‘Tactical Advice For The Battle Between The Sexes’

Francis Porretto gives it, and it’s good.
‘…8. Vanity cases among men are rare. Ask us how our day went and the modal answer is “Fine.” But that’s a response we only get from you when you’re not fine – in fact, when you’re angry with us. The modal answer from you is encyclopedic in length and involves a minimum of four other people about whom we couldn’t care less. If we should dare to try to abbreviate it, all hell breaks loose….’

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21 Responses to ‘Tactical Advice For The Battle Between The Sexes’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Bill Whittle and Alfonzo Rachel talking to the PolitiChicks about the Wimpification of American Men (not that I watch PolitiChicks. Nossir, no way):


  2. Darin says:

    “a woman’s straightforward questions “

    Oh and I would add-don’t ask us how we are (or anything else) until at least an hour after we get home from work.Don’t tell us anything either,see we just drove 80 miles through the a–holes going TO work,then 8 or 10 hrs later got away from the a–holes AT work and then drove 80 miles back through the a–holes in traffic.Our nerves are shot and the last thing we want to hear is a bunch of chatter.We need time to decompress like a deep sea diver,other wise we might explode or have an Aneurysm or something.

    The only acceptable(safe)actions for you during this time are as follows-
    #1 Say nothing
    #2 Back rub while doing #1
    #3 Supplying a cold beer while doing #2
    #4 Sex after #2&3
    Pretty simple huh?

  3. KG says:

    :lol: Just wait until Mara reads that, Darin.. :popcorn

    • Darin says:

      Well we haven’t had any “Proofs” in awhile,so I figured why not precipitate some? :twisted:

      Seriously,I have gone through two girlfriends just for that reason.Coming home from 12hrs in a shipyard dry dock to endless incessant chattering about shopping trips and weddings I need to go to yada,yada,yada FFS!All I want is my ears to stop ringing,to get in a shower and wrap up todays collection of cuts,burns and busted knuckles before hearing all that BS.

      In the words of Motley Crew-Girl don’t go away mad,girl just go away-

  4. Lucia Maria says:

    Hmmm, when I ask hubby how his day went, it’s encyclopaedic in length. By the time he’s finished, he’s completely forgotten to ask about mine. But I give him a lot of lee-way – his company has got him working 3 or more positions, evaluating him on 2 and remunerating him inadequately for one.

    • KG says:

      You’ve just spoiled a fine rant with facts, Lucia Maria! :lol:

    • WAKE UP says:

      Sounds like Lucia’s hubby has a strong feminine side :whoop

      • Darin says:

        Might be,I’ve never felt the need to tell anybody female or male how my day went,unless they have been there what could they possibly have to offer?And why would it be good for me to unload on them anyway?
        Best bet is to go outside and hummm a freshly emptied beer bottle across the way into the dumpster-200′ toss=epic hail Mary :cool:

  5. mara says:

    KG. I’ve been busy and just read your comment of 21/3 to Darin. Sir, your inflammatory and goading suggestion that I might POSSIBLY have an opinion on male/female relations, much less a strong one, completely misrepresents my docile, placid , obedient and agreeable nature. Really!! Where DO you get such ideas? :roll:

  6. KG says:

    “..docile, placid , obedient and agreeable nature.” :wtf
    Is this somebody pretending to be Mara? :lol:

  7. KG says:

    You go first…I’ll cover you. :cool:

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    Heh. It’s been nice knowing you, gents.

  9. KG says:

    :roll: a man’s gotta do…..

  10. mara says:

    To all of the above. ….. The wimmin at my feminist, pacifist, diversity collective initially wanted your balls and much fun was had imagining how we might remove them from you; but in the end, they counselled me to avoid responding to your childish, SEXIST taunting. So I won’t. Too busy anyway with the Te Reo immersion courses and the Islam appreciation lectures at the Mosque. :popcorn

  11. KG says:

    Gentlemen, we are safe. :twisted:
    “The wimmin at my feminist, pacifist, diversity collective initially wanted your balls..”
    Well, that’s a relief–a bunch of wimmin talking about it will never reach a conclusion, let alone a plan of action. They’ll sit around saying the same things to one another in a dozen different ways, close the meeting with an agreement that it was “meaningful and productive” and they still won’t have a coherent plan. :whoop