Spain to EUSSR:

Up yours!

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8 Responses to Spain to EUSSR:

  1. KG says:

    And take a look at this video produced by the EU. This is chilling stuff.

  2. Andrei says:

    Yes KG – the EU is scary it is the USSR reborn

  3. octagongrappler says:

    I read an article last year about the EU being created as an nwo tool that complemented nixons switch to fiat currency in 1972, interesting read.

    But certainly marxism lite is fully in play and as fiat fails member states look to brussels to take political and economic sovreignty of these nations.

  4. Darin says:

    So when will the War start?We should know it’s coming.not like it’s never happened before.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    The very fact that they think they have to mke propaganda ads shows where they’re at.

  6. WOW-
    Time to support Spain-
    How about a trip – and we can see the various horse farms while we are at it!

  7. Good, not that i give rats ass about spain, but it’s time the EU sobered up and woke up to the real world. Let spain stand on it’s own two feet and sort itself out. The rest should follow as well, if they want to be free that is.

  8. And i should add, those 1 world government types will be gnashing their teeth over this. Yay!