the EUSSR mommy-knows-best collectivist wet dream:

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11 Responses to the EUSSR mommy-knows-best collectivist wet dream:

  1. Diamond Mair says:

    Watched it, & all I could think was “Bite me!”

    Whatever happened to our ‘civilizations’? At least once a year, I make it a point to read Welcome Back, Duke – like Ms. Noonan, I miss John Wayne …………………………..

    Semper Fi’

  2. K says:

    This ad has been rated “R” for racist. Oh, wait, it’s supporting the collectivist left, correct?


  3. oswald bastable says:

    pass the bucket… :evil:

  4. KG says:

    I just voted over at your place, Oswald on where I’d like the asteroid to impact:

  5. KG says:

    :mrgreen: So true…
    Speaking of assholes, I’m looking forward to my reply from Bob Brown….

  6. GW says:

    Hmmmm, my take from that was if you just give the barbarians enough euro-twat, they will be satisfied. Oh well, as I quote at the top of my blog, it is useless for sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism if the wolf remains of a different opinion. This ad has no mooring in reality.

  7. KG says:

    “This ad has no mooring in reality.”
    Well, no. The whole Euro project is unmoored from reality and what’s driving it is little different to what drove Pol Pot. Mad ideological hubris.