This could get serious…

The town’s cut off and the shops are running out of food here. No big problem. But… 200 semi-trailers are held up in town and the beer supplies are dwindling rapidly.

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22 Responses to This could get serious…

  1. mawm says:

    Running out of beer…….. :shock:

  2. KG says:

    A fate worse than death….. :sad: And now half the ‘phone services are down and wireless internet is even worse than usual.

  3. jonno1 says:

    I hope it doesn’t get to this point…

    • KG says:

      Ah yes, Jonno1–another tragedy struck last night–the historic Burketown pub burned down! :cry:
      It’s the End Times, I tell ya.

      • Moist von Lipwig says:

        Blessed are the sparkies :razz:

        From 9News

        “It is the last remaining of about 26 pubs that used to be in Burketown,” she said.
        The pub’s cold-room is still standing and the local electrician is busily hooking it up to a generator.
        “At least when people knock off they can have a coldie, I hope,” Ms Clarke said.

        Priorities Priorities :grin:

  4. oswald bastable says:

    Do they not have an Air Force that can drop essential supplies? :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Damned Air Force is distracted with rescuing idiots trying to drive 1 metre high cars through three metres of water.
      Typical Blue Jobs–never here when they’re needed.

  5. Ciaron says:

    Sounds like you need to investigate methods of beer self sufficiency…

  6. KG says:

    Rainwater would be good, Ciaron. Except there’s almost no rain where we’re going. :sad:

  7. WAKE UP says:

    Time to listen to that Slim Dusty record again, KG : “she’s down to the diff and still goin…” :cool:

    • KG says:

      Great song…anyone who’s been bogged out on the blacksoil plains knows exactly what he’s talking about. Ute bogged, send tractor. Tractor bogged, send bulldozer…..
      Send beer.

  8. Bob says:

    So, you gots 200 semis and no beer. I’d be looking into the contents of said semis, bet there’s beer in at least one., desperate times, desperate measures.