This lying, racist weasel deserves a baseball bat. Between the eyes.

‘Mana Party leader Hone Harawira has written an open letter to overseas investors wanting to buy shares in New Zealand state-owned enterprises (SOEs), warning them to steer clear or be caught up in legal battles.
…..Harawira said the plan was opposed by a majority of New Zealanders because they were concerned assets built up through the hard work of generations of New Zealanders would be sold to investors who were motivated by profit, not the public good. (unlike maori “leaders”, who are motivated entirely by greed and hatred of whitey. kg)
“As the indigenous people of Aotearoa, Maori have been even stronger in their opposition. The Maori view is that no asset sales should proceed until Maori interests in those assets have been properly addressed.”…’
“the indigenous people of Aotearoa”?
Piss off, you racist piece of hypocritical opportunist shit. “Maori interests in those assets”? Really? Assets built almost entirely by white Kiwi immigrant stock? They’re still assets because you and your bludging tribal mates haven’t yet had time or opportunity to loot and destroy them. You and your thieving ‘bros’ are immigrants just like the rest of Kiwis–and that’s both halves of the halfbreed you are. A thieving opportunist who with the aid of the coward opportunist Key secretly flew to NY to sign New Zealand up to a treaty which even the odious commie Klark refused to countenance.
In a civilized society you’d be tarred and feathered and put to work (You know that word?) breaking rocks. I wouldn’t waste spit on you.

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36 Responses to This lying, racist weasel deserves a baseball bat. Between the eyes.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    These racist, separatist, elitist bastards will not stop pushing until they have their ultimate goal; anyone who cannot claim some small proportion of Maori ancestry deemed at law a second-class citizen.

    These bastards engaged in a savage fight to have nebulous, nefarious “treaty principles” clauses included in asset sales legislation. Why? Because it means for the first time, the private sector must comply with these “principles” (which in reality means anything the local Maori group wants it to). Up until now, they’ve had the government by the short hairs, and with this latest capitulation by the quisling Key government, they’ve jumped the line and now hold private enterprise in the same way.

    I don’t say this often except for kiddy-fiddlers, rapists and mass-murderers, but a kinetic injection of lead at 2,000 fps is the appropriate response for this terrorist scumbag.

    • octagongrappler says:


      Im sorry I love your rants, But Im going to have to send this to paul spoonley who wont be happy at your bigotry!! :mrgreen:

      • KG says:

        And to Joris de BrasBres, Grapples!

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          And they can BOTH bring it the fuck on! I will trust my wits against those two fools any day. I trust the historical record. I trust my entry assumption that some cultures are simply better (not just different, but better) than others.

          Bring it on fools, and I will crush you with my charm, cleverness and infuriatingly good looks.

  2. KG says:

    Amen! Good on you, Gantt.

  3. WAKE UP says:

    All I have to say to Harawira is “GIVE ME BACK MY GUITARS – all ten of them” , except he’d be too illiterate to recognise that as the meatphor that it is ;-)

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      Some of our international visitors won’t get that one either, Wakey.

      • KG says:

        Love the new avatar, Gantt. :smile:

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          It’s a temporary tribute to the Great Man. I’ll keep it up for a couple weeks and revert back. The very least I could thi of to do, really.

  4. KG says:

    Thanks to John Key, I very much doubt NZ will be able to recover from the damage these bastards have caused and will continue to cause to New Zealand society.
    The really odd thing, after living in NZ and talking to lots of people about this, is how few Kiwis recognise either the damage or the threat. It’s become a background irritant, like the weather.

    • octagongrappler says:

      John Key is a disgrace and a liar!!

      What about those 170,000 new jobs by 2014 john?? Or catching Australia by 2020.

      Or one law for all in NZ? How is that going John Boy!!!

  5. mara says:

    …”How few Kiwis recognise either the damage or the threat.” I don’t know about that KG. I believe that a silent majority probably does know what is happening but stays largely silent because it’s just going to happen anyway and it’s hard enough just getting by without having frothing lefties, who have the media’s ear, screaming raaccciiisssittt whenever they hear a darkie being “dissed.” John Key is leaking Tory votes big time though, for what little comfort that’s worth.

