Obama’s killer drones: Coming soon to a suburb near you?

‘FBI Director Robert Mueller, when pressed at agency budget hearing, says he has to check with Justice Department whether Eric Holder’s criteria for targeted killing of Americans can be justified within US…’

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10 Responses to Obama’s killer drones: Coming soon to a suburb near you?

  1. GW says:

    As bad as this sounds, I think Mueller is confused. The whole basis for targeted killings of U.S. citizens outside of the U.S. was that law enforcement couldn’t lay their hands on the traitor inside any of our 57 states. No one, not even Darth Chaney (one of my heroes) ever made any sort of argument to the contrary. Outside of a civil war and the suspension of habeus corpus, all Constitutional protections apply inside our borders.

    • KG says:

      “..all Constitutional protections apply inside our borders.”
      With respect, GW..no they don’t. Not any more. The TSA and the actions of SWAT teams etc have demonstrated that very well.
      In fact, it’s becoming difficult to find Constitutional protections which haven’t been ignored or circumvented by this and previous Administrations and Federal bureaucrats.

    • Ronbo says:

      As one who has been on the U.S. Secret Service (the American SS) shit list since 1994 when they framed me for the attempted assassination of President Clinton, which, of course, never took place – I think I can say without fear of contradiction, the U.S. Constitution means nothing to federal oppression enforcement.

      For example in my case, the USA v. Barbour, the SS violated my rights under the 1st, 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution in addition to violation of the almost sacred Writ of Habeas Corpus, and kept me locked up in prison without right to communicate for two weeks in early 1994 without the knowledge of the courts before finally hauling before a federal judge.

      In the years my release from prison in 1998, hardly a week goes by without some sort of harassment by the American SS. I would note countless incidents where I have lost good jobs because SS agents dropped in for a “chat” with an employer, who in many cases discharged me as “radioactive.” Ditto for apartment owners who generally never renew my lease.

      I don’t mean to whine, in fact, this undeserved and unconstitutional oppression has turned me into a revolutionary beast who dreams terrible dreams of the destruction of federal power of the same power that drove Sam Adams to confront the oppressive British Empire of King George III.

      In years past, I suffered mostly alone, but today I notice that I have been joined by an ever growing national and international legion of Freedom Fighters who have exhausted all means of peaceful redress with their various governments and have decided on revolutionary war, as is the right of We The People when elections and peaceful redress cannot remove tyranny from power.

      I say that revolutions from time to time are as necessary for a healthy nation as the odd forest fire is necessary to destroy the crap that builds up in the forest floor.


  2. Darin says:

    I’m doing the only thing that makes sense-developing the capability to take down drones :twisted:

  3. K says:

    He should have asked BEFORE they nailed Breitbart. :oops:

  4. oswald bastable says:

    Signal analyzer to find the control frequency, then a signal generator at that frequency into a big transmitter- in the kilowatt range. Watch drone fly off into the sunset.

    Well- it worked on model planes that used to buzz around the barrack on sunday hangover morning- so I’m told…

  5. oswald bastable says:

    Now if I were writing a story on this, I would rig an R/C plane as a guided missile- camera streaming video to guide it in on final. Sex it up for the story with rocket motors for a final boost of speed and an explosive charge- nothing so dull as just flying into the engine intake…

    • KG says:

      Apparently the Palis were working on something very similar a couple of years ago. :shock: Don’t give ’em any more ideas, Os!