Wind power: The scam of the century

‘..To the nearest whole number, the percentage of the world’s energy that comes from wind turbines today is: zero. Despite the regressive subsidy (pushing pensioners into fuel poverty while improving the wine cellars of grand estates), despite tearing rural communities apart, killing jobs, despoiling views, erecting pylons, felling forests, killing bats and eagles, causing industrial accidents, clogging motorways, polluting lakes in Inner Mongolia with the toxic and radioactive tailings from refining neodymium, a ton of which is in the average turbine — despite all this, the total energy generated each day by wind has yet to reach half a per cent worldwide…’ source
The greenie retards supporting this need taking out and putting up against the nearest effing wall. They’re the biggest danger to humanity, not half a degree of warming. They are the brainless gibbering feedstock for totalitarianism’s march.

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17 Responses to Wind power: The scam of the century

  1. Pascal says:

    Coincidentally, another post that appeared while you were composing this one is about how we are to be moulded into accepting the thinking of the people who force on give us the wind power — and woe to anyone who says differently about the plan or the planners. De-development: A Plan Not a Stutter from one of our friends at Heartland.

  2. KG says:

    Thanks for the link, Pascal. This stuff gets me fairly bloody irritated, to put it mildly. :x

  3. MIchael in Nelson says:
  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Oh come on people. You know just as well as I do the greens’ long term strategy is to depopulate the earth and reverse 200 years of industrial progress. The quickest and easiest way to do that (other than their number one preferred method of eugenics) is to kill people by making it too expensive to heat your home in winter, and too expensive to cool it in summer.

    • Richard says:

      I wish the useless scumbags would lead by example…

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Greenery is the first religion in the history of mankind peopled entirely by hypocrites. They expect everyone except themselves to make sacrifices they deem necessary. They demand reductions to the output of carbon dioxide while they jet around the world preaching their bullshit message, they hold their talkfests in far flung resorts which take a massive amount if energy to travel to and run. Hypocrites to the very last man, woman or other.

  5. kowtow says:

    This story from the Sunday Times is starting to do the rounds. The full thing is behind a paywall. I found it at BiasedBBC which is great,

  6. Andrei says:

    Coming soon to a place near you.

    It works quite well when the sun shines, pity power consumption goes up at times when the sun doesn’t.

    • Mark.V. says:

      “Solar power, generated during the day, was a natural companion to wind power, which was mostly generated at night, he said. ”

      I don’t think so. Wind dies down at night as the earth cools, it is heat from the sun that creates thermals that bring in air producing wind.

      In any case the problem is not the cost and efficiency of photovoltaic cells, that is improving all the time, it is storing the electricity so it is available when needed. Solve that problem and you can write your own cheque.

  7. Darin says:

    Saving the planet one Donut at a time,I love the smell of Diesel soot in the morning :cool: