The scumbag leftist media:

Tim Blair has the details.
‘When Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 people at Fort Hood in 2009, the media went into standard Prebyterian protection mode:
The motive for the deadly Fort Hood shooting rampage that has left America reeling is still unclear.
This was despite Hasan yelling “Allahu Akbar” before commencing his rampage. As D.G. Myers points out, we’re again in no-motive land following the mass murder of Jewish children and French soldiers in Toulouse:
…the Times went on to reveal that Merah “called himself a mujahedeen [sic],” which the newspaper helpfully translated as a “freedom fighter.” (Because, you know, to shoot Jewish schoolchildren in the head at close range is obviously to strike a blow for freedom.)..’

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19 Responses to The scumbag leftist media:

  1. KG says:

    Richard Fernandez of Belmont Club makes a profound point:
    ‘Europe can face Nazism with great moral confidence and contempt. After all the US Army already beat them in 1945. They are as safe fighting Nazis as shooting paper targets on the range. The Mohammed Merah’s shoot back. At the heart of the European evasion is a deep awareness of incapacity. They won’t face the obvious challenges because they fear they can’t — at least not without reforming themselves…’

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Wow. Now that’s a damn fine point.

    • Kris K says:

      Also from your link, KG [emphasis mine]:

      Europe will follow suit too, in due time. Lags are a feature of history. It is entirely possible that a hundred years from now, when shape-shifters from another solar system are menacing the earth, that governments will routinely identify mysterious attacks as the work of radical Islamists, whose challenge was met in the mid-21st century, and which has been dormant for 60 years.

      The safest enemy to fight is the one you know doesn’t really exist.

      So like the useless and cowardly Marxist left – only prepared to fight columns of non-existent smoke rather than the REAL enemy.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Melanie Phillips also has an interesting take on things.

    • Kris K says:

      Indeed, Gantt.

      Melanie highlights, among other things, that tyranny in ALL its forms [whether that be Islamism, National Socialism, Marxism, non-biblical ‘Christianity’ (you know who I mean) et al] is inherently against ALL forms of genuine freedom and are invariably both anti-Semitic and anti-Christian. It goes without saying that all forms of tyranny are therefore against the Judeo-Christian democratic West.

      That the Islamic world was in FULL support of Hitler’s Nazi agenda to cleanse the world of Jewry [among others] is also no surprise.

      But perhaps the leftist appeasers/enablers [especially the leftist media] are the GREATEST enemies of all those resident in the West. Deal with them and much of the in-house Islamic threat simply disappears.

  3. Katie says:

    The world saw very well the anti-Semitism inbred in the EU, European governments, the Elites and 90% of average Europeans.

    Do you think Aston would have compared the killing of 4 white Christians to Gaza the way she did?

  4. Darin says:

    I think it’s the media’s rape victim mentality.When a Muslim does what Muslims do the media simply close their eyes and ears and pretend it isn’t happening.These are people we must remember who have no spine and they are completely incapable of dealing with the event themselves.Instead of doing what real Men and Women do and taking a hard stand to defeat the evil,they hide in the bunker and sulk.

    If they aren’t hiding,they are actively betraying the rest of us.The press here in the states have never hid the fact that they adore all things European.Including the European belief that appeasement will bring about peace.Since the media doesn’t have the money to buy appeasement directly like European governments do,they do the next best thing to appease the death cult which is actively supply them with cover.Either action is futile either for the shear treason it represents or the foolishness of believing appeasement will ever end in anything but war or subjugation.

    • Kris K says:

      Why do all these idiots choose to follow the failed example of Chamberlain [the ultimate appeaser: “peace in our time” – famous last words] rather than embracing the ONLY approach that actually works as embodied in Churchill’s response to advancing tyranny??!

      These same idiots choose to ignore what genuine evil is and where it resides.
      Solution: identify the enemy and route it from our midst.

  5. Moneo says:

    “According to Marine Le Pen, feisty head of the National Front, the Toulouse killings are evidence that France has “dangerously underestimated the threat of Islamic fundamentalism”.

    Is that fair?

    As a criticism, it cannot be dismissed out-of-hand just because she is on the far right. Seven people have been murdered in horrific circumstances, and the killer found his justification in Islam.”

    I was stunned to read this article in the BBC:

    Almost balanced journalism.

  6. Scumsucker says:

    ‘What is happening on the Continent [Islamisization] is tragic, in part because it was entirely unnecessary.’

  7. WAKE UP says:

    From Richard Fernandez’ Belmont Club: “… the suspect Merah was generally described by his neighbors as a quiet man, with a penchant for watching “violent jihadist videos online, including footage of decapitations” at home…”

    This is one of the things that REALLY pisses me off. Despite the tenor of the above article, and the post here, that we lack capacity and confidence, WE actually invented and have all the tools neccessary (including the bloody video on which he watched his decapitations), if we could only realise it, and be more selfish about it. The ragheads are presently using all our own tools AGAINST us (when they find time to stop using them to decide which goat to f**ck next).

    I’ve said it before: No culture that could not invent the aeroplane should be allowed to board one. I’ll now expand that to: No culture should be allowed to use any technology that it didn’t invent, until we can see that culture’s intent.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      His neighbors knew he spent his time watching edifying, uplifting videos of infidels being decapitated, and didn’t think that maybe they should pick up a damn telephone and let the local gendarmerie know they might, perhaps, possibly have a problem?

      • WAKE UP says:

        As also noted at Belmont Club: he possibly lived in a neighbourhood where everyone watched decapitation videos :popcorn

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          That would likely explain it. Time to put up some fences and call in the army for some live-fire exercises, methinks.

  8. mara says:

    Two comments from this…. “Being smart in the application of one’s prejudices keeps one alive.” and … “Is the West really too stupid to survive?” To the second, I wonder.

  9. oswald bastable says:

    ‘Freedom Fighter’
    Yeah, like all the brave French resistance circa WWII.

    The ones that sprung up when the after June 6th, 1944- just in time to start knocking off ‘collaborators’, that is…

    • KG says:

      That’d be after they helped the Nazis round up French Jews and load them into cattle cars…

    • Flashman says:

      You got that right. My Old Man went from D-Day +1 Gold Beach through to Hamburg in ’45 as a RAF fighter bomber liaison bod attached to the famous XXX Corps. Once a French urban locale was liberated, every greasy Frog turned out en mass to reveal they were hard core Resistance Fighters.

      On local leave in France he and a couple of his mates were once held at gunpoint by a gang of these so-called resistance fighters on account of their RAF blue being similar to that of the Luftwaffe. [The fact that the Front had moved on two weeks previously was of no consequence to these bravos.]

      The upshot of this incident was that RAF lads were offered the choice of wearing army khaki battledress whilst in France. The Old Man’s set had three obvious bullet holes in it – so he told them to F–k that, and stayed in his blues.

  10. GW says:

    I have an Iranian cousin by marriage who actually was an Islamic “holy warrior: – i.e., a PEK “Mujahadeen” – who fought in the Iraq-Iran war (on the Iraqi side against Khomeini) in the 80’s. Having discussed everything muslim with him for 25 years, I can assure you that he will laugh and shake his head at the “silly westerners” defining Mujahadeen as “freedom fighter.” As are, I am sure, any jihadist reading this tripe. Who the hell do these MSM 5th columnists think that they are kidding?