is under His jurisdiction.

    But aside from then … I reckon being alive right now, while not necessarily pleasant, is the most interesting time in history. And IMHO while I think we are about to see the escalation of evil to such an extent as has never been witnessed throughout human history before – we will also see God’s sovereign hand intervening and ultimately removing those who many of us here rail against on a daily basis.
    In times such as these men of character will stand up for truth and righteousness in the sure knowledge that their efforts are not in vain; and will be rewarded accordingly.

    We’re in for a rough ride, but I wouldn’t miss it for all the tea in China. Fasten your seat-belts, partners.

  19. The Gantt Guy says:

    Right here, right now. We are witnessing a re-awakening of a people, who will soon rise up against the elites who would rule over them. The battle lines at the moment are the airwaves and the Internet, but me day soon I predict we will wake up to the smell of cordite. This is the moment when the west chooses to either resurrect itself, or sink into a morass and prove’s theory right. The only question in my mind is whether we’ve already missed the tipping point. Who wouldn’t want to witness this moment?

    Oh, and while I’m n the topic of morasses, I see the kitten killer has taken time out from his homosexual “marriage” campaign to put up a one-line attack in Santorum. Yep, one line followed by a cut n paste from Buzzfeed.

    • Angus says:

      Gantt, I do know the narcissistic oddball that you’re referring to, but what does the “kitten killer” reference relate to?

      And what’s with that gay marriage meme of his, all of a sudden ? :?:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        He did a series of posts a month or so ago about how he likes to shoot feral cats. He was pretty-much slammed for it by most readers, but it was a standard ploy; say something outrageous because it will get you attention. I suspect it’s the same with the “gay” “marriage” thing. The more outrage he generates the more noise is made and the more attention he draws to himself.

  20. KG says:

    “I see the kitten killer has taken time out from his homosexual “marriage” campaign to put up a one-line attack in Santorum.”

    Looks like he needs to up the meds again. There are some unlovely specimens of humanity around and he’s well up the list. :evil:

    • Angus says:

      He sure is. Does he even possess even a modicum of what would be considered a coherent political philosophy?

  21. Kris K says:

    Why New Zealand [non-Muslim?] women should not marry Muslim men:

    “Algerian Mohamed Azzaoui, who is involved in a custody dispute with his Kiwi wife [Mihi Puriri] over their three children.”

    “A Kiwi diplomat sat on the floor surrounded by armed men as she tried to negotiate the release of a New Zealand mother and her three children in Algeria.”

    “… the family left their home in Kaikohe to travel to Algeria last August, on the understanding that Mr Azzaoui’s father was gravely ill.

    When they arrived, their passports were taken and Ms Puriri and her children were put in an apartment in the northern coastal town of Mostaganem, about 300 kilometres from the capital, Algiers.”

    Point of interest – apparently the wife is a niece of Hone Harawira. A ‘marriage’ of two ideologies both opposed to Western democracy? And I wonder if Uncle Hone blessed the union? – at least he’s “not white”.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Jeez, the silly bitch obviously never watched the film “Not Without My Daughter”. What the hell did she think was gonna happen?

    • octagongrappler says:

      yeah I remember that guy years back fighting on a tua card in Auckland.

      Exactly like that movie with alfred molina and sally field in Iran..

    • WAKE UP says:

      Yeah, ol Hone should be really happy how this one has panned out – no whiteys involved :mrgreen:

  22. KG says:

    From a brilliant essay in GOV which Wakey sent me the link to:
    ‘..The past ostracism of homosexuals and criminalization of homosexuality were wrong. But the current courting of “gays,” “gay” marriage, “gay” Marines, pedophile politicians, deviant promiscuity flaunted before a disgusted but cowed population — they are a cesspool of dissolution. Prudery and sexual repression were a terrible drag too, but seeing 13-year-old girls dressed like whores and Tweeting tales of their latest hookups from a perch at Jamba Juice is a civilizational tragedy…’

  23. Darin says:

    Watching Netanyahu delivering a speech at the AIPAC conference right now on FOX.

  24. oswald bastable says:

    I want to live on the first colony OFF this planet!

    • KG says:

      It’s an exciting idea, Oswald, but it kinda depends on who will be running it… ;-)
      Oh, and I owe you a “thank you”, by the way.

      • Darin says:

        My luck it would be like that scene in the movie “Enemy Mine” where Dennis Quaid is crash landed on a supposed un-inhabited planet near the Arse of the Universe and as he is walking along he feels a crunch under foot,looks down and sees a Pepsi can :grin:

        • Ciaron says:

          I loved that movie when I was a boy! taped it on VHS off the telly and watched about a billion times :lol:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’ll tell Newt to put your name on his list, Os.

  25. KG says:

    From the Dyke Factory:
    “Too few women leaders”
    Yeah, really? If the voting patterns of women are any indication, I’d say that’s a blessing, not a fault.
    The whole sickening PC culture, the rotten nannying impulse made into oppressive laws comes from women, by and large. Labouring (yeah, it’s a pun) under the delusion that “safety” is the ultimate good.
    Perhaps when these silly cows grow up they’ll recognise that real progress is being recognised for genuine ability, not being given a free pass due to gender.
    Until then, I’d prefer they didn’t vote.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Never happen mate. While there’s a chance of affirmative action appointments to corporate boards (which both Labor and the liberal wing of the Liberals are talking about) they will keep pushing this “diversity is good” meme.

    • Kris K says:

      At times like these I like to bring out the following quote:

      “It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 – except Goldwater in ’64 – the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted.”
      Ann Coulter

    • Pascal says:

      I’ve decided to teach her to talk. What harm can it do?

  26. KG says:

    On the other hand…

  27. KG says:

    dunno what happened there… :shock:

  28. octagongrappler says:

    Since its open house check this out!!

    20% of foreign students get PR after only 5 years of getting there studen visa stamped. And there could be up to 70% or more who get work visas to residence.

    • KG says:

      Sooner or later, Australia is going to get very pissed at NZ becoming a rubber stamp for illegal immigrants–which is all a lot of these people are. :evil:
      And real Kiwis will suffer under the clampdown.

    • KG says:

      Damn… :sad: Now, there was a man.
      No wonder the little progressive shit pushers and whiners are so afraid of real masculinity….deep down they must know they could never in a million years measure up to a man such as that, so they invent faux “virtues” to celebrate instead.

  29. WAKE UP says:

    Anywhere there is j*zz and tenn*s in equal, generous proportion :cool:

  30. WAKE UP says:

    I just LOVE watching Netenyahu talk to Obama. Netenyahu is like a kindly but firm and more experienced uncle who knows what’s going on, while Obama fidgets, looks at the ceiling, taps his foot and shakes his leg like a naughty boy caught behind the bike sheds ;-)

  31. kowtow says:

    Good article from the UK Telegraph on the war grave outrage. By the way 4 o’clock RNZ news still can’t bring themselves to say Muslim, or Islam!!!!!when reporting this disgrace.