NZ: ‘Radical forces plan to replace our Constitution’

‘By agreeing to the Maori Party’s demand for a Constitutional Review, as part of their 2008 and 2011 Confidence and Supply Agreements, the National Party is advancing the agenda of radical forces determined to change our constitutional arrangements in their favour. Their goal is to elevate the Treaty of Waitangi into ‘supreme’ law to give tribal members superior rights and privileges that would forever be outside the reach of elected Members of Parliament who might want to change it in the future…’
Muriel Newman, NZCPR

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3 Responses to NZ: ‘Radical forces plan to replace our Constitution’

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Well we see already un-elected board members on the super city council.

    Maori advisory board, Pacifica and an Asian advisory board.

    All do stuff all,unelected and a nice little retainer for doing nothing.

    However all have power beyond what we think is the role of the council.

    This is going to be a beauty :mrgreen:

  2. WAKE UP says:

    I can’t believe it’s happening, but it sure appears to be.