    • KG says:

      Well, it’s some comfort, Mara. I’ve reached the point where I think almost anything would be preferable to Key’s sly knife in the back for productive Kiwis.

  6. Darin says:

    So what we have here then is a lefty in the tribal rights/racial oppression industry and like leftists everywhere all he is really good at is stealing and then giving away things that don’t belong to him be it rights or property?

    What did I win? :grin:

    • KG says:

      Win? For stating the glaringly obvious? Geddoffit!
      (but have a beer on me. :smile: )

      • Darin says:

        Glaringly obvious? Man I was using my awesome power of deductive reasoning.

        I deduced that he was an a–hole by the way you guys and gals were cussing and throwing chairs at him :mrgreen:

        • KG says:

          Oh. I misjudged the level of awesomeness involved. My apologies.
          Have another beer. :roll:

  7. Darin says:

    Oh,BTW Hannity is supposed to air the Obama tapes tonight!

  8. Kris K says:

    “(unlike maori “leaders”, who are motivated entirely by greed and hatred of whitey. kg)”

    Suddenly Hone “I hate white MOFOS” Harawira’s niece [Mihi Puriri] being married to a Muslim [Algerian Mohamed Azzaoui] starts to make more sense …

    • KG says:

      Yep. As does the numbers of criminal brown assholes in jails converting to islam. What you’re looking at here is the beginning of a alliance between two thuggish sections of society.

    • octagongrappler says:


      When black people in the states or maoris and plynesians embrace Islam. Its more of an anti-whitey thing then trying to reach some spiritual salvation. Sonny Bill is a classic, Mundine converted him and we know Mundine hates Whitey.

    • WAKE UP says:

      “Suddenly Hone “I hate white MOFOS” Harawira’s niece [Mihi Puriri] being married to a Muslim [Algerian Mohamed Azzaoui] starts to make more sense ”

      I guess that, culturally speaking, she didn’t mind him beating her up either. ( Hey Hone – at least he’s not white ! ) :mrgreen:

  9. dondiego says:

    Decades of socialism has weakened the resolve of many Kiwis. Some I have spoken to (business owners/self-employed even) still think John Key is o.k.
    It’s apathy bordering on Stockholm Syndrome- the above thug racist continues to draw a salary of my hard-earned and has holidays while working against me!

    And nobody here seems to give a shit :evil:
    Hone Hat-rack is just another nail in N.Zs coffin-

  10. Jay says:

    Anyone know if this parasite has ever had a job that didn’t result in sponging off the tax payer?

    • KG says:

      Jay, I’ve looked, but can’t find any evidence that he has. (And the Wikipedia entry for the bastard reads like something his PR agent dreamed up. One more reason not to trust that source).

  11. To be honest i don’t know why anyone would want to invest in anything ‘state’ owned. Unless they weren’t terribly keen on getting something back.

    I suppose investing in a NZ owned state asset is better than a Venezuelan owned asset, but still, i’d think twice.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The reason they look so good, RWT, is the paucity of alternatives. The stock market is a joke, the arse has fallen out of the property market and the kiwisaver funds as losing money hand over fist.

  12. Cadwallader says:

    What keeps me afloat is the knowledge that this type of racist scum will eventually be exposed, ridiculed and destroyed, along with their stone-age beliefs and myths. It’ll take time but it will happen. I draw my inspiration from the arduous, but ultimately fruitful demolition of the man-made climate absurdity. In some ways the two types of filth (racist jerk-offs and climate loons) are similar as they both champion the destruction of western values, enterprise and logic. What germinates this vileness can only be guessed at, but both flourish on the gullibility of too many and the laziness of so-called “journalists.”

    • WAKE UP says:

      Maybe Cad, but I fear that long before then, having “won”, they’ll be seen sitting around like so many carrion on the corpse of what was once a great society, wondering what to do next and not having a f**cking clue.