The present illegitimate Australian government is a bunch of lowlife scumbags.

And this is just one of very many examples of why.
Are there not just two or three principled Labor politicians who will resign and force an election?

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12 Responses to The present illegitimate Australian government is a bunch of lowlife scumbags.

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Principled- no.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    They really are just a vile rabble, KG. They are a complete caricature of how the Left is viewed. Look at Gillard refusing to give straight answers to direct questions.clook at Swan ad the hate he pours on those keeping this country’s economy afloat. And look at Smith, who fancied himself foreign minister and perhaps one day leader, at the way he has maligned this officer, who did no more than attempt to enforce some base discipline. I mean,cries Smith think a military barracks is a fucking tea party at The Lodge?

    They blamed the ‘hate media’ for trying to destabilize Gillard’s government. They blamed Rudd for the same thing. Now they’re blaming Gina Reinhart and Twiggy. Do they own a fucking mirror between them? Seriously, are they really *that* chock full of hubris they believe the bullshit they spout. Or worse, they think the australian qpublic believe it?

    Incidentally, did you catch The Bolt Report at the weekend? I thought John Della Boscs was going to fall out of his chair he was spinning so fast! :grin:

  3. KG says:

    grrrr….electrical storm here and even crappier internet.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Bastards, Inc. still giving you the run around?

      • KG says:

        Yep. I’m now waiting to hear from the Telecommunications Ombudsman. Not that I think that’ll help at all. Telstra are the Untouchables. :evil:

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Oh, and while we’re on this topic … Neil Mitchell (who I don’t particularly like but will listen to until an alternative appears) completely eviscerated Bill Shorten on radio this morning. Exposed their “carbon price” for the sham it is and in the end Shorten had two choices: shut the hell up or confirm at last it is not about “the environment” but about the redistribution of wealth.

    • KG says:

      Shorten is just another union apparatchik enjoying his day in the sun (and on the taxpayer tit) under Gillard. *spit*

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Aren’t they all mate. Aren’t they all. Pity the other lot are only marginally less bad. I wonder how a genuinely Conservative movement would go in this land?

        • KG says:

          Much like NZ, I imagine Gantt. There’s a very big difference between country -and real bush -areas and city/suburban voters.
          The city/suburban areas are pretty much lost for any true conservative movement .

  5. Unfortunately KG, none will resign, it’s a shame-free, integrity-free, morally bankrupt gaggle of worthless scum. Not a shrivel of shame or decency amongst the lot of them.

    They lie with straight faces, weasel around and f*** each other over without a second thought. It’s beyond belief that we’re stuck with these vermin.

  6. KG says:

    “It’s beyond belief that we’re stuck with these vermin.”
    It sure is. And a testament to what an apathetic, conditioned, uninformed people Australians have become.
    Not that we have those things on our own….