There is no political saviour. Only a varying rate of stupidity.

‘A coalition government would give protection visas to at least 1000 at-risk refugee women and their dependants every year, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says.
Mr Abbott made the announcement to coincide with International Women’s Day…’  (bold mine kg)      source
So the Aussie taxpayer will continue to pick up the tab for other countries’ dysfunctional societies, for the consequences of primitivism and savagery. Why? What made those things our responsibility? And if Western countries continue to do this, how will those crap countries ever change? This amounts to an open cheque, to be drawn against Aussie kid’s futures.

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7 Responses to There is no political saviour. Only a varying rate of stupidity.

  1. He’s probably just trying to shore up the more wobbly liberal vote. There are plenty of those irritating and whiny intellectual tweeners among the libs who want to throw open the gates, unfortunately. You see they don’t really care about assimilation, who-pays-for-all-this and all that, they’re sipping their soy-chai skim lattes and what not in the inner city so they don’t care about where all these people are going to stay and work. They don’t do that sort of thinking.

    It reminds me of the back-flip Barry O’Farrell pulled over the uranium exploration thing, prior to the election he promised it would never happen. Smart politics i think, the electorate is not mature enough to handle such things and can easily be whipped up by hysterical and dishonest lefties and the media.

    Now that the election is over and the shrill squawking over it can’t do any damage, he’s gone ahead and let it through, which i believe has been welcomed by the towns involved.

    Tony Abbott will have to do the same for work choices, promise that it’ll never happen because i know the electorate will easily be whipped up by the lying leftards, never mind company after company sacking and off shoring like crazy under the rudd/gillard mess, Abbott will have to tell us that it’ll never happen and change his mind after the election so as to slow the fleeing jobs and save what’s left. And mark my words, he’ll be hated, pilloried and loathed for it every step of the way.

  2. KG says:

    He’ll be hated and pilloried whatever he does, RWT, won’t he?
    I love your “They don’t do that sort of thinking.”
    Exactly. And they never will.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Speaking of which, is Malcolm Turnbull the AusLibs Olympia Snowe? I mean the guy was obviously drunk or duped when he signed up for a party called the “Liberals” thinking he was going into some progressive leftist outfit! On top of his Never Shutting The Hell Up About Climate Change he’s now, rather than rejecting outright the Finkelstein recommendations, saying the report “deserves careful study and community discussion”. Prick is looking more and more like Lee Rhiannon’s long lost idiot brother every damn day.

  4. KG says:

    :shock: He really said that???
    Somebody, please, put the bastard out of our misery!

  5. KG says:


  6. KG says:

    Turnbull has opinions, ambition and self-regard. What he doesn’t have is conservative principles.